VIDEO: Who Are You Really Voting For? Winston Peters & New Zealand First (NZ Election Series Part 5)22/9/2017 VIDEO: Who Are You Really Voting For? Winston Peters & New Zealand First (NZ Election Series Part 5) New Zealand First: Supported the Security Intelligence Bill. Supported New Zealand's efforts post-9/11 on closer US NZ military relations Supported closer relations with China Winston Peters, foreign affairs minister at the time, met the Dalai Lama in 2009 Supported Labour 2004 Foreshore and sea bed legislation. 2005, New Zealand First's long-running campaign against the Treaty of Waitangi and its Principles in our politics took its next logical step. The party introduced a bill into Parliament designed to delete all mention of said Treaty Principles from New Zealand legislation. Indeed it stated to remove the Treaty of Waitangi and its Principles from legislation stating in 2002 “The country does not need the Treaty” (Continues Below) Watch On Youtube: Who Are You REALLY Voting For? Winston Peters & NZFirst (NZ Election Series Part 5) Supported 2006 Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill. The proposed new drug regulation, also to include all natural health products right down to vitamin C. The legislation is likely to destroy most small natural health companies, as natural remedies which have been used safely for centuries suddenly have to be tested in labs like new chemicals invented yesterday by pharmaceutical companies.
A Protege of Muldoon serving with national 1975 to 1993. Shortly before the 1993 election, Peters established New Zealand First and retained his Tauranga seat. Another New Zealand First candidate, Tau Henare, unseated the Labour incumbent in Northern Maori, helping to convince people that New Zealand First was not simply Peters' personal vehicle. NZ First was financed in part with election donation from NZ businessman Bob Jones. 1990’s Winston Peters was key play in the Wine Box inquiry, a, centred around merchant bankers Michael Fay & David Richwhite (Richwhite Investments) and tax evasion money laundering. He accused National of receiving dodgy election donations from Fay Richwhite but refused to answer whether he had ever met Paul White, A computer salesman who later died under controversial circumstances. Peters however gave a detailed description of the disks, White claimed data on mass scale money laundering in NZ, and included details of bribes to NZ Politicians and political parties. The 1996 elections, the MMP electoral system delivered a huge windfall to New Zealand First. The party won 17 seats and swept all of the Māori electorates. More importantly, it held the balance of power in Parliament. Neither National nor Labour had enough support to govern alone. Neither party could form a majority without the backing of New Zealand First, meaning Peters could effectively choose the next prime minister. It was widely expected that he would throw his support to Labour and make Labour leader Helen Clark New Zealand's first female prime minister. Peters had bitterly criticised his former National colleagues, and appeared to promise that he would not even consider a coalition with Bolger. However, after over a month of negotiations with both parties, Peters decided to enter into a coalition with National. Michael Laws, the party's campaign manager, later claimed that Peters had already decided to join forces with National and used his negotiations with Labour simply to win more concessions from Bolger. Whatever the case, Peters exacted a high price for allowing Bolger to stay on as prime minister. Peters became Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer (senior to the Minister of Finance), the latter post created especially for him. Initially, there were concerns about whether Peters would be able to work with Bolger, the National prime minister who had previously sacked him from Cabinet, but the two did not seem to have any major difficulties. 1999: Winston Peters was part of the 2003 inquiry into fisheries management (known as the scampi inquiry, as it focused on scampi), which involved Simunovich Fisheries. In 2010 the New Zealand Herald and Television New Zealand are thought to have paid out $1.5 million to Simunovich Fisheries directors Peter Simunovich and Vaughan Wilkinson, and also had to issue public apologies, as they had alleged that Simunovich Fisheries had given false figures when securing government fishing quotas in the 1990s. In 1999 following the Scampi ‘free Lunch scandal’ election donation money was paid to New Zealand by Vela Fisheries via Peters’ old school mate, National MP (turned Russian mafia banker) Ross Meurant - who later accepted a job as a policy adviser to Mr Peters. Mr Meurant brokered donations from Philip Vela, a senior member of the wealthy