20 December 2013, The Elite That Hold Back Humanity And Suppress Ancient Knowledge
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
14 December, Vinny Eastwood On "UNITED WE STRIKE" With SUSANNE POSEL
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: UNITED WE STRIKE! http://www.unitedwestrike.com
Susanne Posel http://www.occupycorporatism.com Did you know that while people are obsessed with the "selfie" pictures Barack Obama was taking with others at Nelson Mandela's funeral that a number of other pictures showing the Bush family, Clintons and Obama's Having a great time as if they were the best of friends riding on Air Force 1 together. This shows conclusively that the elite pretense to convince people that they actually are opposed politically is simply a farce!
13 December 2013, Wiping Out New Age BS, Is The Truth Movement Suffering PTSD?
10 December 2013, My Gratitude To All Those Who've Donated to The Show, VINNY EASTWOOD
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Vinny Eastwood www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com
This close to Christmas, my birthday and New Years it occurs to me that expressing my immense gratitude for all the wonderful listeners that make regular and one off donations to support the broadcast, and through doing so, support all the activists and whistle blowers that come on air by proxy!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
9 December 2013, Xmas Season Truth Movement Wishes,
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
7 December 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "FREEDOMIZER RADIO" With AUSTIN THOMAS
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Austin Thomas http://www.freedomizerradio.com
Reality, perception, some people are confused and think that reality does not exist and that perception is the thing that creates absolutely everything, this is not only insane but dangerous, threatening to detach people from their own power as creators that are capable of changing reality and making things happen! There IS such a thing as objective truth, there IS such a thing as Good and Evil, and you DO have a moral obligation to be able to tell the difference! "You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality" - Ayn Rand
6 December 2013, Astral Travel And Technology We Can Message Aliens With!
6 December, We Farewell Nelson Mandela And Issue A Call To Action! SUSANNE POSEL,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Susanne Posel http://www.occupycorporatism.com & http://www.realguerillamedia.com
Nelson Mandela has died at the age of 95, we look back on his amazing life and take special note of how me managed to get the tyrannical south african regime to voluntarily give up the reigns of power in preference of reconciliation, this is an important milestone and lesson of history. Exploring how addicted and dependent we are in the government, entertainment and foods it's easy to see why most people are able to live their lives without ever once lifting a finger to fight for freedom, to that we say BOLLOX! Get on your feet, off your knees and fear not criticism nor failure, realize that 1 person can and indeed always has been enough to tip the scales and the elite want you to forget it so they can continue to enslave you.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
4 December 2013, Evidence That Saturn IS Satan?! SANTOS BONNACI, VINCE SIEMER, Uncovering The NZ Judicial Mafia
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Santos Bonacci http://www.universaltruthschool.com
When you're touring, making movies, moving house and all the rest of those wonderful trying times it's important to remember that the knowledge you obtain is more valuable because you had to struggle to get it! We get into the meanings of words, slavery, the planet Saturn and much more! Vince Siemer http://www.kiwisfirst.co.nz Being raided isn't exactly a pleasant experience, nor is taking 5 years in court to see that the unlawful search and seizure is exposed! New Zealand is the world's least corrupt country? According to Transparency International, it is! The reality is far from that, in point of fact Transparency International and the New Zealand government, courts and business roundtable groups are so corrupt, that Robert Mugabe could take some pointers!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
3 December 2013, Humanity's War With Psychopaths, THOMAS SHERIDAN
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Thomas Sheridan http://www.thomassheridanarts.com
Exposing psychopaths and their behavior sometimes draws a bit of negative attention, this is why it's important to keep a healthy sense of humor to ward off the negative vibes!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
2 December 2013, Is It Time To Diversify To Avoid The Dollar Collapse? Tom Fyler,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Tom Fyler http://www.wallstreettosmallstreet.com
With Dollar collapse being the ever present inevitability those in the world outside of the big club that still have resources left are encourage to diversify their investments into tangible assets like agriculture, not leaving it all up to gold and silver. Principally because most of those precious metals people are buying doesn't exist except on paper! For Advice Email Tom [email protected]
