Outer Dark Attacks Vinny Eastwood & Ben Vidgens Internet Party VideoTHIS VIDEO IS NOT ENDORSED BY VINNY EASTWOOD OR BEN VIDGEN:
This is a 20 minute hit piece by an internet party voter. I am posting it just like I did the hour long hit piece by the internet party leader Suzie Dawson, For the sake of transparency. Vinny's Reply: (SARCASM) PLEASE Don't have a discussion with me to find out what I actually meant BEFORE making videos explaining to everyone what (in your opinion) I actually meant. (Continues Below)
Who Are You Really Voting For? The Internet Party, Kimdotcom (NZ Election Series Part 9 FINAL EPISODE) The Internet party were funded by Kim Dotcom,
A man happy to pay to get citizenship into New Zealand, But got sore at John Banks when he found out that his Dollars, didn’t give him protection from the FBI. His hacking credentials were written about and known before we let him in. The party basically destroyed Hone Harawira’s chances, As his sellout alienated voters, And he surrounded himself with press flunkies, Who did nothing to explain the real evil, Was not the persecution of Kim Dotcom, And a variety of frauds, No smaller or larger, Than the frauds conducted by big time players in the entertainment sector. But, what made Kim Dotcom’s system unique, was it offered artists the ability to have a transparent downloads system. Which ensured the cheque they received from the big players, actually reflected the number of hits they got. A Critical Analysis Of New Zealand's Leaders Over The Past 40 Years! PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO!
Research by Ben Vidgen Postman Investigates New Current affairs NZ Investigative News. https://www.facebook.com/postmaninvestigates/ (Click Read More For Video & Full Script) John Key's Past & His Terrifying Plans For New Zealand EXPOSED In Minutes! |
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