Who Are You Really Voting For? The Internet Party, Kimdotcom (NZ Election Series Part 9 FINAL EPISODE) The Internet party were funded by Kim Dotcom, A man happy to pay to get citizenship into New Zealand, But got sore at John Banks when he found out that his Dollars, didn’t give him protection from the FBI. His hacking credentials were written about and known before we let him in. The party basically destroyed Hone Harawira’s chances, As his sellout alienated voters, And he surrounded himself with press flunkies, Who did nothing to explain the real evil, Was not the persecution of Kim Dotcom, And a variety of frauds, No smaller or larger, Than the frauds conducted by big time players in the entertainment sector. But, what made Kim Dotcom’s system unique, was it offered artists the ability to have a transparent downloads system. Which ensured the cheque they received from the big players, actually reflected the number of hits they got. Watch On Youtube: Who Are You Really Voting For? The Internet Party, Kimdotcom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcDKIvi95lA&index=10&list=PLit28vmG6icTa7Vmqbc5zJvSCHodrMvzb And as the Internet Party focused solely on Kimdotcoms plight,
They failed to explain how the government’s emersion into the Five Eyes, big brother surveillance nightmare Was scaring players like google, And Microsoft, From coming to New Zealand, And setting up hardware required to create protected software clouds. An opportunity which lost us trillions in revenue, And prevented us from becoming the cyber version, of Switzerland. Not only that, But one which also offered us digital and diplomatic power, which would have added to our ability, to preserve our regional and national sovereignty. Today, Kimdotcom has distanced him from the Internet Party, but its believed he still pays their bills. Kim has shot off to live in Queenstown, Residents of which, Now host the following Tzars of the Five Eyes dominion that is hell bent on making New Zealand part of its world wide digital dictatorship. Peter Thiel, from The Palantir Program, Richard V Allen, Iran Contra poster boy, linked to Admiral John Pointdexter who outlawed TIA (think minority report). James Covert, hedge fund billionaire, ex secret service officer, and director of Cambridge Protection and Tyco Security, which can be linked to information dominance software firm, Cambridge Analytic, Which has being linked to the subversion of the Trump election, Brexit & the Scottish Referendum. The Internet Party did help expose the FENSA crime, Outlined by Wikileaks, Glen Greenwald & Edward Snowden. But they did so in a toxic manner, Crafting it to be all about Kim, And thus, Turned off many of the publics interest, For this important issue. There are suggestions that Kimdotcom assisted the Panama paper leaks - But, it can be equally said, That if this was true, It was because of a personal grudge, And a personal agenda, By Kimdotcom. Now that Kimdotcom is free from prosecution, He seems to have forgotten his activist status, As he becomes immersed in the billionaire’s forte, of Queenstown, Where so many cyber hitman and spooks seem to have set up shop. On a final note, The Internet Party’s New Leader Suzette Marie Dawson, First entered on the activism scene in 2011, During the Occupy movement, which began in early October of that year, Alongside Ben Cooney, AKA RedStar3O9’s, AKA, 9’s. In late January of 2012, 40 year activist and Occupy protestor, Penny Bright, received assurances from the head of Auckland central police, That the occupy protests were lawful, and protected under the bill of rights act. The Auckland central police chief, then went on holiday, While he was on holiday, The occupy protestors were forcibly evicted from the Aotea Square Campsite, Not by Police, But by private security, Payed for by the Auckland City Council. They ripped down protestors tents and property, much of it being destroyed or confiscated during the operation. Those who resisted, as is their lawful right to freedom of expression under the bill of rights act. Were arrested by Police, Held without charge, And let go briefly afterwards, But they weren’t all from Auckland Central Police station, which was just a few hundred meters from Aotea Square, They were from Manukau Police station in South Auckland, And some of them, Were caught on camera by the mainstream media, wearing identical badge numbers. The new Auckland super city Mayor, Len Brown, Formerly mayor of Manukau, Sat by and let this happen, As did Auckland central Police, While the Manukau Police, Protecting the Private Contractors, Who were being payed by council, To unlawfully evict the protestors. The council then payed for hundreds of thousands in lawyers fees, and then tried to prosecute the Occupy movement for court costs. The Occupy Movement itself Was represented in court, By Penny Bright. Suzette Marie Dawson however, With her website Occupy Savvy, Claimed that she was the leader of the occupy movement, And her associate, Ben Cooney, Openly