What's New With Vinny Eastwood? Getting A Few Things Off My Chest.
So sorry I haven't been doing shows regularly ladies and gentlemen!
What have I been doing? Firstly: THE AOTEAROA LEGALISE CANNABIS PARTY: During the election I was helping the ALCP (Cannabis party) and after the election it appears there'll be a cannabis referendum. Due to a number of major players in the party leaving in the lead up to the election, I found myself in a position of responsibility as their webmaster, social media advisor, logo designer & campaign strategist etc etc etc. These are responsibilities which at this pivotal moment in NZ's cannabis history, I feel unable to walk away from. In the 2 months since ALCP has asked me to help, (2 weeks notice before election began) I've redesigned every single web page they have, opened the flood gates for their social media so everyone can contribute, uploaded dozens of videos & created new youtube, patreon & paypal accounts. SPECIAL NOTE: NOT JUST CANNABIS VIDS WERE UPLOADED DURING THIS TIME! HUGE LIST OF LINKS TO VIDEOS AND ARCHIVES BELOW!
My goal is to set up a sort of digital training program (in simple english)
-To help party members to use social media to spread their message, -Offer commentary on important issues as we lead up to the 2020 election, -Revamp the party's image & help to better advertise its policies & principles so that people see it isn't a 1 issue party. -To get that cannabis referendum on the agenda ASAP! I'm still suffering the effects of being arrested for cannabis over a decade ago, Being arrested caused my first panic attack and ever since then, I've been living with painful physiological and psychological problems daily, The law caused that harm, not the cannabis. Ironically, cannabis helps me with the symptoms, But, sadly the black market economy has no assurance of: -Quality, -Safety, -Price, -Quantity, -Supply, Heck, I'm Vinny Eastwood, Captain Aotearoa, But despite having been involved in cannabis activism for a decade, I can't find any, Nor can I afford any if I could, Because my wife's been sick for years with multiple surgeries and can't work full time, The reality is, that without cannabis, I have no quality of life, It makes it hard to do basic things that ordinary people take for granted. A realisation hit me, If this is how hard it is for me, what the heck has everyone else been going through? And what about the people who are REALLY sick? What about the people who are dying? What about their loved ones who have to see them go through it? I mean, I can 'technically' survive without it, It just means that my life and that of my wife who has to be around me turns to sh*t, And doesn't feel worth living. But for some people in this country, Each day they're forced to watch their loved ones suffer and die. And why? Because we are all waiting till the 2020 election for a non-binding referendum that the government can just say no to. Nor is waiting another 100 days for Labour to approve medical cannabis, That's like saying "hey have a happy Christmas suffering and dying kiwis, we'll see you in the new year!" Maybe I'm being cynical, But that's just because I'm in pain, It also might be that after closely watching every election for the last 10 years, I've learned to not trust what any politicians say, And only trust their track record, Namely because every one of their track records includes lying and undermining NZ's national sovereignty. So my general rule is if what they're saying sounds good, Then I'll believe it when I see it, But if it sounds horrible, I believe it immediately. So what can I do to change this situation? Well, I can continue to help the ALCP put up their press releases and manage their social media. After all, by 2020, if cannabis is already legal, then the party will have no reason to exist, and I can go back to my "normal life" exposing scumbaggery. However, I am also burdened by my main responsibility to my listeners and supporters, whom I feel I have neglected. I don't want to do this, I want to relax, I'm supposed to be on holiday, I need to make some money, BUT! We're THIS CLOSE to getting it legalised and I'm literally in THE position to help the party that's been fighting this issue for 21 years! WHAT I DID DURING THE ELECTION: The election really took a lot out of me, In addition to helping out the Legalise Cannabis Party, I made elections videos about all the mainstream parties, Specifically their track records of lying and their ties to globalism, All with the help of Journalist Ben Vidgen from Postman Investigates, That was my priority before the election began. But when I was asked by the ALCP secretary to help their party, After a short conversation I determined that they were in REAL trouble, and desperately needed my help in many areas, They'd been abandoned by their webmaster, Party Leader & Social Media Admin just weeks leading into the election and had nobody that was skilled enough to perform any of those responsibilities. They hired me for $150 an hour, But after the first few days they completely burned through their budget for me, And there was still so much to do! So I told them to consider me a volunteer, And if they do still want to pay me after the election, they can pick the amount. I did this so they could all relax and focus on what needed to be done for party, I told them that I was no longer here to do what the party could