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
27 November 2013, It's Hard Making A Living Telling The Truth!
26 November, World Bank Whistle Blower Reveals Jesuit Plot. KAREN HUDES,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Karen Hudes https://www.facebook.com/karen.hudes.9
The World Bank is at the very center of a world wide plan run amok, in an effort to prevent World War 3 the World Banks founders unfortunately let the power go to their head, and now despite their being no World War 3, there may not be anything left at all for the human race!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
25 November 2013, Proof That 1 Corporate Entity Controls The World! RICHARD WAKE UP NZ,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Richard http://www.wakeupkiwi.com
It turns out that around 147 companies control all business in the world! A vast financial conspiracy spanning decades revealed only now that super computers calculate where the world's money is truly being controlled from.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
24 November 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "BOB-A-THON" With ACHIEVE RADIO
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Well the upshot is Bob reckons that if your head was bitten off by a mountain lion and you had some of them RNA drops handy you'd be right as rain in no time! WWW.ACHIEVERADIO.COM & https://www.facebook.com/RadioFreeiON
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
24 November, Vinny Eastwood On "EVA-LUTION" With EVA MOORE
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Eva Moore http://www,freedomslips.com It's like the X-Men Origins story of Vinny Eastwood, how much life can knock you down and the tests of strength you undertake on the way back up!
22 November, Some Brutally Honest Confessions. Vinny Eastwood,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Vinny Eastwood http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com
Life ain't all sunshine and rainbows, dealing with the things that happen to you over the course of your life sometimes mean not being able to function properly. Family situations can be strained especially in a society with and over 50% divorce rate and my life has been no different, not having a father to a large extent has meant that I've had to accumulate father figures to compensate. Once you become an activist and your family doesn't necessarily vibe on the exact same wavelength it can drive you apart in a very real sense, both emotionally and ideologically, ask yourself, how much of your family would you hang out with if they weren't related by blood? The fact that blood is thicker than water, doesn't mean that feeling like I'm not being taken seriously because of my beliefs or line of work hurts any less. So what do people do with all that rejection? Curl into a ball? Become bitter? NO! Just devote yourself to doing as much good as possible, basically, what other greater calling is there than serving others? The planet? Humanity? Not many, if any. However (as my mother likes to say) devoting yourself to others is not without its pitfalls and hardships, it comes with the territory, abuse from internet trolls for example, but who better to be in such a position than someone who has been bullied their whole life in one form or another? Finding creative outlets and not letting people tell you how to think or what to think is the most divine part of ourselves, we are creators and co-creators of anything we can imagine, so dream BIG. I play "Innocent" By The Pakehachis on the show today, in dedication to all those who have suffered at the hands of the establishment unjustly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teIoTdMQOOc Please like us on our new Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Pakehachis/703955279624004
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
21 November 2013, EU Chem Trail Agenda Heating Up? MAX BLISS,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Max Bliss http://www.facebook.com/mrmaxbliss
The EU (Urine-Peein' Union) is totally saturated with Chem Trails, it is an extraordinary sight to behold and without doubt this phenomenon is no conspiracy theory, it's a fact! Despite the denials from officialdom and attempts to debunk them as simple contrails the people are rising up anyway as awareness spreads and the public consciousness is uplifted due to the diligent efforts of activists who will not be stopped from speaking the truth!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
20 November 2013, I Was Tortured By NZ Police, Sent To Jail For Giving My Wife Roses!
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
19 November 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "THE POSTMAN SHOW" With BEN VIDGEN
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: http://www.postmanproductions.org
We explore the failure of the media to cover important issues like chem trails and also some great assumptions for life, research and journalists wanting to buck the system.
