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VIDEO: Who Are You Really Voting For? The Maori Party (NZ Election Series Part 7) The Maori Party opposed TPPA around same time they began to realise that two terms under Key had killed the Party’s credibility in the eyes of the Maori people.
Their anti TPPA stance needs to be reviewed under the context of their past big business actions which include: Approving Asset sales in 2012 . Approving the Te Ture Whenua Maori Bill, which ultimately places the power of the iwi into a small aristocratic elite, known by some, as the Business Brown Table. The move was opposed widely by Maori lay people and academics alike. Hone Harawira, who entered into an alliance with the Maori Party, stated in 2016 that the Te Ture Whenua Maori Bill, is an ugly and crude attempt to cut away the remaining protections over Maori land. “It will strip the mana of the Maori Land Court, transfer its powers to a government agency, and deny Maori the right to appeal the agency’s decisions.” (Script Continues Below)
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