afford to pay me to do, I was there to do everything the party needed me to do. From mid August to late September, Every day I was writing/editing/web mastering, The party had NO budget for the election, (by that I mean a total of $250 to run a nationwide campaign!) What they did have however, Was a registered party, And the electoral commission gives tens of thousands to allow parties to advertise on mainstream media, With a smaller portion attributed to web based stuff, But they couldn't pay anything out till after the election. Which was very tense for me, Because we had such a financial crisis at home during that time, Our rent was being increased to $500 a week, (The third time our absentee Chinese landlord has done this in the 3 years we've been here) Despite us getting this house FREE insulation through a friends company, in addition to water blasting and painting the deck and front gate. What's even more frustrating, Is that this IS NORMAL for Auckland now! So many renters are having their prices jacked up on an annual basis, But what was extra sweet of our landlords was that we had to cough up an extra couple hundred for the increased bond too! Each day waiting for the payout was excruciating, It made me jealous of people don't remember what it's like to be hungry, or how stressful it is to not know if you can pay your rent or not this week, Those who literally don't know what it's like to suffer the way the majority of the population do, The way I do, "No wonder they don't care about any of us" I said to myself. I mean seriously, What motivation do the comfortable have? Once one hits the $60,000 a year benchmark, that means you never have to worry about the basics of life again: -Rent, -Food, -Fuel, -Holidays, -Fixing things, -Bills, With those things covered, stress and desperation, no longer exist. And we can all see the results of that can't we? 45% of people voting for National... It drew me towards an important realisation, People who do not suffer the stresses that society puts on the most vulnerable, are in my opinion, the least qualified to run (or represent people living in) society. So the fact that things continually get worse, Regardless of what things we're talking about, Is of little surprise. AFTER THE ELECTION When the electoral commission did payed me out, I used the money to pay down debt on my credit card, Fix Sarah's car, Buy a lawnmower (because ours broke) and a water blaster (because my sister took mine), Then did one thing I haven't been able to afford to do in nearly a decade, Buy a weeks worth of shopping, breakfasts, lunches and dinners, It was beautiful! Then one week later, We were out of gas, had no food, no money, And a huge amount of donors cancelled their automatic payments, And the ALCP was ringing me again needing me to help with many things of time sensitive nature. That was my holiday folks... Almost makes me want to burst into tears. But anyway, Despite an orchestrated campaign of omission by the media to keep ALCP out of polls and debates, Out of all the tiny parties that stood no chance of getting 5%, The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party got the most votes! MY TO DO LIST: -ARCHIVING American Freedom Radio Archives to finish: -Screenshot, title, description, audio archive & youtube versions: -Aaron Franz, Age of Transitions -Yvette Greenway, Suicide Of Silence -Rex Bear, Annunaki & Nephilim -Mike Vincent, United Peoples Movement -Ben Vidgen, Las Vegas Mass Shooting Full Analysis -Create & share a Blog Post About my 48 hours film competition entry “Dead line” -WRITING SKEPTICS SOCIETY: -An interesting development is that I've been asked to make a 45 Minute Speech/Presentation For The NZ Skeptics Society, Due Saturday 25th November In Wellington. I hope to do A break down of 4 modern conspiracy theories: World Government Fluoride Vaccines Geoengineering So that's going to be fun! -MUSIC Finish the final audio recording for The Pakehachis song “Everybody Wants To Be Mexican” Finish editing the “Everybody Wants To Be Mexican” music video SOCIAL MEDIA Additional posts that need to be shared across 40+ Facebook groups & pages: -Sean Gautreaux archive About UFO’s In The Clouds -Is there any cause for hope in New Zealand? My Interview on US TV The Blog Posts from my NZ Election series “Who Are You REALLY Voting For?”: -Peter Dunne & United Future -Greens & C0-Leaders James Shaw & Metiria Turei -Maori Party -TOP -Internet Party OUTSIDE JOBS: -Sort out man cave flooring, seating, firewood, fireplace & make a new roof. -Re-lay the pavers at the front -Water blast the deck, deck furniture, man cave table, Sarahs Car & My Car -Cut down bamboo & put up brush sticks screen on the deck. -Mow the front & Back Lawns -Trim The ficus hedge at the back -Weed the gardens & plant this seasons veggies -Get rid of broken mirror & other junk that is lying around the place -Paint the deck again? -Chop up Manuka Tree Branches -Properly stack firewood There's so much to do, I'm so confused, Not quite sure what to do or how much needs to be done, Just thought I'd let you all know where I'm at, But in a nutshell, Been feeling really lonely and sad about my situation, Could really use your support folks. Please help me, Donate at www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com Love, Vinny Eastwood KEEP SCROLLING FOR THE LIST OF ALL THE VIDEOS AND ARCHIVES RELEASED DURING THAT TIME!