19 November 2013, Global Agenda To Reduce Population Already In Effect? Kevin Galalae,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Kevin Galalae https://www.facebook.com/kgalalae
Did you know that the elite of the world have been implementing a major program of depopulation and fertility management since the end of World War 2? With Fluoride, BPA, One Child Policies, Contraception & Sterilization, whether by hook or by crook, they have been extremely successful! Other Sites For Kevin http://www.linkedin.com/in/kevingalalae http://wikispooks.com/wiki/Kevin_Galalae http://www.scribd.com/kevin7mugur7galalae http://uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalae
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
18 November, Too Late To Stop Climate Change, We're Dead Anyway. Guy McPherson,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Guy McPherson http://www.guymcpherson.com
Climate change, it's been happening for 4+billion years and now with human activity damaging important natural feedback loops the planets systems are in the process of killing everyone, including the elite who proclaim that carbon taxes will save us. So what do we do knowing that the earth will end in 2020 or something? What we should have been doing all along, growing food, opposing authority and bringing our communities back together!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
15 November 2013, HAARP And The Phillipines, NZ, USA's Newest Naval Base? BEN VIDGEN, SIMON KAIWAI, Is Russel Brand Really That Bad?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Ben Vidgen http://www.postmanproductions.org
With many strange anomalies and coincidences surrounding the Phillipines "Super" Typhoon can we be sure it wasn't the result of a targeted attack by HAARP? Operation Katipo, largest US troop deployment in New Zealand for decades and not one word about it in the mainstream media? Will New Zealand play host to US battle groups in the near future? Or do we all work for NATO now? Simon Kaiwai http://www.simonkaiwai.com Russell Brand has copped a lot of criticism from many new media analysts, but how deserved is the criticism? What has he said that's so bad? We explain some of the elements and even delve a little deeper and we find out what Russell Brand is really saying when we reverse his speech!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
14 November 2013, Most Laws ARE NOT LAWS!, Paul Webster, Penny Bright, Seeking Donations To Attend Anti-Corruption Conference
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Paul Webster https://www.facebook.com/Webetto
It became apparent that when half his home was taken in a divorce and the bills started piling up that the law was an ass. Not having enough to pay for a lawyer means doing all the legal work yourself, with a good group of enlightened peoples around you it is possible to run circles around police, judges, lawyers and utility companies, and that's exactly what Paul has done! Penny Bright http://www.pennybright4mayor.org.nz Corruption Campaigner needs to fly out to Australia and attend and international corruption conference and at this point in time New Zealand surely needs a corruption overhaul! With money laundering becoming a big issue and the authorities derelict in their duties it is up to the public and public watchdogs to do the due diligence in order to rid this nation of such scumbaggery. Penny already has airfares and accommodation sorted for the 2013 Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference, 26, 27,28 November 2013 in Sydney but needs a hand financially for registration – $2000 (Aus) and Workshops - $870 (Aus) If 150 donate $20 each – that’s sorted! KIWIBANK PM Bright 38 9010 072 5719 00
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
13 November 2013, Cannabis Cures Cancer, It's Getting Legalized, Where Is The Medical System? Rick Simpson,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Rick Simpson http://www.phoenixtears.ca
With many of the worlds nations seriously considering legalizing cannabis it is important to recognize how far we've come since the days of reefer madness. Touring Europe and being let on mainstream prime time TV has been a great experience because it is extremely encouraging in the face of hostility & ridicule. Getting Hemp oil for cancer patients is just one objective and it ties into the entire medical system with the many conditions it cures, not just treat. This makes it all the more important as the current medical system is basically the leading cause of death and who would argue that curing people is not a better result than killing them?
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
12 November, Super Storms And Idiocracy, How Far Are We To The Edge? Susanne Posel,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Susanne Posel http://www.occupycorporatism.com
We laugh, we cry, we die, it's a really messed up world with chem trail accelerated super storms and a population equally as super in their stupidity, just mindless, shambling wrecks of intellectual discharge barely capable of simple calculation and certainly unable to look after themselves. How much do we feel things that upset us? I mean really feel! With so much human tragedy most understandably block it out, but it is important I believe to delve rather deeply into this realm and actually have empathy for others in less fortunate situations, if we do not feel it is less likely that we will act.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
11 November 2013, How To Fix The Banking System. Ellen Brown, Dr Richard Alan Miller, Is Fukushima An Extinction Level Event?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Ellen Brown http://www.webofdebt.com
Banking can be difficult to understand and it is for this reason that scams have been pulled off in banking for over a hundred years without the bulk of the population realizing it. Many solutions to this system have been proposed but one system that stands out as having a profoundly positive effect and indeed a sustainable one, is public banking & social credit. Dr Richard Alan Miller http://www.oak-publishing.com The ins and outs of the holographic universe, classified US govt technology and knowledge kept by the military industrial complex now has the ability to either save or destroy mankind, and it's not getting used to help us! Our food is being weaponized and the oceans (along with pretty much everything else) are being contaminated and all life on earth is in deep trouble from Fukushima, yet hardly anyone is talking about it!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
9 November 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "UNITED WE STRIKE ROUNDTABLE"
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: http://www.unitedwestrike.com
An interesting tale of how our world works and what mentalities (like the new age religion) are really holding us back by denying reality rather than embracing it and taking personal responsibility to make the changes we wish to see.
