Sitting up late at night with the heater on and the artificial light blazing down I look back on the week that was with hope for a better tomorrow, hopefully it'll involve some form of sleep and sense of accomplishment that I finally got the archiving finished! Monday: Professor John Searl and Bradley Lockerman, Free Energy and Anti Gravity Device Inventor! Tuesday: Tom Hatsis, Attempting To Debunk Jan Irvins Work, Scott Bartle, Exposing Australias Banking Mafia Wednesday: Ralph Engle & Susanne Posel, Alex Jones At Bilderberg & The Mentality Of The Elite Thursday: John Russell, Australia's Peoples Parliament Now Being Set Up To Counter Corporate Governance! Friday: Jan Irvin, Responding in detail to the attacks by Tom Hatsis Earlier In THE Week All these great shows are now available for your listening pleasure for free at
If you support the idea of giving a platform to diverse voices from all over the world then SUBSCRIBE TODAY! For 1$ a month you can get commercial free archives that save hours of listening time every week. Visit The Home Page at and Subscribe Through Paypal. Or The Bank Account Below Kiwibank: 38-9010-0455296-00 Name: GUERILLA MEDIA Once Subscribed you can Access Ad Free Archives Here 14 June 2013, Responding To Fallacies With Logic! Jan Irvin, Defending Against And Discrediting Tom Hatsis. Vinny's Nutshell: Jan Irvin Warning to listeners Earlier on this week I had a man named Tom Hatsis come on the show and use the show as a platform to attack the work of Jan Irvin and this has resulted in a huge load of rebuttal from Jan so much that we can't even fit it into a show! Vinny became frustrated and insulted Jan Irvin on this broadcast and all such insults are hereby withdrawn as I've now realized how wrong I am & how much damage has been caused to Jan because of me and for that I apologize. It was a very intense show and I apologize to the listenersas it is an Intense show and not done in the usual jovial manner. Jan breaks down on a line by line basis the fallacies postulated by Tom Hatsis using facts, references and source material to back up his claims while at the same time exposing the use of logical fallacies and ad hominem attacks used by Hatsis. 13 June 2013, Australian Peoples Parliament Will Take The Country Back From The Corporate Government! John Russell Vinny's NUTShell: The Commonwealth of Australia is not 1 entity but 2, a shadowy scumbaggery Corporation government and the peoples Parliament where laws that benefit THE PEOPLE are passed by ordinary folk that choose to talk and listen in the case of arguments and not set fires or contaminate soil for 1000 years with depleted Uranium, at times like that it's clear diplomacy has failed. The Australian people must be set free from the rule of corporate thugs tied in with the UN that are implementing Agenda 21 and all manner of diabolical carbon tax schemes. As a people Australians are being robbed of the future they would prefer to pass on to their grand children, it's clear that the Government in Canberra is not a Parliament acting in the best interests of the people, and the time has finally come where the Peoples Parliament will return to Australia and let us all hope and pray that by bringing the people together, you can kick the tyrants out. 12 June 2013, Waiter Overhears Banker Elite! Ralph Engle, Susanne Posel, The Alex Jones Controversy On The BBC. Vinny's Nutshell: Ralphe Engle Talented Musician currently working in London as a waiter when he overhears some very interesting conversations at the table about treating people like cattle and stealing as much as they can. Susanne Posel & Is Alex Jones using an over the top persona on television on purpose or is it natural? Look at the ratings Alex Jones produces, getting more people interested in the real issues than anyone else during these epic rants on mainstream media. One concern could be that his demeanor might get used by the media out of context to demonize others, if so, does the ranting and yelling truly represent most people who wish to peacefully (if possible) overthrow global tyranny? 11 June 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "THE REGION 10 REPORT" With Susanne Posel, Stop Complying With The System NOW! Vinny's Nutshell: Susanne Posel & Special Guests: William Greathouse Cathy Rubio Todays topic is about non compliance with the system, why it is so important to do so and more to the point how everyone can participate by simple actions that jam the system, because if we don't stop it dead in its tracks we'll all be dead as it rolls over the top of us. 11 June 2013, Jan Irvin Is Wrong About Mushrooms In History! Tom Hatsis, Scott Bartle, Australian & Global Banking Mafia. Vinny's Nutshell: Tom Hatsis According to his deep research with original texts and translating documents himself it's come to light that what Jan Irvin has been saying about mushrooms throughout history and the idea that Jesus did not exist and was in fact amushroom is a complete misinterpretation with no evidence behind it. Scott Bartle After finding out that the Australian government is actually not 1 entity but 2, the corporation vs that of a government for the people, Scott is now looking into the banking sector in an attempt to bring to light that all loans given by banks in fact never existed and indeed are fraudulent! Below is Jan Irvins Written Reply in PDF Form Recently posted on facebook 10 June 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "OMEGA NEWS" With Scott Keisler, Waking Up Through Trauma and Laughter Vinny's Nutshell: Scott Keisler A great discussion about how you wake up due to trauma and laughter, Vinny's past drug dealing and work experiences led to waking up and exposing scumbaggery so why can't we all get messed round and become warriors? 10 June 2013, Power Companies Discredit Free Energy, Prof. John Searl, Bradley Lockerman, The Deliberate Cover Up Of An Incredible Device. Vinny's Nutshell: Professor John Searl, Bradley Lockerman Inventor of an incredible machine that produces both electricity and an anti-gravity field comes on with the film maker who made it famous! The tale of suppression and ridicule by mainstream science. All these great shows are now available for your listening pleasure for free at
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The political arena leaves one no alternatives, one must be either a dunce or a rogue.
