A short video showing the laws and media coverage concerning the cancellation of Stefan Molyneaux and Lauren Southern's event in New Zealand made by Vinny Eastwood.
New Zealanders Protest National Government In The Rain I'm cutting my radio show back to 2-3 episodes per week because there's a lot of other work that I feels needs to be done in a timely fashion considering our current political climate.
I hope you'll all continue to support me with your generous donations as I go through these cross-roads! Here's my short list of things to do (in no particular order): -Make the audio book for Ian Wishart's best-selling book Totalitaria -Make a short 5 minute youtube video explaining simply who John Key is and what the TPPA means for New Zealand -Finish my John Key rap song about all the bad stuff National's done since in power -Write a spoof song of Coolio's Gangsters Paradise and make it into Banksters paradise (ala New Zealand!) -Full length documentary ideas, "FULL SPECTRUM" Interviews with NZ activists explaining how this country really works from top to bottom "A KEY DECISION" about how NZ Prime Ministers always go back on their word and destroy the country for the benefit of the bankers -Finish editing the NORML "colorado calling" conference with 2 cameras -Set up the editors of Uncensored and NZ Journal of natural medicine with skype so I can interview them regularly on my show -Write/perform a stand up comedy routine at the Classic Comedy Bar (in tribute to Bill Hicks and George Carlin for putting the real truth into comedy) -Edit music video for "Happy Birthday" by The Pakehachis & finish our 2nd album -An episode on Bomber Bradbury, his desire to steer NZ politics and seize power, is it for New Zealand? MANA? The Internet Party? NORML? Or Himself? -A Cannabis Documentary about Dakta Green and the Daktory, NZ's fanciest Tinny shop, how the gangs, Meth Addicts, media and cops brought about its closure. -Write a book "Open Resistance" a sci-fi novel in a dystopian future where a totalitarian government has been in control of earth for a hundred years while an enlightened, psychically gifted, technologically advanced resistance movement has developed and seek to take earth back. -Write a book of lame jokes -Make a small series of videos showing people how to do everything I can do on an iMac, radio shows, website editing & film making, monetizing, advertising & asking for donations. So if anyone wants to start doing it for themselves they'll know how to do it fast, free and for the right reasons. -Do a well edited short video with all my freemason symbolism screenshots from hollywood showing how no matter what year, studio, genre or plot, there's almost always deliberately placed freemasonic symbols throughout films. Validating Frater X and his discovery that this was a deliberate agenda to control consciousness with the symbolism and subliminal effects thereof permeating the culture of freemasonry and ancient egypt. -Start doing regular Vinny Eastwood parties at my house for truthers and activists to chill, hang out and have some great conversations to help bring us together as an alternative community. -Organize a Vinny Eastwood world tour, go to different countries and cities around the world staying at listeners houses and doing broadcasts. Acquire new equipment -27" iMac i7, (replacing the old one that's on its last legs) -17" macbook air (for work while traveling) -Portable PA system with USB and computer input, (for protests/public meetings) -Projector and screen (to provide AV gear for public meetings) -Green screen (for making professional looking documentaries/videos from home) -Somehow get on mainstream TV and radio to try and raise the public consciousness using the very brainwashing mechanism that disabled it! Ok I think that's about it? Thanks for all your love and support over the years everyone! Vinny Eastwood MR NEWS Dr. Laura has decided to end her radio career.
(August 18, 2010) Dr. Laura Schlessinger was reached minutes after making her startling announcement on Larry King Live that she was giving up radio at the end of her current contract, which ends at the end of the year. “I’m taking back my First Amendment rights,” she said. “It can’t happen if I’m on the radio.” Dr. Laura said the First Amendment is in jeopardy anytime special interest groups can put pressure on affiliates to drop her or for sponsors to pull out in order to silence her. She went on to say, “I have a problem with special interest groups wanting to silence people they don’t agree with and I decided that I could be stronger and freer if I stop radio.” A week ago Dr. Laura said the ‘N’ word several times. She was so upset with herself that at the end of the hour she put on a ‘Best Of’ show and the next morning owned up to her mistake and apologized. Dr. Laura has been on the radio dispensing advice since starting at KWIZ in 1976. Over the years she was heard on 710/KMPC, KABC, KWNK, a long run at KFI, and most recently at KFWB. “I’m going to miss my listeners but I’ll be able to reach them through the Net,” explained Dr. Laura. But she reiterated that she was done dealing with groups that tried to silence her and others they don’t agree with. “I’m going to reach America another way.” The decision to end her radio run was not a snap decision. “I had been thinking about this for a year,” she said. “I just talked with Mark Masters [head of her syndication firm, Talk Radio Net] and he said they just signed up this week in the midst of all this, five new stations. And Premiere Radio Networks got more sponsors this week right in the middle of this week and I was told that I didn’t have to do this. I tried to explain and I think I finally did get some understanding that it isn’t a matter of I have to but a matter of I want to. I’m looking forward to being freer and stronger to say my mind without censorship and without fear. I’m really excited about that.” Dr. Laura will fulfill her contract with TRN and continue to do shows until the holidays at the end of the year. “Believe you me; I am really excited about this. Friday morning I sat at my desk and I said, ‘I’m done with this.’ I’m not retiring, I’m too young. I’m not quitting. I’m just going to do this in a venue that’s free of the fears and destruction and the silencing attempts.” She reiterated what she said on Larry King. “I didn’t call anybody a bad thing. I used a word that was offensive and apologized for it before I got asked to apologize. The point is I didn’t have the intent to hurt anybody and for this they want me silenced. That’s not America. Trust me, it is the beginning and it’s not America. I’ve decided to get my voice out there in a way that can’t be silenced.” Ed Krampf, CBS/LA vp/market manager told Gary Lycan at the OC Register: “Laura’s people gave me a heads up earlier in the day. She just wanted to make sure I knew. I plan to talk to her Wednesday. Right now, I want to let the dust settle. I like her. We have had a very good relationship and we supported one another. She lived up 150 percent in her commitment to us. I thought she did a very good job of conveying her reasons and her position and reiterating her apology.” Sam Rubin writes about Dr. Laura's announcement and a time when he was interviewed to replace her at KFI: http://blogs.ktla.com/samrubin/2010/08/why-i-dont-believe-dr-laura.html What do you think? Do you think that because of using the "N" word that Dr. Laura should lose he syndicated radio show in America? We've assembled 3 videos for you to check out. The first video regarding free speech. The second video of the announcement of Dr. Laura leaving Syndicated Talk Radio. The Third video is the original "call" that started this whole controversy. You listen, watch and decide. Cheers!
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