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
8 November 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "THE REAL DEAL" With PROF JIM FETZER & SUSANNE POSEL
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Professor Jim Fetzer www.revereradio.net & www.Radiofetzer.blogspot.com
Susanne Posel http://www.occupycorporatism.com & http://www.realguerillamedia.com The topic of today's show is internet radio host Peter Santilli, leaked documents have revealed that he is working for the FBI and it is fairly certain that he is an agent provocateur put in place to help the US Government destroy liberty movements, demonize patriots and generally poison the well. If you are a Santilli listener please we implore you listen to this and study up with further content, don't just take our word for it!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
7 November 2013, Free Energy IS Being Held Back, But Awareness IS Rising Anyway! Sterling Allan, Lisa M Harrison,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Stirling Allan http://www.peswiki.com
Following a massive blackout in West Auckland and a delay in getting on the guest for the day we synchronistically wind up with a free energy advocate at the same time as the 2nd hour of the broadcast being spent promoting other guests touring the USA promoting (among other things) free energy! Lisa M Harrison htp://www.lisamharrison.com
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
6 November, The Man Talk Project 4! DAVID WHITEHEAD, RANDY MAUGANS,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Randy Maugans http://www.offplanetradio.com
David Whitehead http://www.theworldwasmeanttobefree.com This being the 4th installment of THE MAN TALK PROJECT the conversation shifts to a number of male preoccupations like sports, cars & how they distract men from more important aspects of their character like honor & responsibility in favor of ego and collectivism.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
5 November 2013, The Sky City Casino Money Laundering Scam Exposed! Penny Bright,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Penny Bright http://www.waterpressure.wordpress.com
Coming an amazing 4th in the Auckland mayoral race running specifically on the platform of exposing corporate corruption, now setting her sights on the new Casino deal the government is signing off. Turns out there's quite the massive possibility of money laundering going on at the casino with its TITO (Ticket In Ticket Out) money exchange machines. The authorities should be on to such a simple system where you can put money in, get a ticket, then cash in that ticket, it's such an easy money laundering no brainer that it's a wonder they haven't even bothered to check it out at all!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
5 November 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "CRITICAL MASS RADIO" With BEN EMLYN-JONES,
![]() Vinny's Nutshell: http://www.criticalmassradio.co.uk
When it seems like everyone is a zombie and it's all getting you down, there's just another reason to listen to The Vinny Eastwood Show, because the madness of this world will truly drive you nuts if you let it.
4 November 2013, Guy Fawkes Was A Jesuit Agent? Susanne Posel,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Susanne Posel http://www.occupycorporatism.com
Guy Fawkes day, letting off fireworks isn't the only thing that's fun about it! It's also a day to remember that scumbaggery and the need to resist it has been going on for centuries and we had best wise up to the lessons of history and the complexity of our current reality if we are to survive and continue to be free.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
1 November 2013, Help! I'm Getting Kicked Out! Ian R Crane,
![]() http://Vinny's NUTShell: Ian R Crane http://www.ianrcrane.com
http://www.frackingnightmare.com It is very hard being an activist especially when you travel all over the country giving lectures about fracking which threatens to destroy the environment where people live. Ian R Crane is a very talented and effective man and now he really needs your help! In order to finance the campaign against fracking and also many other positive information spreading he can't work full time and has sunk all his remaining money into it. Give generously today and please think about making a regular monthly donation! http://www.ianrcrane.com http://www.frackingnightmare.com
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
30 October 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "OUT OF THE BAG RADIO" With SEAN MAGUIRE,
![]() Vinny's Nutshell: http://www.msiradio.com
A great interview that centers on the importance of humor in a world full of scumbaggery. It's not the only important tool in your truth arsenal but it is the elixir that just might save you from going insane.
