Kate Of Gaia Slams Vinny Eastwood And Thomas Sheridan's Take On The Freeman/Sovereignty Movements.14/7/2014 Taken from original here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yda1SKy_jDU&feature=youtu.be&t=1h20m22s
This was a response from Kate to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRq9roqCe-Y Transcribed Audio: Thomas Sheridan and Vinny Eastwoods opinion is like a zit on my asshole, it doesn't matter to me. Just because they don't know who they are, they can debate it all day long and that's just the left brain monkey chatter of them trying to justify the fact that they love sucking on the cock of the system and slurping on the nipples of the whore of babylon. That's they're choice, I call them Shidiots, you're either a shill or a fucken idiot, choose. I've been calling people out including Santos Bonacci Here's my message to Vinny Eastwood, love ya man, Here's my message to Thomas Sheridan, love ya man, But get your heads out of your fucken assholes And start looking at the reality of this and you'll understand the legal name and that you are a slave of by and for it What Tom and Vinny don't understand is the sheer and utter fucking bliss I'm in right now. They don't understand the reality of the things happening around me, While Vinny's out screaming and crying for fucken donations to get his truth movement going by training freedom fighters, well what are you fighting? You're fighting freedom you morons! I don't fight freedom I AM FREEDOM ---- "Mr I'm gonna run for president of south africa I don't know who the fuck I am because I'm a shidiot? Michael Tellinger? Yeah I know who you're talking about… "He's still being luciferian, he's still defying natural order by thinking that he can out-create creation himself, this is where you got to learn to let this shit go kids, or be doomed, You will be judged of and by your actions and your choices. If you choose to be luciferian thinking that you can change everything to work in a system, Because you're thinking in that luciferian mindset, you're in hell bitch and you're stayin' there And you're gonna stay there for as long as it takes for you to wake your sorry ass up. And I might be mistaken, Tom might have his head up Vinny's ass and Vinny might have his head up Toms ass I can't be sure, so it's just a visual you know? ---- "I'm so tired of watching people getting harmed, because they don't know- for lack of knowing who they are, for lack of knowledge my people suffer" "Billy I'm gonna play your Devils fucken killer of the advocate, because, you're standing in a position of opinion, conjecture, without fucking experience and you haven't even done the courtesy of asking Kate how are things working for ya? But you've went ahead and assumed like every other fucken monkey left brain chatter on this planet Billy!" "Yeah basically I'm telling ya the truth and if ya can handle it great, let me tell ya how great things are, I have got a situation happening around me where I am able to help people around the world with money! Guess what? --"Well you said that anyone who uses money is like a secret agent cos we're using the governments money-" "FOR PERSONAL GAIN you divided and conquered buffoon! Listen to me again BIlly! I thought you knew me?! When you have an intent-SHUT UP FOR A SECOND! Because this is the fucking crap I am tired of dealing with you fucken duon! No Billy shut up, mute him out if you have to,because I'm not gonna play this fucken game. The intention is what matters if you are seeking money for self gain, self profit, self aggrandizement, Then you are a luciferian whore worshipping fucking Babylonian. When you take that same tool that was ripped from your soul and turn it to benevolent use you have now transmuted it! Good AND evil not good OR it's both, you fucken choose! So don't fucken tell me or preach at me anything, because you don't know me, I know me! And next time have the fucking courtesy to ask me! The difference between me and most monkeys on this planet, Is I actually accept the heart of all creation in the natural order of things and that creation has this, I don't need to defy it and guess what? Creation has this and I'm walking talking living proof of it, You watch this world collapse around you my friend, and you will know what I am saying to be truth, --- "NO Billy I'm not having a go at you I'm having a go at the fucken program that is making you think it's you that everyone else has running like Thomas Sheridan and Vinny Eastwood, Santos Bonacci and Tammy Pepperman, and Dean Clifford and Winston Shrout and Robert Menard and Doug Riddle, And all of these fucken left brained monkey, remedy seeking idiots that are nothing more than fucking cowards, Because they cannot stand in the truth, Because they cannot trust in their own intuition and their own heart to know