Vela family, before the 1999 election, when NZ First was in a coalition government with National, and after that time, Mr Vela was told by Mr Meurant that he would have an opportunity to frame “friendly policy” in business areas to which Mr Vela was connected. Former MP, Russian Mafia banker and arms dealer (Under Prok bank - A Fay Richwhite investment partner in Wellness holdings Ltd) turned fisheries consultant Ross Meurant, Resigned as a part-time policy adviser to Winston Peters. Meurant said he does not want the New Zealand First leader to be unfairly tainted with the perception of a conflict of interest over the scampi inquiry. Peters employed the former right wing hardliner and Russian mafia banker whose office was located in the building, owned by Vela fisheries, to investigate corruption with the fisheries industry, including the Vela and Simovich family. The Vela family, worth an estimated $180 million, is involved in the fishing and horse racing industries. The documents show Vela interests gave NZ First $20,000 in 1999 - with a promise of $30,000 more to come. Some documents have parliamentary letterheads and include notes from a meeting, at which Mr Peters said he had saved Vela interests "millions in tax liability". Vela donated a total of $150,000 to NZ First. in 2005: The Baubles of Office was the story of how, for nearly two weeks, no one knew who had won, Labour or National. New Zealand acquired a government, only when Winston Peters ignored a last-minute written appeal from the leaders of four other parties, to come to a meeting to agree on terms. Instead, he met with Helen Clark and became the countrys Foreign Minister, Accepting the baubles of office, that he had so openly disdained in a major campaign address, to the horror of many of his supporters. also in 2005: Foreign Minister Winston Peters stated checks of official records have found no evidence of illicit funds transfer, by two New Zealand companies. referred to in the Volcker inquiry, into the UN Oil for Food Programme (which created kick backs used to buy weapons), Peters gave Fonterra a clean bill of health from preliminary investigations - Saying that: "An extensive file search by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade officials has found that the two New Zealand companies referred to in the Volcker report, JB Sales Ltd and Ecroyd Beekeeping Supplies Ltd, acted in accordance with UN and New Zealand rules," "The Volcker report also cites a Vietnamese company, Vietnam Dairy Products. This company was a major customer of Fonterra, and is understood to have repackaged and onsold whole milk powder to Iraq.” 2006: Transparency International criticised the NZ governments lack of investigation into the Food For Oil scandal, citing they had not even investigated primary documents. Peters later announced a probe into the document would be conducted by the police and Serious Fraud Office. Research by investigative journalist Ben Vidgen, shows no such investigation ever took place by either agency, based on Vidgen checking with the Police media communication office, and the SFO directly, in addition to speaking to the New Zealand firms cited, in the Volkner report. Wikileaks documents revealed that milk product shipped to Iraq under the cover of a third party such as Vietnam (assisted by Russian Mafia bank Prok, New Zealand director and former head of the New Zealand Dairy Board, Far East division, Ian Robertson’s firm Vostock immigration) were encouraged by the Labour Government. Peters was part of this as NZ Minister of Foreign Affairs. More than 80% of the dairy product brought by Iraq originated from New Zealand, according to MFAT documents secured by Ben Vidgen, following an Offical Information request. In 2009: Property magnate Sir Robert gave money to Mr Peters to help fund the party.The $25,000 donation has not been declared to election officials. Also in 2009: Oligarch Billionaire Owen Glenn stated that he donated money to NZ First. And lobbied Winston Peters, the then deputy prime minister, to be made Consul of Monarco, The small principality, Currently embroiled in the heart of the panama tax haven scandal “when Peters gets off his arse”. NZ First President said a five figure donation closer to $100,000 rather than $10,000, appeared anonymously in their bank account in December 2007. Winston Peters says NZ First has never received any money from Owen Glenn or his associates. NZ First then contradicted itself, filing donation returns claiming no-one gave them more than $10,000 in 2007. Winston Peters later admitted billionaire Owen Glenn made a $100,000 contribution to his party. Peters regularly takes large donations from the timber, fisheries, racing tobacco and gambling industry.
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