VIDEO: RIGHT OF REPLY By Suzie Dawson, Kim Dotcom & The Internet Party The views and opinions expressed in this video by Suzie Dawson do not represent the views of Vinny Eastwood Or Postman Investigates.
In order to ensure transparent reporting, All political parties WILL be given a right of reply to tell their side. Vinny Eastwood
Who Are You Really Voting For? The Internet Party, Kimdotcom (NZ Election Series Part 9 FINAL EPISODE) The Internet party were funded by Kim Dotcom,
A man happy to pay to get citizenship into New Zealand, But got sore at John Banks when he found out that his Dollars, didn’t give him protection from the FBI. His hacking credentials were written about and known before we let him in. The party basically destroyed Hone Harawira’s chances, As his sellout alienated voters, And he surrounded himself with press flunkies, Who did nothing to explain the real evil, Was not the persecution of Kim Dotcom, And a variety of frauds, No smaller or larger, Than the frauds conducted by big time players in the entertainment sector. But, what made Kim Dotcom’s system unique, was it offered artists the ability to have a transparent downloads system. Which ensured the cheque they received from the big players, actually reflected the number of hits they got. New Zealanders Protest National Government In The Rain Vinny Eastwood does more work than ALL mainstream media COMBINED at John Banks' Sentencing When you are more or less the ONLY alternative radio host and film maker in the country to produce content regularly, it's a great burden of responsibility to cover as much as possible in any given moment. When you're 1 of hundreds and thousands of mainstream media radio and news makers, you only have a responsibility to wait around doing nothing for hours to ask a few shallow questions in order to get a sound bite or two. I ensure that you are given the full story and have a bit of fun at the same time if possible. If you value the work I do then please start donating today! Details on the home page Youtube Videos I chased John Banks down the street with a megaphone today He got 2 months curfew Thursday to Sunday 7pm-7am and 100 hours community service. For failing to declare $50,000 of donations that he had a deal with Kim Dotcom to split into 2 payments of $25,000 so they could be donated anonymously. Penny Bright gives her take on the sentencing and conviction of John Banks for corruption. Why it's a weak sentence that does not send a strong enough message to politicians that they're not a protected species. But at the very least, the very first precedent has been set, a private citizen, can prosecute and get a corrupt official convicted of a crime at last! An epic and open interview with the man who made private prosecution famous! Graham McCready has served peoples best interest as an advocate for the best part of 50 years. This case against John Banks, former Mayor of Auckland, Leader of the ACT party, Minister of parliament, is one showered in public light but my feeling is the media are just not capable of doing an interview like this! It's fun, off the cuff and gets into some real deep legal and emotional issues, we should all be so fortunate to have such a man in the service of New Zealand and the world should be jealous! Graham McCready is giving most of the court costs he is claiming to charity! How can anyone still continue to stick up for John Banks without being their own special brand of corrupt scum we'll never know, but it is certain that Mr McCready is taking John Key to court next! How can anyone seriously believe this tripe from a politician convicted of electoral fraud? 3 years of trial and only on the day of his sentencing does he say "oh there's this water tight, new, fresh, newfangled, unimpeachable, diamond coated, leather armoured, condom latex wrapped evidence! I'm innocent! It will vindicate me int he court of appeal!" "What evidence?" "Never mind that! I don't want to jeopardize my chances of appeal!" Is ANYONE seriously dumb enough to believe anything he's got to say in his own defense? Considering he never took the witness stand during the trial to defend himself? Hmmmm??? Transcript: Since The finding of the court Fresh, New unimpeachable water tight evidence has emerged fresh new unimpeachable water tight evidence has emerged And that new evidence completely contradicts much of the evidence given in the court in front of the judge which resulted in this conviction And we're looking forward to releasing that completely fresh, unimpeachable, new evidence in the court of appeal, and in the process of time, that evidence will completely exonerate me of these charges. And finishing up here, I respect the courts, no one is above the law, I've come here today and I stood in the dock with my shoulders back, this has been by installment, serious punishment for myself and my family over nearly 3 years. I have had a lifetime of business and a lifetime of community service and doing public good, I don't file false anything, I don't file false electoral returns, I told you that on day 1 So we're going to the court of appeal to put that fresh, new, compelling evidence about what happened at the time of the luncheon to the court of appeal. "What is that evidence MR Banks?" I can't tell you what that evidence is, it should have been received in David Jones' written evidence, we did not know the name or where these people were, It was only until recently have they come forward to put down that evidence for the court of appeal and only after or presumably after the trial. So could we leave it at that because I don't want to affect the outcome of the court of appeal, I want to finish as I began, I am completely innocent of these charges, I would never file a false return and I'm confident that at the end of this long convoluted judicial process I will be vindicated and found innocent. You have but 1 choice to have a representative in parliament that is both independent and a credible candidate to expose the corrupt & stand by the will of the people, Penny Bright!