called Penny Bright a “SIS informant” on a live stream during a protest, This live stream was shared on the Occupy Savvy Website, Suzette Marie Dawson And Ben Cooney, Deny this, Despite the recording being released on Penny Bright’s offical Facebook page. And has told people to “BEWARE” of Suzette Marie Dawson. Suzette became leader of the internet party in 2017, Citing that she’d been persecuted by the New Zealand government for telling the truth, And was living in exile in Russia. The only 2 people that are cited as backing up her story, Are Ben Cooney, And someone she is paying to babysit her children, while she’s in Russia. While her story could possibly be true, Independent verification from 3 separate sources, whom are clear from conflicts of interest, Are necessary, In order to regard a story as credible, And this one, Has no such verification. Internet Party members have had this information disclosed to them privately, And the party has not reacted to it, No plan was in the works at that time, to do an episode about the Internet party, At least not during this election, Because we only wanted to do videos about parties that the public needed to be warned about, Parties that stood a chance of gaining votes, Parties that were directly linked to globalist interests. And the Internet Party simply did not meet the criteria, And nor did many others. But, when 2 comments from the official Internet Party youtube channel, replied to requests from other youtubers, if we’d do an episode about the Internet Party, They replied “The Great Irony of this, Is that Vinny will only end up exposing one of his idols if he attacks us. Vinny himself is actually a really nice guy, but he got scammed by someone close to him.” This sparked the interest of Journalist Ben Vidgen from postman investigates, And resulted in the short report above on Kim Dotcom, It also drew my suspicion, Because the comment seemed to be discouraging me from doing an episode about them. So I wrote the section about Suzies involvement with The Occupy Movement & Penny Bright to put things in context. This is the final video in the series. So in summary for all the episodes collectively, Please research who you’re voting for, Before you vote for them, Surely not all the parties are corrupt, But of course, We haven’t had time to fully investigate every party, just yet. Don’t get depressed by what we’ve shown you, It’s just reality, it’s not gonna hurt ya, Well, it will psychologically, Probably for the rest of your life like it does me But But, Y… You live, you learn, There’s a thousand days between elections to expose scumbaggery and be a responsible, Valuable member of society, You make votes, with your dollars, with your choices, and with the people you love, every day, Don’t waste those votes. Now. it’s been a long election, I’m tired, And frankly ladies and gentlemen, I feel that both myself and especially, Journalist Ben Vidgen from postman investigates, Deserve a big pat on the back, For reporting the truth, Even though it will make pretty much every member of the voting public hate us. That’s the price we’re prepared to pay, And we pay that price every day on social media. Why? Because we can take it, You can set the dogs on us, You can call us any name you want, You can talk smack about us behind our backs, Or from the comfort of a keyboard, But the truth, Doesn’t care what you believe, And it doesn’t care about our beliefs either. It just, is. However, because life is complicated, If anything has been said in these videos, That you have conflicting evidence for, Please let us know in the comments, and provide links to your sources, your comments will be approved, and added into the descriptions of the videos themselves, There was no personal agenda in any of the videos, AAAAPART from Peter Dunne, Because, well, I don’t think it needs an explanation aye, The guy’s just a dick bro. Regardless, we only said what could be proved, With objective evidence. Thanks for watching! Please go to TheVinnyEastwoodShow.com And donate or start up a regular automatic payment! There are links to my patreon page, Youtube channel, And previous episodes of this New Zealand election series. In addition, please go over to the Postman Investigates Facebook page, and give Ben Vidgen some recognition for his incredible investigative skills. None of these videos would have been possible without his research experience. And last but not least, I want to give a special mention to my supporters, I love you guys lots, You donors are actually the real backbone of this operation. Your regular automatic payments and donations are the OTHER reason, why I’ve have had the time and the resources to do these videos. Your compliments, comments and suggestions of guests, are always top notch, you are what keeps me going when I have to wade through the troll sea every morning in the comments section. In other words, This all your fault ladies and gentlemen. Goodnight everybody!
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