VIDEO: Who Are You Really Voting For? The Green Party (NZ Election Series Part 4) FOREWORD: Welcome to video 4, If you’ve not watched videos 1 through 3 yet, Please go to The Vinny Eastwood And Click ON MrNewsVinnyEastwood’s Blog. Alternatively, The Videos are also available, on the Vinny Eastwood Facebook Page, At And on This Video here, Will Focus primarily on the Green Party, It’s Co-leaders & it’s track record in general. Before we get to that however, I need to address a few things, So far, The response has been great! But! Every single one of these videos has been met overwhelmingly, with ignorance, stupidity, hostility, accusations, assumptions, ridicule & despair. Whether or not these reactions came from people who even bothered to watch the videos, remains to be seen. However, these reactions were not unanticipated or unexpected, In point of fact, I was counting on it and deliberately constructed the videos in a manner, that would address these largely predictable responses, During the runtime. (FOREWORD CONTINUED BELOW) Watch On Youtube: Who Are You REALLY Voting For? Green Party Part 1 of 2 (CULTS & CPTSD) Watch Part 2 On Youtube: Who Are You REALLY Voting For? Green Party Part 2 of 2 (Script Below) FOREWORD CONTINUED: So it was a combination of frustrating and hilarious, to see that without exception, These people immediately showed signs, that they did not watch the videos at all, at the very least they did not listen, Ignored everything enclosed within, or, simply refused to believe any of it at all. How do I know this? Because every concern they expressed, Was already addressed, in the video. How can I say such a blanketed statement? Because every word, within all 3 previous episodes, Is solidly backed up by facts, and screenshots, from the mainstream media, & the parties themselves. So if you think myself and Journalist Ben Vidgen from Postman Investigates, Are… crazy. Because we quote the mainstream media & put things in context Then might I suggest, that is you, Who are crazy. And again, I do not make this claim without evidence to back it up. The reason for the predictability of said responses, Was because of 2 basic principles, Cult Indoctrination techniques, & The Grief Process, Which if I’m permitted to briefly explain, You will understand why, (when you share this video,) Identical responses will flow your way. Firstly, have you ever asked yourself, if you’re under mind control? No? Then it’s probably working. Mind control is actually pretty straight forward, For example: Have you ever been punched in the face for getting too lippy? No? Have you ever seen someone ELSE get punched in the face for getting too lippy? Yes? It made you restrain yourself, from getting too lippy, Afterwards, didn’t it? Now while this is an extreme example, It’s a basic analogy of how our mind works, We react, To consequences, And modify our behaviours, In order to avoid those consequences in the future, Those can either be the result of direct trauma, Or seeing others go through it, The more we see, The more we change, In some cases, Over a long period of time, We modify our behaviours so much, That eventually, We stop saying what we think, Standing up for ourselves, & for others entirely. Indeed, we may even become intolerant, Or even aggressive, Towards those who do. At this point, We’re no longer ourselves, At this point, We are technically, (Often through no fault of our own) a cult member. But how did this happen to me? You ask? Well, it’s not as difficult as you’d think, As the punch in the face analogy demonstrates. But cult indoctrination, Is not without sophistication, Cult leaders are clever, Typically suffering from malignant Narcissism, or psychopathic personality disorder, Making them incredibly manipulative and dangerous. They know you won’t want to join a cult, So they pretend that they aren’t one. Inviting you to a non-threatening event, Something with nice food and pretty girls. They’ll tell you how special you are, and carpet bomb you with love and attention. Then start dangling prizes in front of you, And parade around some of the cults “success stories” And make out like they’re your friend. That’s when they try to extract an agreement out of you, Once you agree, The cult has you on the hook, And they WILL, Reel you in. You’ll be asked to do things you’d rather not, Like Devote more of your time, Recruit for them, Pay for tables at fundraisers, Or adopt more extreme beliefs. And by Threatening to withhold the prize, they dangled in front of you earlier. You will most likely do it, And if you still don’t want to, They’ll make you feel guilty about it. And start playing the shame game, Ensuring that you and other members remain committed to the cause. To control your behaviour