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A Critical Analysis Of New Zealand's Leaders Over The Past 40 Years! PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO! Research by Ben Vidgen Postman Investigates New Current affairs NZ Investigative News. https://www.facebook.com/postmaninvestigates/ (Click Read More For Video & Full Script) If you vote, or do not vote,
does the country stop serving internationalist authoritarian banking interests? Every election these same old tired arguments and vapid crowd control tactics are deployed in order to convince the voting population, that not only are they free, but that their vote can change the outcome of an election. Based upon a critical analysis of previous governments, political parties, their leaders and campaign contributors, we believe it’s possible to predict the outcome of every election, decades in advance, namely, that whoever gets elected, will betray whomsoever elects them in favour of carrying out old plans set in motion by whatever government preceded them. To illustrate this point, regardless of how a campaign was run, who funded it or what promises were made, this is the result of every major New Zealand Prime Ministers reign dating back to the late 70’s: Rob Muldoon, 1975 to 1984 Former Director of the International Monetary Fund 1979-1980, a globalist banking syndicate, He was also a member of the fabian socialist movement, whose symbol, is a wolf in sheets clothing. He was responsible for creating the Economic exclusion zone in 1977, allowing foreign investment into New Zealand which Muldoon thought he’d use to fund big projects which ultimately just got New Zealand into astronomical debt to foreign lenders, and admitted that it would cost NZ “A wee bit of sovereignty”. David Lange, 26 July 1984 8 August 1989 Member of Parliamentarians for global action, a United Nations Funded Political Action Group partnered with international banking organisations including the world bank, Advocating For A World Government, and the end of national sovereignty. With the help of Roger Douglas, neoliberal economic reforms, dubbed “rogernomics” were instituted, They claimed privatisation would stimulate the economy. However, they actually resulted in massive increases in unemployment, the reduction of wages, the break up of workers unions, the sale of state forests & other strategic assets to foreign buyers, in some cases before they’d even been valued, benefits were cut, health funding was cut, state housing and almost every benefit to which Kiwis had always been entitled. Mike Moore, Septemer to November 1990, Member of Parliamentarians for Global Action & later the head of the World Trade Organisation, authored a book singing the praises of globalisation entitled “world without walls” Freedom, development, free trade & global governance. Jim Bolger, 1990 to 1997 Sold the strategic assets of New Zealand rail and crippled coastal shipping, as a result, New Zealand became dependent on private companies to move freight and people around the country. He Bailed out the Australian owned Bank Of New Zealand, and asked for no shares in exchange. he set the stage for further privatisations of the New Zealand healthcare system, and was supported by Current Auckland Mayor Phil Goff & Mike Moore, Both former Labour Mp’s under the rogernomics era. Leading to the “mother of all budgets” which became known as “Ruthanasia” after the finance minister Ruth Richardson. Bolger also signed the 1992 Rio Earth Summit document, Agenda 21 on Prince Charle’s Private Yacht, which was a global framework document for the total privatisation of strategic assets, the ultimate surrender of National sovereignty to a UN centred World government, and compulsory voting. Jenny Shipley 1997-1999 Member of The Club De Madrid, An international organisation of former heads of state, including former UN secretary General Kofi Annan, its stated goals are to work with governments, Inter-governmental organisations, civil society, Scholars and the Business world, concerning collective actions of the global commons, with a focus on democratic transition and Consolidation. To translate, they want an end to national sovereignty, privatisation of all global strategic assets and a world government, centred at the UN. During her short term, Shipley cut many befits that hadn’t already been cut and sold Wellington airport, another strategic national asset. Helen Clark 1999-2008 Member of the club de Madrid, Member of Parliamentarians for global action, Clark signed a major trade deal with China, which prohibited New Zealand from stopping purchases of land and strategic assets by Chinese nationals under article 139. Clark Introduced the trans pacific partnership agreement or TPPA. It was supported by 40 top New Zealand business men and women and included 11 nations around the pacific rim. The deal was negotiated in total secrecy by 600 multinational corporations, the terms of which, would include red tape to hamstring any and all local industry, removing tariffs, protections and giving unfair advantages to international corporations, putting New Zealand’s national soverignty into further jeopardy. She also Introduced the royal commission which later led to the super city and privatisation of $40B worth of Auckland’s strategic assets. With Greens support, Clark managed to abolish the independent Privy Council, And replaced