I'm cutting my radio show back to 2-3 episodes per week because there's a lot of other work that I feels needs to be done in a timely fashion considering our current political climate.
I hope you'll all continue to support me with your generous donations as I go through these cross-roads! Here's my short list of things to do (in no particular order): -Make the audio book for Ian Wishart's best-selling book Totalitaria -Make a short 5 minute youtube video explaining simply who John Key is and what the TPPA means for New Zealand -Finish my John Key rap song about all the bad stuff National's done since in power -Write a spoof song of Coolio's Gangsters Paradise and make it into Banksters paradise (ala New Zealand!) -Full length documentary ideas, "FULL SPECTRUM" Interviews with NZ activists explaining how this country really works from top to bottom "A KEY DECISION" about how NZ Prime Ministers always go back on their word and destroy the country for the benefit of the bankers -Finish editing the NORML "colorado calling" conference with 2 cameras -Set up the editors of Uncensored and NZ Journal of natural medicine with skype so I can interview them regularly on my show -Write/perform a stand up comedy routine at the Classic Comedy Bar (in tribute to Bill Hicks and George Carlin for putting the real truth into comedy) -Edit music video for "Happy Birthday" by The Pakehachis & finish our 2nd album -An episode on Bomber Bradbury, his desire to steer NZ politics and seize power, is it for New Zealand? MANA? The Internet Party? NORML? Or Himself? -A Cannabis Documentary about Dakta Green and the Daktory, NZ's fanciest Tinny shop, how the gangs, Meth Addicts, media and cops brought about its closure. -Write a book "Open Resistance" a sci-fi novel in a dystopian future where a totalitarian government has been in control of earth for a hundred years while an enlightened, psychically gifted, technologically advanced resistance movement has developed and seek to take earth back. -Write a book of lame jokes -Make a small series of videos showing people how to do everything I can do on an iMac, radio shows, website editing & film making, monetizing, advertising & asking for donations. So if anyone wants to start doing it for themselves they'll know how to do it fast, free and for the right reasons. -Do a well edited short video with all my freemason symbolism screenshots from hollywood showing how no matter what year, studio, genre or plot, there's almost always deliberately placed freemasonic symbols throughout films. Validating Frater X and his discovery that this was a deliberate agenda to control consciousness with the symbolism and subliminal effects thereof permeating the culture of freemasonry and ancient egypt. -Start doing regular Vinny Eastwood parties at my house for truthers and activists to chill, hang out and have some great conversations to help bring us together as an alternative community. -Organize a Vinny Eastwood world tour, go to different countries and cities around the world staying at listeners houses and doing broadcasts. Acquire new equipment -27" iMac i7, (replacing the old one that's on its last legs) -17" macbook air (for work while traveling) -Portable PA system with USB and computer input, (for protests/public meetings) -Projector and screen (to provide AV gear for public meetings) -Green screen (for making professional looking documentaries/videos from home) -Somehow get on mainstream TV and radio to try and raise the public consciousness using the very brainwashing mechanism that disabled it! Ok I think that's about it? Thanks for all your love and support over the years everyone! Vinny Eastwood MR NEWS |