that creation has this, You luciferian mind fuck retards. Fair enough? That cover it? That was fun, fluffy's got her tail just a waggin' right now. ---- "Here's where the intention happens, I'm gonna show you the difference between good and evil and money, is it good to take money and feed a starving child? And is it good to take money and buy weapons and fucking murder that child? What is your intention? I know what mine is I'll feed the child until the money is no longer required, but I'm sure as hell not gonna buy a bullet to put in a gun through taxes and worshipping governments by voting for them to put a fucking bullet in that childs head, that's the difference in intention of what money can be used for until it is no longer needed, it's that simple. What's your intention? I will feed the child, and that's what I'm doing, and anything that comes to me is transmuted in that regard where I've been able to help so many people as a result of an individual that actually knows what I'm talking about and has the means to make sure that I have the tools to help as many people as I can, Not only that, but keeping me alive, I have got my beautiful little universe here right now and I'll tell you this, Because I see the big picture, everyone is comin' home, My family all of it, it's all common' home and this all comes down when the veils are all finally dropped, I'm gonna stand there and I'm gonna say I told ya so, Now come here and give me a hug I love you that much I would stand this hard for you. ---- The bottom line is this, that Babylon has fallen is now in I think 18 or 19 different languages, Has went viral around the world and it is reaching the hearts and minds of millions, The people that get what's on that document-never mind that, the fact that they touch it and see it it's pure contract of a benevolent nature that removes the soul contract of their ignorance, Let's put it this way, I would rather have someone handle something that purifies and cleans their soul with benevolence vs them using a legal name fraud in ignorance where their soul is trapped, that's my intention, so when you touch this read this or hear about it, you're now in spiritual contract of pure truth and benevolence, Unless you prefer the war and hate and the hell that you've been living in, if that's the case then please ignore the contract, Defy it, deny it, be the liar that you have always been and be happy about it, but don't cry me a river when your whole universe comes crashing down around you, Cos it's comin'. This is a tidal wave that will not be stopped, the truth has went across this planet, And I'm just very grateful in the most humble way, of actually being able to just simply be a part of it.
De La Torre
14/7/2014 03:47:13 pm
She's right. Her intentions here are with love, and I hope you get that. Behind her joltingly, straight to the face, soliloquy, she wants you to get it. I hope you see that.
Hi Vinny, how are you?
15/7/2014 04:48:52 am
We each Manifest our own Reality, that is part of our free will, whether consciously or not. We each process our energy, according to our perception of our Reality. There are only two types of processes that every Being on the planet uses to justify their Actions, they either THINK then FEEL emotion or they FEEL emotion then they THINK both leads to a reaction (neuroscience has proved the network system between the BRAIN and HEART, guess who overthrows the other, the HEART can conquer the BRAIN, even when it's being irrational). We Limit our perception with lack of understanding, of ourselves and our surroundings, and that more is yet to be learned, and we beings are more efficient as a collective energy, that's why we have these systems built around us by society, to harness or harvest this energy, our perception is that it's for the benefit of all, the illusion is, that we can only change perceptions with actions but I believe with many others, thoughts and conversation helps bring positive action, I can not save the world on my own (that fairy tale needs to stop, ok Hollywood) but I will put positive THOUGHTS in my mind and back it up with HEARTFELT actions. We must remember there is NO, one shoe fits all here, we each have our own path, we just have to remember to look sideways and notice the path is part of a Highway with many traveling from different points of origins. Plus don't expect others living in other countries to fully understand your point of view, each country has a history with a tailored system that shaped the thoughts and outcome of its people who live there today, just understand their thoughts and why it's different, then you make way for others to understand you and your differences. Positive Minds with good loving hearts can make energy for a positive reaction.
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