it with the supreme court, the highest court in the land, now, politicians appoint the judges they know who will interpret the laws the way they want them to, rather than the correct constitutional manner, a clear conflict of interest. The court cost $8million dollars to house 8 judges, 2 of which were a husband and wife. Later, with the help of incoming Prime Minister John Key, Clark landed the top job at the UN development fund, in charge of a $9 billion dollar budget, earning a $9m salary. Clark said In a 2001 speech “Let me say a word about globalisation, National Identity and attitudinal change, globalisation has to be embraced, and we can be winners from it. A world without borders is made for a trading economy like New Zealand…” John Key 2008-2016 High Level Freemason, Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, A globalist think tank with the goal of ending National sovereignty in the United Staes in Favour of a world government. He worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Which is a privately owned banking cartel given permission by the US Government in 1913 to make money up out of thin air, at interest, and loan it back the US government, who it would be mathematically impossible to pay back. Key served as the representative for Merrill Lynch, in charge of the European bond and derivatives trade, Derivatives were a new financial instrument that Money Magazine stated was one of the prime causes of the 2008 Financial Crisis & John Key basically admitted on Breakfast TV that he’d helped to cause the crash: “If you go all the way back to what’s caused the global financial crisis you can apportion an enormous amount of the blame at the footsteps of wall street, they ultimately created products that destroyed capital around the world and effectively bankrupted banks around the world, I mean, they sold products that in their heart of hearts they must’ve known they wouldn’t have been repaid for.” During the crisis, Key’s former employers Merrill Lynch, collapsed due to its heavy investment in the derivatives market. They were then bought out by the Bank Of America, Which Mr Key is on record owning shares in, at the same time New Zealand was borrowing from them at commercial rates. He had shares in trans rail and asked for commercially sensitive information from Michael Cullen via an Official Information Act request, which on the advice of treasury, Cullen refused to disclose. So Key made a complaint to the ombudsmen to try and flush out that commercially sensitive information, a clear conflict of interest. Key bailed out multiple foreign owned banks and didn’t ask for any shares in them, He also gave a $180M bailout for the foreign owned Solid Energy. Key Advocated selling strategic asset the ports of Auckland, He opened up New Zealand’s national parks for mining prospectors, Partially sold the strategic asset Mighty River Power, He got the TPPA signed and passed under New Zealand law, He passed legislation granting the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) And State Intelligence Services (SIS) advanced surveillance, search and seizure powers, including virtual immunity from prosecution for any unlawful actions. Key increased his personal wealth from $50M to $60M, even though his $400,000 Salary was allegedly being donated to charities and all his assets were in so called “blind trusts”. New Zealand’s total national debt from all previous governments combined, was roughly $8 Billion, At the time Key left office after less than 8 years, that increased to roughly $100 billion, not including the 100+ Billion dollars worth of “off the books” derivatives debts. Bill English, December 2016 - Today A devout Catholic, opposed to both gay marriage & abortion, He Opposed The Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis) Amendment Bill which would have allowed sick and dying New Zealanders access to medicinal Cannabis. English was a policy analyst for the New Zealand Treasury during Rogernomics, & was responsible for the continued privatisation of the public health system after the 1990 general election. English has stated that his Government will continue to promote the TPPA, despite the United States withdrawal from the agreement. English has also appointed MP Jacqui Dean (a member of Parliamentarians for Global Action) Multiple portfolios, Associate Minister For the strategic asset ACC, The Minister of consumer affairs, associate Minister for local government & Minister For Small Business. But just because every single Prime Minister without exception since the 1970’s secretly served shadowy globalist interests by undermining our sovereignty and selling our strategic assets to foreigners, doesn’t mean that all the current voting choices for the 2017 election serve the same interests, or does it? So stay tuned for video 2. Where we delve deep into the backgrounds of the latest batch of corrupt, globalist, asset selling, sovereignty undermining puppets that are available to vote for.
2/8/2017 11:57:45 pm
I'm not thick, I am young and some things I didn't know, see we need to get through to many different walks of life. And Vinny does this superbly! Positivity is great!
4/8/2017 11:36:12 am
Could you not put the maths together here? Im not sure your point is gettting anywhere.
13/8/2017 08:35:32 am
That's because it's part 1 in a SERIES,
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