![]() I got a very long email from a listener responding to my call for donations by giving me a giant list of suggestions and questions. I thought that my responses to them really illustrated the difference between mine and many other people's motivations. Now to directly address his points directly: "I Work a call center job, hate it, but I do it for non-english languages so the pay off is alright." •I used to be in a call centre, that’s how I got so good at talking, I quit when they payed me $24,000 in one month and have been a full time activist ever since. "I used to want to get a profession, get a nice paying job, start a family and lead the normal life. But the universe had other plans... I managed to get a plethora of health problems that no one could really help me solve"
• You don’t have a choice about what you do and neither did I, if you hate it, stop doing it or it will destroy and compromise you, that’s what causes health problems. " I lost all interest in the subject of conspiracies and whatnot. Not because I dont think some things are real. Or because its not interesting or entertaining. But because its a waste of time. Most things that are discussed - never go anywhere. It doesnt change anything. A lot of talk, but very few action." •What did you think was going to happen? That we’d just leap off the screen and solve all the worlds problems for you without you having to lift a finger? The reason why no action came from the shows is because you didn’t take action based on the knowledge it was imparting to you, you not using knowledge to affect change is not my fault, it’s yours. You do NOT benefit or gain power from information if you do not apply it in the real world. “It adds Stress” •Not if you listen to my show, with all the jokes, it’s the only show on the internet that talks about this shit without freaking out and scaring people. ”Most people will never care about it” •So? 95% of people will never follow their own destiny or brave ridicule to do what's right, they’re on the sidelines of history while less than 1% accomplish things which change the world even though the majority never knew or give a fuck about it, These people wouldn't accomplish anything if the only validation they sought came from others. "Very few actually want to something something about any real problems” •Hence the reason why I broadcast what those problems are to let people know they exist, Primarily because no one else is going to do it for me. I don't want to solve the world's problems, just the problem New Zealand has IE it has no alternative media. • “Do you have good health” I haven’t had to go to the doctor for anything serious or take any pharmaceutical medication for 31 years ”Do you have real friends that accept you” •Yes, one of them is my band mate and we make music and movies together and the other is an artist I’ve known for over 10 years, those are the 2 guys I consider my real close friends, I have close relationships with hundreds of people all around the world in the truth movement but it’s impossible to maintain complex relationships with more than 2-3 people at any one time. “Do you have enough material wealth” • Yes, enough to not need a full time job since 2008, Enough to not need a part time job since 2012 And apart from emailing my donors 2 or 3 times a year asking for help, I have everything I need to survive. Because I’ve helped so many people and have a track record of doing so, when I ask for help, I get exactly what I need, exactly when I need it, in the exact amount I require, almost instantly and never have to leave the house, work or even get out of bed if I don’t want to. But because I do what i do for reasons other than money (ie the survival of the free human race) I work nearly 7 days a week and most mornings I start the work day at 4am and work through till 4pm. “People your age have 2-3 kids” • Firstly that’s a made up statistic from decades ago, 2-3 children is what you need to prevent the human race going extinct, hence the phrase "2.4 children" popularized by The Simpsons. But today, people my age have between 0.8-1.4 children on average (depending on which Western Country you use) because the sperm count is so low (due to fluoride and cell phones next to balls all day), fertility rates are dropping and money is being devalued so it’s almost impossible to afford to feed them even if you could have one, and that's the plan! But, The reason I don't have kids is that my wife has a 12cm Fibroid growth on her 15cm Uterus that was discovered a couple months ago when she had surgery for a gall stone, This is why she hasn’t been able to get pregnant for the last 10 years we’ve been together. It’s being removed in a few months time. " If activism cant provide your needs, then why do you do it?” • It's not a choice really, it's a lack of options, I’m so traumatized from previous work experience that I had panic attacks at job interviews, “employophobia” I called it, a fear of gainful employment. In short, I'm not physically able to allow someone to pay me by the hour to rob myself of my own