I met Mikey Havoc outside the David Icke event and we had a great little chat about a few things,
He looked forward to appearing on my show and invited me on his, Unfortunately we didn't exchange contact information and I can't find his anywhere. I reminded him that we'd spoken before on the radio and he didn't remember, Synchronistically I was digging through my old archived recordings and I found it! Enjoy :)
Dude that Building 7 debunked has run into 3 complications with facts in the first 37 seconds. 1 Steel framed structures have never collapsed due to fire before or since 9/11, 2 In the largest office fire simulations known the steel bent and misshaped but the overall structure held together. 3 the weakening of steel by fire cannot cause steel to melt or explode. at 47 sec The Beam they show you in the film collapsed at 2000F where you'd be lucky to get above 1200 in an extremely hot office fire. Making this completely irrelevant to their argument of the beams in WTC (ANYTHING let alone) 7. At 55 Sec they say "Beams 'CAN' Break and put the whole structure at risk, this is what happened to building 7", they show no evidence to suggest this, just a cartoon! Probably because they couldn't find any real evidence of this happening in the real world where physics isn't used in conjunction with voodoo or large pointed purple hats. 1:07 "The collapse of the north tower ejected burning debris" How exactly do you push burning debris in all directions? Let alone the extremely heavy beams that were flung clear across the plaza and adjacent streets into the sides of some buildings surround the WTC complex? No explanation is given here either. 1:13 They show a fire on the side of the building, and by 1:17 talk about a damaged water main and a sprinkler system not working. See this sky scraper in china here? It didn't collapse! By 1:20 they say "firefighters were diverted elsewhere" and that's true, because they were busy telling everyone that the building was about to blow up and to get back on CNN! 1:28 "fires burned uncontrolled for nearly 7 hours" Those were incidentally the offices of the SEC who were investigating fraudulent wall street trading at the time, no other offices had fires in them, except the ones collecting large amounts of paper documents and financial records of financial crimes. The water main busts and sprinklers don't work either, and the firefighters get called back from the building as it blows up and comes down. 1:58 they use NIST figures which they took 7 years to release and 200,000 man hours with 10,000+ page report that only 3 weeks was allowed for public debate, deeming it to be enough time to then say it's the "final" report and they constantly contradict themselves. 2:33 "Penthouse collapse...This video is often not shown on conspiracy websites, and because they don't mention this it appears that the entire building collapsed at free fall speed" Um actually yes they do. & NIST even admits that WTC 1, 2 and 7 collapsed at near free fall speed. The penthouse as they call it collapsing before the rest of the building is a common feature of controlled demolition in order to collapse buildings in on themselves you set charges in sequence so that when the connections to beams and columns are severed they implode into the center, rather than blast into the street covering everyone in debris. "Collapse is the inevitable consequence of a steel framed structure being exposed to an uncontrolled fire" which AGAIN! HAS NOT HAPPENED BEFORE OR SINCE 9/11! 2:56 They imply that a 47 story Skyscraper, one of the most secure in the whole of New York City, designed to withstand earthquakes, fire, plane impact & hurricane force wind, is somehow just as weak as a freeway overpass designed to withstand the weight of trucks traveling over it? "It's the only steel framed structure to collapse due to fire alone in history because it's the only one in history to burn uncontrolled for 7 hours, it's that simple" That's a complete lie, other skyscapers have burned for 18 hours, one 32 story in Madrid for 2 days and didn't collapse! http://www.serendipity.li/wot/other_fires/other_fires.htm There, That's how you look at and debunk someones evidence, rather than switching off and saying "they're not credible"
Johnny Wave just sent me his approval to post those pictures. He also wants to share the following with all of us in the 9/11 Truth Movement. Next week, members of 9/11 Truth LA will recieve a full wrap-up on all of this. I am getting choked-up every time I look at these pictures and read his words. He is proud of us for watching his back. Imagine that. We are so honored to have him stand with us. - Randy
9/11 Truthers, First off, thank you all, for what I learned of each person's bold responsibilities they have taken for this movement. I have nothing but gratitude for everyone. May 11th was a great beginning for me, and I look forward to much more. It was great to experience a team that held my back while service member after service member tried their best to attack us. Each person who approached with negativity was ushered away by facts, and personal responsibilities. I've never actually been so proud of a group of people I had never met. I purposely pushed the envelope by wearing my uniform, knowing that I was still under contract of the Marine Corps' IRR. But it was a statement that had to be made, and I look forward to making it again. Something that I wanted you all to know is the reactions I recieved from every astonished service member after they calmed down. The first person to walk up and tell me this movement would leave a black mark on my life, later admitted that he agreed with more of our beliefs than he could admit. (Air Force Officer) The second Marine simply told me "you can't do this yet." ...yet. The third Marine took my number and later called me with two other Marine Corps Officers to inform me that I was facing a dishonorable discharge, but also saying that I was an outstanding individual and more people needed to voice their opinions to stop this war. The fourth Lt. Col. actually gave me ideas to continue this march after three 9/11Truthers jumped down his throat in protection of our 1st Amendment. Everyone did an outstanding job! Thank you very much. I'll see you all soon, Johnny Wave The four aircraft which crashed on September 11th, 2001 have never been forensically matched to the four passenger planes which were allegedly hijacked that morning. Requests under the Freedom of Information Act have met with denials and refusals, and documents which have been produced, allegedly using data from the only three "Black Box" flight recorders said to have been found, have no serial numbers of the devices listed on them.
The excellent work done by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and other such organizations, in their quest to determine what caused the Twin Towers and WTC 7 to collapse, should never be underestimated. But, being the primary murder weapons, for my money the real smoking guns were, and still are, the four aircraft that were used as weapons on that terrible day, and for them not to have been identified breaks every rule in any book which seeks to teach the art of solving crimes. It is either an oversight beyond belief, on the part of the 9/11 Commission, or part of a criminal conspiracy of immense proportions set in motion to cover up what really happened on September 11th, 2001. Links to documents researched by Aidan Monaghan. FAA Related http://911blogger.com/node/13149 FBI Related http://rinf.com/alt-news/911-truth/fbi-refuses-to-confirm-identity-of-911-planes/1875/ Serial Numbers http://911blogger.com/node/14081 This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
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