even more aggressively, They’ll reward so called “good behaviours” and punishing alleged “bad behaviour” The Prize, is just a Carrot on a stick. But while this process explains how people might get sucked in in the first place, The way the cult keeps control over you, Is to disassociate you, from your family and friends, And it is well documented, That even rational & intelligent people, Can slowly be sucked in by a cult. All those techniques are traumatic, And when used correctly, it’s possible to traumatise a child, or an adult, And then use that trauma, To program their mind, With a set of beliefs. Beliefs embedded so strongly, That they will go through a grief process, Before shedding those beliefs, Or awakening to their falsity. So what if one of your family or friends has fallen prey to a cult? What are signs? Firstly, They’ll lose their sense of humour, If you find that funny, The healing has begun, But anyway, All their friends will think like they do, None of them will question authority, They believe the source of Authority is just one person, And there will be no independent evidence of that persons authority. They’ll insist their beliefs can’t be questioned, And talk secretly amongst each other, Ousting people they deem unworthy, The core issue, Is they’ve been made to forget, that faith, Is always supported by reality, And objective evidence. To come across this realisation, Will usually trigger the grief process, Which has 5 stages Denial: Anger: Bargaining: Depression: & Acceptance: So it’s no surprise, The reactions these videos have gotten. Even Ghandi said things like “First they ignore you, (denial) Then they laugh at you, (denial) Then they fight you, (Anger) Then you win” (Bargaining) And Arthur Shopenhauer Said: “All truth passes through 3 stages First it is ridiculed, (Denial) Second, it is violently opposed, (Anger) Third, It is accepted as being Self Evident. (Bargaining) They were both describing the grief process, What they don’t describe, Is how the circle completes itself, By making you depressed, the last stage however, Acceptance, Is something most will never reach, Because the Traumas, are often too great to contemplate. This is what’s known, As a personality disorder, Specifically, Complex post traumatic stress disorder, This is different from Normal PTSD, In that Post Traumatic Stress, Is linked to one incident, Or perhaps a chain of incidents, Where the subject had no control over their life, For a short period of time. The brain will naturally rewire itself under such situations, as a survival tactic, programming it be hyper vigilant, detecting, and reacting, Almost instantly, To threats the brain perceives as similar. And threat or not, The brain cannot tell the difference, Between what it’s seeing, And what it remembers, So instantly puts them back into a survival state, They go from 0 to 100, in an instant, They bring a bazooka, to a knife fight. Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, On the other hand, Is when a traumatising circumstance, Occurs consecutively, For not less than one month. The subject during that time must be given no indication, that the outcome of the situation is within their control, And as a result, The brain of the subject will be programmed to accept, That they have no control over the outcome, or their life. This is called, Learned helplessness, Interestingly, People who live with this condition, Frequently become Mediators and trauma counsellors. They don’t think they can help themselves, but they know, they can help others, South American shaman refer to this phenomenon, as “The wounded healer” The meaning of which, Is that sometimes, The only person who can help you with your grief, Is someone who has been through similar trauma. Lending credence to a commonly held belief, That all people have the capacity within them, To bare the loads they are given. However, When hearing these things for the first time, Some people immediately ask, For me to offer a solution. Indicating, that they do not want to understand the problem, And they’re missing the point. Here’s a few examples: Penny Bright, She saw that Privatisation and contracting was leading to corruption, So she did something about it. Mary Byrne, She saw that Fluoride was poisoning everybody who drank it, So she did something about it. Ben Vidgen, He saw that New Zealand was getting overrun by organised crime, And had very few journalists exposing it So he did something about it. Steve & Clyde Graf, They saw 1080 was a danger to New Zealand’s ecosystem, and the government wasn’t telling the truth about it, So they did something about it. Chris Fowlie, He saw New Zealands cannabis laws were unjust, that people were suffering and dying because of them, So he did