destiny. "Why care for people that don't give a damn about you?” • Because that’s the only thing that makes me a human with a conscience, acting as a guardian, as opposed to a psychopath with no soul acting as a predator. Furthermore, I'm not doing this for the huge amount of people who won't listen to reason, love being slaves and are going to get themselves exterminated or enslaved, It's only for those who do give a damn, about me, about the world, about the continued survival of a free human race. I don't try to "Wake people up" I just use the info grenade, pull the pin. chuck it in and walk away, if it blows up in their face later, great, if not, it isn't my responsibility to change peoples minds for them, just to say things that allow them to do so themselves. "Why care for future generations if yours wont be in it?” • Because mine is not the only bloodline that will be severed once the New World Order is complete, There is more at stake here than just ourselves, To abandon the entire human race without care, is to abandon the very thing that makes us human, the very principles that bind us together, the very fabric by which a society is made, compassion & cooperation. "who are you doing this for?” • If I had to explain in one word, god, in 2 words, moral obligation, I see evil and injustice that I myself have been victim of and I try to do something to stop it. “We don’t do this thing because it’s permitted, we do it because we’re compelled” -Rorschach "What have you done in your life? And by that I mean - what have you done to make your life that, what it should be?" •The only thing I’ve done so far in my life is: -Survive an abusive family, criminal convictions for selling cannabis, employophobia, PTSD & panic attacks. -Became New Zealand's largest (and for all intents and purposes) ONLY REAL alternative media entity. -Saving dozens of lives indirectly by preventing them committing suicide by helping them see that things aren't all bad, plus many others by proxy via the many shows about health and the many threats to it. -Saved the lives of some activists who were suicidal because no media outlets would listen to them and the corruption that was destroying their life and livelihood. -Helped about 2 dozen other radio hosts and film makers start their own operations. When others get asked that question, the answers revolve totally around themselves, not what they have done for others. My answers are different because I know there is only 1 thing of real value in this world, value that cannot be replaced, value that cannot be calculated until it's gone, PEOPLE. Now, I’m acting under the assumption that you’re like me a few years ago, A person who is going through the grief process, at that stage I was just trying to bargain with psychopaths to get a better cage in this hierarchy of horrors I know is coming. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your outlook) I realized that there is no compromising with psychopaths, They either have total control of your life or you do, There is no negotiating. “Never Compromise, Even In The Face Of Armageddon” - Rorschach I’m sorry if my achievements in life are not up to your standard, And I thank you for your advice and questions as it's helped me to clarify what I do, But, in terms of what I’ve accomplished before the age of 31, Technically I’m the most successful alternative media figure in New Zealand history, As well as the only one in history to have ever been picked up by a US talk radio network, The first to outrank the local mainstream media on youtube in terms of subscribers. FROM MY BIO: Since quitting my job as a salesman I've created/become: -NZ's #1 subscribed youtube news channel with 30,000+ subscribers (Aug 2016) outranking NZ's largest mainstream media channel NZheraldTV by more than 10,000 -Syndicated throughout New Zealand on radio networks from Invercargill in the deep south to Whangarei in the far north -A full time, self motivated activist supported financially by multiple sources of income from ordinary people's generous donations & subscriptions to google ads on youtube -The largest online video and audio archives of NZ activists in history (several thousand hours of published information) -Thousand's of in depth radio interviews & created working relationships with some of the biggest names in the global truth/alternative media movement -The caretaker of a lot of very professional equipment including computers, sound gear, green screen and various other gadgets, ALL donated -Inspired many people around the world to start their own independent shows and youtube channels Finally on an ironic note, I have accepted in my mind that I'll likely fail my mission to free humanity from scumbaggery. So, what I'll do is what makes me happy, Expose a little bit of scumbaggery each day, Have a few laughs, make some awful puns & help some decent people (who the media won't touch) get their voices heard, till such a time as god deems me unworthy of life or the listeners deem me unworthy of support.
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