–Emma Goldman If you believe everything you read, see, and hear, you’d think we’re in the freest, most democratic world that has ever been. In some senses, this is true: compared to the cultures of the past, people today are freer than their forebears. However, this has been the result not of the wisdom of rulers and governments, but from the tireless work of everyday people like you and me who fought to establish previously unrecognized rights. Civil society (which today is eroding worldwide in the face of capitalist corporate wealth and power) is the end product of the efforts of people who’ve come before, sacrificing time and in many cases, lives, to make the world a more livable place. It is in this respect that anarchists again stand out as the only group of people who honestly believe in democracy. Again, we hear a lot about democracy, freedom, liberty, and justice out of the mouths of political leaders, but they have no understanding of what these things mean–they are merely appropriating the positive associations you have with these images for their own personal gain. Anarchy is Democracy because Anarchists favor direct action. That is, everyday people getting involved in directly improving their situation in their respective communities. We don’t favor people pinning their hopes on representatives to manage things for them. That’s bourgeois “democracy” in action, in fact. Sedate, apathetic masses blindly ratifying decisions already made FOR them by all-knowing leaders. Only fools would consider this democracy, and accept it as a justifiable and desirable system. Anarchists believe in direct democracy, in people not waiting for leaders to decide for them what to support or not support, but in people doing things themselves. The reasoning behind this belief is thus: WE know what’s best for us, in our given communities; and WE don’t need someone else telling us what to do–moreover, we don’t want that!! That’s democracy, REAL democracy: popular self-rule based on the active and informed consent of the governed. Only in anarchy is this even possible. See, anarchists alone believe that no one should be trusted with power, and that positions of power shoud consequently not be institutionalized, but made situational, and rotated about, so a ruling elite doesn’t spring up. We alone favor active, responsible people taking care of themselves instead of relying on government or business to bail us out, and thereby forfeit our independence and autonomy. Wherever capitalism and statism appear, liberty, equality, freedom, and democracy go right out the window. Today in the bourgeois “democracies” we see this in action. The people are “free” to do whatever is permitted them by the government. In other words, you can do whatever THEY say you can do, which is no freedom at all, nor democracy, either. Here’s how these villains get away with it: they adopt Rousseau’s idea of the “Social Contract”, a spurious and self-serving piece of political mythology if ever there was one. This selfsame “contract” says that we all agree to give up some of our liberty and freedom for the “security” provided by the state. And the fine print is this: our silence in this matter is taken as our consent!! Now think for a minute: government exists to protect property; that’s its sole purpose. Those with much property have much freedom in propertarian society; those with less have less freedom, and those with none have no freedom at all. We’re expected to believe that the poor AGREED to be poor??! But leaders pretend that the silence of the poor is in fact their consent to this state of affairs, which is plainly ludicrous. The Social Contract is an act of usurpation, a way for leaders to claim unearned legitimacy. Now, they even go further in pretending that the electoral system as it stands is your voice. In other words, the very people who usurped your freedom now decide how you can respond to this! Again, no freedom at all, here, and even less democracy. Anarchy is Democracy as Anarchists propose a vital alternative: the bad guys choose to believe that your silence gives them a blank slate to do as they wish–so the most important thing for you to do is to be as vocal as you can, on the issues that interest you, and to NOT rely on leaders to deliver you, but to deliver yourself! Anarchists are the only unequivocable supporters of direct democracy out there, folks. That’s one of our greatest strengths, which is why we’ve locked horns with government for over a century. Government wants you passive and obedient–that’s a necessary mindset to get along in governmental society. Society can function that way, but forget liberty, freedom, justice, and equality. Forget solidarity and cooperation–they die in such a stagnant environment. Anarchy is the only way to achieve lasting, true democracy. It’s up to you what you get. Our society has the veneer of democracy without the vital substance–people are “free” to do what they’re told!! Everyone pretends it’s democracy, but in fact it isn’t. It’s a sham. Anarchists alone call attention to this and seek to bring democracy into daily practice for each of us, so we can each live our lives as we see fit, so long as we respect one another’s liberty. That’s a just world, and one we hope to build from the ashes of this one. |