POSTED JULY 25 - 24th October
"at 14... Paula Bennett Would Come Into My Bedroom And Touch Me" Ashley Farrell Video Testimony http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-mr-news-eastwoods-blog/at-14-paula-bennett-would-come-into-my-bedroom-touch-me-ashley-farrell-video-testimony VIDEO: https://youtu.be/HPx_3RTzTrc Understanding Suicide With Vinny Eastwood, Yvette Greenway & Michael Mansfield SOS VIDEO https://youtu.be/ZND_0CUgypQ Watch Out For Misleading Vegas Shooting Videos! Vinny Eastwood & Ed Opperman http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-mr-news-eastwoods-blog/watch-out-for-misleading-vegas-shooting-videos-vinny-eastwood-ed-opperman VIDEO https://youtu.be/tEYvfLw3PZg Las Vegas Mass Shooting, Sending Peace And Love To Victims, Vinny Eastwood VIDEO https://youtu.be/4-3k4FQySFM here's the live leak video with the blood and dead bodies (MUST BE 18) https://m.liveleak.com/view?i=4ff_1507067186 Vaccines And The Agenda To Enslave Humanity, Jefferey Jaxen http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/show-archives/vaccines-the-agenda-to-enslave-humanity-jefferey-jaxen VIDEO https://youtu.be/Y4I34drULlY Vegas Shooting: Full Analysis. Ben Vidgen GRAPHIC CONTENT VIDEO https://youtu.be/ATpwFYUYd5c Why NZ URGENTLY Needs A Referendum On Cannabis VIDEO https://youtu.be/dNGAElYe4DY Vinny Eastwood #GEOSTORM Movie Review With Sarah Eastwood (SPOILERS) VIDEO https://youtu.be/sbZ8eLVRzYU NZ Needs A Cannabis "Reeferendum" NOW! VIDEOhttps://youtu.be/3_oTTDjLCaw Who Are You Really Voting For? The Internet Party, Kimdotcom http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-mr-news-eastwoods-blog/who-are-you-really-voting-for-the-internet-party-kimdotcom-nz-election-series-part-9-final-episode VIDEO: https://youtu.be/KcDKIvi95lA Who Are You Really Voting For? TOP The Opportunities Party, Gareth Morgan http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-mr-news-eastwoods-blog/video-who-are-you-really-voting-for-top-the-opportunities-party-gareth-morgan-nz-election-series-part-8 VIDEO https://youtu.be/WGOyEhjef1I Who Are You Really Voting For? The Maori Party http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-mr-news-eastwoods-blog/video-who-are-you-really-voting-for-the-maori-party-nz-election-series-part-7 VIDEO https://youtu.be/IDwByH_qIxs Who Are You Really Voting For? United Future & Peter Dunne http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-mr-news-eastwoods-blog/video-who-are-you-really-voting-for-united-future-peter-dunne-nz-elections-part-6 VIDEO https://youtu.be/Dp14Nk_v2u4 Who Are You REALLY Voting For? Winston Peters & NZFirst (NZ Election Series Part 5) http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-mr-news-eastwoods-blog/video-who-are-you-really-voting-for-winston-peters-new-zealand-first-nz-election-series-part-5 VIDEO https://youtu.be/Z1XnpeeZWrQ Who Are You REALLY Voting For? Green Party Part 2 of 2 http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-mr-news-eastwoods-blog/video-who-are-you-really-voting-for-the-green-party-nz-election-series-part-4 VIDEO https://youtu.be/91JT5niu8Yk Who Are You REALLY Voting For? Green Party Part 1 of 2 (CULTS & CPTSD) http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-mr-news-eastwoods-blog/video-who-are-you-really-voting-for-the-green-party-nz-election-series-part-4 VIDEO https://youtu.be/wfAGoq9h4hU Jacinda Ardern & Labour: The Truth Exposed (NZ Elections Pt3) http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-mr-news-eastwoods-blog/jacinda-ardern-labour-the-truth-exposed-nz-elections-pt3 VIDEO https://youtu.be/oZKYOLNWj8U National Party Exposed! : NZ Elections: Does Your Vote Really Count? Pt 2 http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-mr-news-eastwoods-blog/new-zealand-elections-does-your-vote-really-count-video-2-the-national-party VIDEO https://youtu.be/DG82iibkrDQ Exposed: Proof NZ Prime Ministers Are Globalists. NZ Elections: Does Your Vote Really Count? VIDEO: https://youtu.be/V7xQrH2dWIQ Why Kiwis Should Vote ALCP, Maki Herbert VIDEO https://youtu.be/H7Qn229CBDk Live Stream 5: LABOUR, NATIONAL & Policy (FULL BREAKDOWN) PLEASE SHARE! VIDEO https://youtu.be/_0jrBFI2Ris Live Stream 4: WINSTON PETERS & THE MEDIA (Vinny Eastwood Breaking Down NZ's Election Coverage) VIDEO https://youtu.be/tAoTb6bjA-Y Live Stream 3: ACT & HELEN CLARK (Vinny Eastwood Breaking Down NZ's Election Coverage 3) VIDEO https://youtu.be/bFIkWiF_JFk Live Stream 2: MIKE HOSKING (Vinny Eastwood Breaking Down NZ's Election Coverage 2) VIDEO https://youtu.be/iEx4PCwZcog Vinny Eastwood Rips apart Mike Hosking, National & Labour VIDEO https://youtu.be/24eCirVrXr8 Jacinda Ardern Exposed As Globalist Vinny Eastwood Live Stream VIDEO https://youtu.be/IjqLXaCSRto Vinny Breaks down vaccine propaganda VIDEO https://youtu.be/3kt1c2Yq6JE Chem trail spotted in the clouds! VIDEO https://youtu.be/4CzH7IFOyIw Kiwis Don't Have To Live In Poverty! Legalise Hemp! Maki Herbert VIDEO https://youtu.be/fEDghezw0-U It's Time To Legalise & Stop Being Afraid! Vineet Shiriwastow ALCP VIDEO https://youtu.be/gqdDX49sPBU Jeff Cured His Cancer With Cannabis & got Arrested! ALCP VIDEO https://youtu.be/B2RCawqA1f0 DRUGLAWED presents NORML NEWS Ep2 VIDEO https://youtu.be/Z-wlq8KIqKU Greendorphin World News Ep8 featuring Pearl Schomburg VIDEO https://youtu.be/EJQH8ls2bpg Parties Jumping On Cannabis Issue Finally? Chris Fowlie VIDEO https://youtu.be/JBHVm-M_v74 Vinny Eastwood Attends Medical Cannabis March VIDEO https://youtu.be/-J6HI08NGzk Vinny Eastwood Film: Deadline With Audience Laughter From The Screening! VIDEO https://youtu.be/anMptiZrzU0 Vinny's Film "Deadline" Gets HUGE reaction at live screening! #hp48hours VIDEO https://youtu.be/ZbdfP1MiWw8 Infectious Films Wrap up discussion #hp48hours VIDEO https://youtu.be/eyFzOvjhBAw DEAD LINE, Team Infectious Films #Hp48hours 2017 VIDEO https://youtu.be/tj438JtmIos Vinny Eastwood Enters 48 Hours film competition VIDEO https://youtu.be/xt1oP5PuQgA Cannabis A Hot Issue At Back Benches! ALCP VIDEO https://youtu.be/9VCcyyjH4lA The Potential Of Cannabis, Hemp & The NZ Economy VIDEO https://youtu.be/V_Yg9NjGoJI Westie Discredits NZ Police Cannabis Data! VIDEO https://youtu.be/Wtb-YMcmO18 Hemp is Healthy! Why's it still illegal? 7 Sharp VIDEO https://youtu.be/LcGrn0lq7Yk Legalise Cannabis Party Lights Up AUT Students! ALCP VIDEO https://youtu.be/MsRakpM1i_w Are Vampire Cults Real? Author Douglas Robinson http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/show-archives/are-vampire-cults-real-author-douglas-robinson VIDEO: https://youtu.be/iFj6ukAM5pU School is trauma based mind control, David Rodriguez http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/show-archives/school-is-trauma-based-mind-control-david-rodriguez VIDEO https://youtu.be/6EqNsA2276U The Age Of Transitions, Aaron Franz VIDEO https://youtu.be/-_x0bMSGmj4 FRANKENSKIES Documentary HD from actualactivists.com VIDEO: https://youtu.be/36DFcvsioSc The Frankenskies Documentary, Matt Landman http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/show-archives/the-frankenskies-documentary-matt-landman VIDEO https://youtu.be/eN9u79Pw_5o Government Is The Most Dangerous Religion Of All! Anarchy Girl http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/show-archives/government-is-the-most-dangerous-religion-of-all-the-anarchy-girl VIDEO https://youtu.be/KFx2q_5JLBY Why Is NZ So Slow To Legalise Medicinal Cannabis? Dr Huhana Hickey Phd http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/show-archives/why-is-nz-so-slow-to-legalise-medicinal-cannabis-dr-huhana-hickey-phd VIDEO https://youtu.be/-fJpCwco1GA Annunaki, Nephilim, Archons & History Of Religions, Rex Bear VIDEO https://youtu.be/LWaizG37mg4 United Peoples Movement NZ, Mike Vincent VIDEO https://youtu.be/49OU8ycxFg0 Paula Bennett's Criminal History EXPOSED! Ashley Farrell VIDEO https://youtu.be/comyrtB2R1w
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