something about it. Like them or love them, And whether or not they agree with anything said in this video series, They each saw a problem, And instead of asking someone else to solve it, They refused to do the one thing that would let it continue, They refused to do nothing. They are an example of how to live your truth the right way, Self reliant, self motivated and above all, Selfless. Willing to stand up for others, And speak the truth, Even when others will not. So if you come to me after this video, Not Asking me to help you understand the problems better, and just wanting a solution, My response will be: “You want the solution? YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE SOLUTION!” Why do I say that? Because, ladies, And Gentlemen, You, ARE the solution, So if you haven’t got a handle on that yet, You won’t be motivated to do what it takes, to understand, or solve, A complex problem, or even one small part of it. If you do not possess the patience, or the will, Stop pretending, that your opinion, your actions, Or even your life, matter, They don’t, and they never will. Luckily, History tells that 6% or less of a population are needed to overthrow any oppressive government, Coincidentally, once 6% of a herd of animals becomes aware of a predator, The entire herd instantly becomes aware. Throughout history, Roughly 94% of mankind as literally sat on the sidelines, Or boarded cattle cars, Without any resounding affect on the course of human history, At all, And their participation, in any movement claiming to be about freedom, Or Truth, Without serious self analysis, Will only serve to further enslave the entire human race. So let me be blunt, If you are one of these people, Your commentary and anything else you have to contribute, is not required, nor is it welcomed, You will have your comments deleted, They will be reported as spam, And your account will be blocked, so that you cannot comment further. No warnings, no discussion. If however, you are one of the remaining 1 in 20 people, Who can think for themselves, Make sacrifices for the good of others, And are strong enough, To let go of beliefs, When new evidence contradicts them. And Have the sheer Valor, That is demanded of you, When speaking the truth, To a hostile audience, That outnumbers you 20 to one, And still hold your ground. IF, YOU, Are one of them. I just want to say thank you, Not because you did anything for me, Or because of anything you might do, Or might have done, But simply, thank you, For being you, And doing what you do, Because there is no one left to do it, But you. You successfully resisted society’s attempts to control your consciousness, And your conscience, That is, No small feat, In times as dark as these. I hope that’s cleared a few things up, now, Back our regularly scheduled deprogramming SCRIPT The reason the Greens recently lost long time co-leader Metiria Turei,
Is effectively because she wrote a speech about her dole days, Where she deliberately withheld information from work and income, So that her children didn’t starve, and she could study to become a lawyer. She took that speech to Greens colleagues like Graham Kennedy, A member of Parliamentarians for Global Action, Who said it was a great speech and wished her well. She then presented it to the Labour party, Who also said “Yes that’s a wonderful speech” So only after she did that, Did they throw her under the bus Now, Who benefited? Well primarily, Current Co-leader James Shaw, Who First tried his hand at politics in 1992, Standing for Wellington City Council, on a Green ticket. He contested the Western Ward, and came seventh out of ten candidates. He later moved to London, living there for 12 years, In 2005 [Shaw completed an MSc in sustainability and business leadership, at the University of Bath School of Management Returning to New Zealand in 2010. Where Shaw worked in the consulting division of PricewaterhouseCoopers The firm responsible for a report, That led to New Zealand to believe that we’d make a profit of roughly 2 billion dollars, From signing the Kyoto Protocol, - however due to a Quote: “accounting error” Signing the document placed New Zealand into 2 Billion dollars worth of debt. Between 2011 and 2014, Shaw worked as a consultant for HSBC bank on "environmental awareness programmes for future leaders" At the same time, working for Wellington social enterprise the Akina Foundation, Previously named the The Hikurangi Foundation, Which was established In 2008 To support practical action on climate change and the environment. It’s financial backing was provided by a partnership with The Todd Foundation (Whose interests largely revolve around Petro carbons) and The Tindall Foundation (named after the owner of The Wharehouse) Its