Vinny Eastwood Going On Strike Till July 4th
Right now, I'm on "holiday" after nearly 6 straight months working pretty much every day,
I'm feeling really fragile, depressed and exhausted right now, I hate sitting at my computer, Hate reading comments, Hate the constant abuse, Hate editing videos, Hate Facebook, Hate Emails, Hate Skype, Hate people asking me for help, Hate getting phone calls, Hate receiving text messages, Hate having to write this and tell people how I'm feeling as though my situation is any more painful than theirs probably is. But most of all, And I really hate the fact that because I don't shill fear porn to people on a daily basis about some crisis that will kill their family if they don't throw money at me, (while giving away the shows and videos for free) The only holiday I can afford is being trapped in my office at home, same as when I'm working! The worst part is that because virtually no one else in this country uses their radio show or youtube channels to help activists and researchers be heard, I keep getting contacted by people asking me to help them which I have to turn down because I'm so bloody exhausted that I can't! I JUST CAN'T! I can't even work on the archives and videos I've already recorded and have yet to catch up on: •Penny Bright Auckland mayoral advertisement (video) •Interview on The Human Frequency (audio) •Interview with Dr Leonard Coldwell (video) •Interview with Kareem and Chris from the entrepreneur power hour (Video) •My Interview on The Entrepreneur Hour (Audio) •Interview with Ex-NZ Police officer Buck Raines (Video) •Interview with Cindy Sheehan & Paul Waddell (Video) •Interview with NZ Journalist and Author Ben Vidgen (Video) •Interview with NZ Dentist working with Fluoride Free NZ Stan Litras (Video) All these people need me to get this done for them because nobody else will and I'm just totally burnt out, Which makes me feel guilty and even more stressed! It's a viscous circle! Initially all I really wanted was to relax for a couple weeks and come back on the 4th of July to continue scheduled broadcasting on independence day feeling fresh and recharged. But in less than 48 hours since trying to rest, I've realized that's a lot more difficult than it sounds: •The editors of the NZ Journal of Natural Medicine needed me to create a facebook group relating to the documentary "Vaxxed" and how many kiwis would buy a ticket to see it at a cinema if it came to NZ ( •A couple friends who are very keen to make a film asked me to do a skype conference call •A woman who's been a targeted individual for 20+ years that I've been helping decided to come visit Auckland and me right during the time when I'm burnt out and she'll be returning home before my break is over! •Someone I didn't know rang me about a helicopter flying over West Auckland asking if I knew anything about it, cos obviously the first thing to do if you see a chopper over a city is panic and call Vinny Eastwood! •Some people contacted me about filming a public meeting at St Matthews Church •A friend contacted me wanting me to film a chilli eating competition •A guest asked me to help him promote his business •A Guest asked me to film a hemp growing conference It's almost as if the universe is deliberately messing with me! I'm so sorry I can't be there to help all of you and I'm even more sorry that I'm the only one who can! I've seen many people come and go in this job and the only reason I'm still here while they are not is because I know when I'm burning out, so instead of blaming everyone for my problems, I take a break to recuperate and simply ask that people understand what I'm going through. One thing did occur to me though, I'm the only one in the country doing this kind of alternative media work to any great degree, So it would be nice if Kiwis actually supported me a lot more than they currently do, Alas the vast majority of web traffic and financial aid I receive comes from my international audience. So I want to ask kiwis to really think about this for a minute, no marketing techniques, no bullshit, no "breaking news" no "emergency broadcast" just think about this for a minute. Point a stick at anyone in New Zealand that: •Has more youtube subscribers than all NZ mainstream news channels combined & uses it as a platform for people who speak the truth •Films NZ protests and public meetings of national importance and actually edits and uploads them and the speakers in their entirety •Has a US based talk radio show •Given NZ activists hundreds of hours of air time •Is 100% crowd funded with no corporate sponsors •Has a multi-media platform that doesn't buy into fear porn or political partisanship •Has the balls to interview guests who discuss the New World Order, Chem Trails, Vaccines & every other demonized topic you can think of •Has a proven track record of getting the job done! Now that you've considered your alternatives, I'm going to cut to the chase, I'm sick of waking up at 5am and working 14 hour days in exchange for internet trolling and abuse, I'm sick of getting 90,000 views a month on youtube just to struggle to make the rent every week, I'm sick of having 300 people a day visiting my website in exchange for not knowing where my next meal is coming from. I've recently upgraded the studio with a new green screen and a second iMac to help with editing, A few people have spare time to come help me but they don't have enough to pay for the gas it'll cost them to get here and I don't have enough to provide them with coffee and food while they work either. Looking at my finances and my wife's gardening job, (which is in major downturn during winter) We're in a constant state of financial anxiety which is not good for her auto-immune disorder (or my PTSD for that matter), And an extra $400 per month would basically solve all of our problems and allow me to not only get up to date but to take the show to another level! To put that in perspective, $400 per month is the cost of my super fast unlimited internet and half of 1 weeks rent. What I want is DECENT PEOPLE LIKE YOU to start gifting $2.50 per week or $10 a month NOW! That's 80 people gifting $1:50 per week or $5 a month 40 people gifting $2.50 per week or $10 a month 20 people gifting $20 a month 8 people gifting $50 a month 4 people gifting $100 a month NZ Gifts And APs Kiwibank:38-9010-0455296-00 Name: VMAN COMPANIES LTD PAYPAL BUTTONS ON THE HOME PAGE PS: If you're NOT one of those people, then please, leave a comment below attempting to justify why I'm not worth supporting, Because if I'm no longer around, Too stressed to help, Or can't afford the gas to get somewhere, Who else can kiwis rely on to represent them accurately in the media?
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