It's my birthday! What an exhausting year!Looking back,
one might say this 33rd year of life was quite productive :) Was a tough year though, lots of stress, heartache and hardship, but you all helped get me through! Your emotional, psychological, spiritual and financial support this year during my times of crisis was truly overwhelming, I want to acknowledge your generosity and express my most heartfelt and humble gratitude for everything each of you sacrificed to help me out this year, Thank you so much for being there for me and being true to yourselves. :) I wish to all of you the rest and merriment you deserve for all your hard work this year, Much love, Vinny Eastwood
VINNY NEEDS HELP Raising $2500 For New Vehicle To Last The Next 10 Years! VIDEO:
My old vehicle has been taken to the wreckers and has been deregistered, She served me well for over 10 years and got me to hundreds of protests, My mate Jono has given me his 2005 2L Audi A4 station wagon to drive while I raise the money to pay for it over the next 3 weeks (and he's willing to accept $2000 for it if I can't raise it all!). It's tidy, has the space for my live streaming and computer gear, but most importantly, it has awesome fuel economy which is of paramount importance considering the government just raised taxes on gas and the oil companies are posting record profits! But, you may ask, what have I done to earn it? Censorship Of Lauren Southern And Stefan Molyneaux In NZ? Sunday Program Is it alright to be white?
NZ media and left wing Labour/Greens/Local government officials & protestors, offered a quick and decisive response to what they called"alt-right" Canadian speakers Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneaux. 1 You cannot speak at our council venues 2 We don't want you in our country 3 We don't want you to speak at any venue 4 We want you gone 5 We're happy you got shut down 6 We're happy you're gone Amidst accusations of Racism, Nazism and various other chicken little labels, one thing was clear after many conversations via social media, few, if any, making these comments was able to illustrate, articulate, or demonstrate precisely what they'd said to earn such a moniker. In fairness, this happens to the pair no matter where they went, or what they said. Regardless, this whole debacle demonstrates very clearly (to me at least), that when the left are not in power, they're very supportive of free speech and equality, they stand up and speak truth to power. But when the left has the power, the crux of their beliefs is revealed to be the Orwellian "some are more equal than others". Understanding Conspiracy Theorists And Theories, Vinny Eastwood, Skeptics Conference Check out my presentation that I gave at the NZ Skeptics Conference!
Explaining what a conspiracy theorist is and what makes us tick! What's New With Vinny Eastwood? Getting A Few Things Off My Chest.
So sorry I haven't been doing shows regularly ladies and gentlemen!
What have I been doing? Firstly: THE AOTEAROA LEGALISE CANNABIS PARTY: During the election I was helping the ALCP (Cannabis party) and after the election it appears there'll be a cannabis referendum. Due to a number of major players in the party leaving in the lead up to the election, I found myself in a position of responsibility as their webmaster, social media advisor, logo designer & campaign strategist etc etc etc. These are responsibilities which at this pivotal moment in NZ's cannabis history, I feel unable to walk away from. In the 2 months since ALCP has asked me to help, (2 weeks notice before election began) I've redesigned every single web page they have, opened the flood gates for their social media so everyone can contribute, uploaded dozens of videos & created new youtube, patreon & paypal accounts. SPECIAL NOTE: NOT JUST CANNABIS VIDS WERE UPLOADED DURING THIS TIME! HUGE LIST OF LINKS TO VIDEOS AND ARCHIVES BELOW! Who Are You Really Voting For? The Internet Party, Kimdotcom (NZ Election Series Part 9 FINAL EPISODE) The Internet party were funded by Kim Dotcom,
A man happy to pay to get citizenship into New Zealand, But got sore at John Banks when he found out that his Dollars, didn’t give him protection from the FBI. His hacking credentials were written about and known before we let him in. The party basically destroyed Hone Harawira’s chances, As his sellout alienated voters, And he surrounded himself with press flunkies, Who did nothing to explain the real evil, Was not the persecution of Kim Dotcom, And a variety of frauds, No smaller or larger, Than the frauds conducted by big time players in the entertainment sector. But, what made Kim Dotcom’s system unique, was it offered artists the ability to have a transparent downloads system. Which ensured the cheque they received from the big players, actually reflected the number of hits they got. VIDEO: Who Are You Really Voting For? TOP The Opportunities Party, Gareth Morgan |