supported by Russell MCVeight, the lawyers of choice for big business. Two Thirds of New Zealand’s Carbon credits, are controlled by the Petro carbon market, while the proposal to push hemp (which can produce more carbon credits per plant than any other source natural or manmade) is not a green priority. Today, New Zealand's biggest businesses, Including BP, Z Energy, New Zealand Steel and Fonterra, Have been identified as buying "dodgy" ‘New Zealand’ carbon credits. While a number of forestry companies like The Matariki Forests, Ngai Tahu Forest Estates and China Forestry Group New Zealand. Are also identified, as having bought fraudulent carbon credits from Russia & The Ukraine. After finding loopholes in the international rules for carbon trading. These loopholes allowed the creation of millions of carbon credits, that had no environmental benefit whatsoever – they were quite simply… fraudulent. Other countries cottoned on, And stopped dealing with them. Incredibly, New Zealand ended up being the largest customer of these climate criminals, because our government, was the only one allowing fraudulent carbon credits, as a fair means of exchange. The government has said that it underestimated taxable emissions, And overestimated, New Zealand's capacity to produce compensatory carbon credits, A situation that will put the county, In a significant carbon credit debt, a few years down the track. Estimates of the cost to the economy have varied, but centre on a negative balance of not less than $1.2, and possibly more than $3 billion dollars. Shaw blamed the government, But in fact, the government received its expertise and advice on Carbon emissions, from Price Water House Coopers in 2003, Again, stating that it will produce 2 billion dollars, And later revised the figure after we singed, Because it had made an “accounting error” Aside from it’s leaders, The Green Party and its membership is heavily connected to Parliamentarians for Global action, the Club de Madrid & the Freemasons (old boy school tie net work), Their party policies are (if you’ll permit me a small pun) A carbon copy of UN Agenda 21, A globalisation & global government ideology. They Helped Labour to dismantle Privy Courts. They advocate of the use of 1080 & Brodifacoum, Water Fluoridation & Water privatisation. In addition to being strong advocates of Genetic Engineering & Genetically Modified Crops. Just like Labour & National, The Greens also seek to give iwi corporate management, aristocratic elites or “Business brown table” greater control, at the expense of the wider Maori community. The end result being, that iwi (as minority partners to multinationals) are used to introduce privatisation through the back door. The Party also Supported a Flag change, Advocating a style of republicanism, which does contain equal constitutional protection for all of NZ, Or, protect its national sovereignty. Each symbol offered as ‘choice’ The silver fern or red peak, Effectively symbolised the dominance of South Island and West Coast iwi, (who had incidentally accepted treaty settlements) As opposed to the other iwi’s, who’ve yet to obtain a fair settlement. Greens Support Carbon Credits, a Ponzi scheme, in line with the corporate financed Agenda 21, which rewards, (rather than punishes) the biggest polluters on the planet. They remained utterly silent on Hemp, The largest sequester of carbon dioxide on the planet, Which can be made up to 12 x strong than steel, (Which would easily solve New Zealand’s housing crisis by the way). To became vocal again on decriminalisation of Cannabis, Following the death of Helen Kelly. In the Nelson Region, Green councillors support laws, that prohibit protesting, without a permit. Greens payed lip service against US warship visits, Remain silent on increased US & New Zealand military relations And have said nothing about the militarisation of New Zealands Antarctic Ross shelf, And silent on the down scaling of New Zealand’s presence in Antartica. They are a party whom are guilty, by its actions, of being Neo-liberal. The Greens were once a party where policy, was decided upon by the party members, So they tended to represent the memberships views, But now, it is done by caucus. So where party members used to be able to force, Say… policy on cannabis, The Greens caucus can simply disagree, and walk away from legalising weed, And their decriminalisation bill you ask? Predictably, is just lip service. In summary, The Green Party Caucus, Will not promote what the party wants, but what the globalists want. They’re using our collective concerns for housing, The environment and inequality, To achieve the exact opposite aims, of what they publicly claim.
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