Vinny Eastwood Needs Your Help Moving Into A New Studio to Take Guerilla Media To The Next Level7/1/2014 I need your help ladies and gentlemen! Christmas often takes its toll on our finances and I hate to ask for help so soon after the holidays, but... 2014 has started with a bang! My darling Sarah's van muffler split in 2 while visiting family during Christmas, We're Moving House & Getting Married This Month Too! -Van Muffler: Repair Cost $420 -Moving To A New Home 18th Jan: Move In Cost $2180 -Getting Married on January 26th: Cost Of Getting Hitched Priceless Total $2600 Xmas holidays has left us living day to day unable to do a full weeks shopping for this first week of 2014 Before Christmas we'd given our 1 month notice to move from our current home before going on holiday Mostly due to a terrible lack of privacy and peace, brought about by our land lady from Birmingham, need I say more? Thankfully we've been approved for a place perfectly suited to our purposes. -enough parking for both our vehicles and any guests that come in studio -a shed for Sarah's garden tools -big back yard for a garden and to transplant our existing one -on a quiet out of the way street, no noise pollution during radio broadcasts -deck for our wedding reception. (Sarah and I are getting married this month 26th January) -privacy -3 Rooms, Bedroom, Studio, Spare Room -nice tidy and comfortable It will serve as the base camp for my project: Guerilla Media House Aims: -train activists to produce & publish their own media quick and easy (the Eastwood method) -provide space and professional equipment to train on till they're independent and don't need me anymore -spare room for activists/lecturers traveling to NZ from overseas so they can save on costs of accommodation -Film and record training sessions so they may be utilized by anyone world wide Any volunteers that would like to help out on move day (18th January) would be greatly appreciated, email me at [email protected] I have big plans in 2014 It's an election year and massive opportunities to collaborate with credible journalists are afoot -Friend and colleague Susanne Posel has launched Even before launching it was the 50,000th most followed site on earth! She's asked me to come on board and publish my shows which will hopefully generate a lot of new listeners. Branching into business and products for the website -An ethical NZ businessman who grows high grade coffee in Vietnam and Myanmar has approached both myself and David Icke's TPV about providing/designing/selling our own branded coffee, Keeping all profits from sales to fund our operations. -A successful website owner and fan of the show who generates USD $30,000 a month from his site has offered me a hand monetizing my website. For any of this to happen however, I need a proper place to operate from, Only with your support can this be made a reality on such short notice. I'm asking you to consider this, How much work has been done, What has been accomplished? How many lives have been changed, benefitted & even saved by the archives and video libraries that now exist? This radio show was given to me by Danny Romero of American Freedom Radio, The same man who gave the first radio shows to really great guests like Webster Tarplay (wrote bestselling books about Obama) and Jason Bermas (maker of the Loose Change 911 documentary) & some of the top radio talent on the circuit today, he also used to produce The Alex Jones Show. He split from everyone else a few years ago and started American Freedom Radio It was his intention to be a network with integrity in the truth movement, no taboo topics, free from infighting and slander, aggression, fear mongering & micromanagement, just 1 rule, have fun. It served me well and it is in that spirit that I pause for reflection on my entire body of work. YOUTUBE 12,000 SUBSCRIBERS 2.5 MILLION VIEWS RADIO 10,000 HITS PER MONTH PLAYED 4-5 NIGHTS PER WEEK ON 3 NZ RADIO NETWORKS WITH A REACH OF UP TO 700,000 PEOPLE In 3+ years of talk radio and years more of protest & pubic meeting videos before that, I have transformed my film work & professionalism on a consistent basis, Becoming the #1 Subscribed Youtube news channel in New Zealand Outranking the mainstream media channels like NZHeraldtv by a reasonable margin. I've proved that through doing what is right, what needs to be done and helping those who need helping, that people in help me so that I may continue. Activists are often financially restricted and rarely can afford to pay me for the many hours of work I put in to ensure they have well presented and edited material available online for free. People like Professor Paul Connett from The Fluoride Action Network, who would not have his full slide show presentation "The Truth About Fluoride" (2 versions of them from 2012 and 2013 respectively) online if I didn't force myself to have a sleepless night or 2 cutting in slides and sometimes 2 camera angles. FANNZ could not afford to pay someone to do what I do for free, let alone pay for airfares and accommodations. This is just 1 example of the dedication I've shown over the years, I give of myself, my body, my mind and my sleep patterns, because if I don't take personal responsibility for ensuring NZ has a credible online media, who will? PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY! DONATE or SUBSCRIBE to contribute regularly with paypal at But please remember my rules of donation DO NOT give me anything unless you have a roof over your head and your family is taken care of first! I've seen too many good people put themselves in terrible situations to help others before and suffer as a result Account For Donations And Auto-Payments Kiwibank: 38-9010-0455296-00 Name: GUERILLA MEDIA Many Thanks and nice adjectives - Vinny Eastwood MR NEWS
12/1/2014 12:29:29 pm
I am very sorry for your troubles Vinny, and what I'm about to say isn't out of anger but to explain something.
12/1/2014 02:46:29 pm
My apologies for failing you, how many deaths did I cause by my inaction?
7/2/2014 06:16:21 am
my only gripe is your disappearance for two weeks without mention here or on the youtube channel , I suspect for a woman no less....
Mrs Weasel :-)
4/3/2014 01:38:44 pm
Hey Vinny !
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