31 October, Spooky Halloween Freemasonry! James Wright,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: James Wright http://www.facebook.com/occupyfreemasonry
The order of the Silver Star, ever heard of it? It's what the Illuminati call themselves! James Wright gives an amazing description of what Freemasonry really is, how the top members of the Scottish rite behave in private when they think no one is watching, sex, sacrifice, ritual and demon possession, they're messing round with some dark things that they shouldn't be playing with! Link to Masonica video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBN4GY5Or6U
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
29 October 2013, How To Break Out Of Your Own Prison! JOHNNY ENGLISH,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell:
Johnny English http://www.brokenmanradio.com Are we living an excruciating painful existence? For most of us the answer is YES. Life is hard, sure, but it isn't over! The massive quantity of struggles the globe is going through leads many to depression and mistrust in others. We're here to say that trust, hope and humor are essential weapons in your arsenal in this war to restore freedom and justice to the United States and indeed the world.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
28 October 2013, US Whistle Blower Bill Brockbrader Needs Your Support, Eva Moore,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Eva Moore, now married to jailed whistle blower Bill Brockbrader comes on to talk about his terrible experiences and why his work exposing scumbaggery is extremely important for the United states as a whole, like opening Pandora's box with a crow bar!
Buy the book Cosmic Reality http://cosmicreality.weebly.com/ordering.html Write a letter to Bill WILLIAM NEWEL BROCKBRADER 14664-023 FDC SEATAC FEDERAL DETENTION CENTER P.O. BOX 13900 SEATTLE, WA 98198
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
25 October 2013, Bloodlines & Ruling Techniques Of The Elite Revealed Alan Watt,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Alan Watt http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com
Famed researcher who has been aware that things in this world were not quite right from a very young age. Amazing information on how the youth and women are manipulated by the mass media and elite bankers to undermine their own humanity! Breeding programs within elite families reveal how they can easily change the hands of power from one psychopath to another! Is there actually any hope for humanity to get free from the grip of these ruthless controllers? Not much.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
24 October 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "THE DR RIMA TRUTH REPORTS" With DR RIMA LAIBOW MD,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Rima E Laibow MD http://www.drrimatruthreports.com
A very interesting discussion about scumbaggery and how it tends to infect every element of our daily lives unless we (and usually it's a very small we) stand up and refuse to put up with it. The triumph of the human spirity doesn't happen en masse, it starts with one!
24 October, Crowd Psychology, How Ordinary People Can Lose Their Mind! Susanne Posel,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Susanne Posel http://www.occupycorporatism.com http://www.realguerillamedia.com
When you have the attention of a peaceful crowd of angry people it only takes a little push till it all turns violent, today among other very interesting articles we learn about crowd psychology, how you can use it and how it is used on you!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
23 October 2013, Take Care Of Yourself And You Can Then Help Others! JULIA PASSAMONTI-COLAMARTINO,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell:
JULIA PASSAMONTI-COLAMARTINO, http://www.venetiancat.com/ We all come to the truth in our own way, but one of the most effective and ironically beneficial learning implements is in fact trauma! That's right if you want to learn hard and important lessons it often coincides with hard times and some important introspection. When healing people it is often helpful to be empathic and have even gone through before what they're going through now.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
22 October 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "BROKEN MAN RADIO" With JOHNNY ENGLISH,
![]() Vinny's Nutshell: Guest: Vinny Eastwood Recorded from the live 10/22/2013 broadcast on Orion Talk Radio! Tonight we were glad to have Vinny Eastwood on the show for the full hour. 1st segment we discussed Pete Santilli and the horrible things he has done, not only to Vinny himself, but to the entire "truther" cause. 2nd segment we discussed Dianne Reidy's outburst in the House, and how the good guys can overcome the evil around us. BMR is live Monday-Friday 9pm ET on http://www.OrionTalkRadio.com Check out Vinny Eastwood at http://www.TheVinnyEastwoodShow.com
There is an added bonus at the end of the recording. Very soothing meditation music (: There is also another interview with a patriot intimately involved with the trucker movement named Tom Lacovara who exposes massive corruption and fraud that he alleges Pete Santilli perpetrated.
22 October 2013, The Truth About Vaccines and "Designer Autism" Christina England,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Christina England http://www.vactruth.com http://www.profitableharm.com
With 2 severely autistic boys and a skill for investigative journalism you would assume one could get right to the bottom of the Vaccine/Autism link and sure enough she has! It turns out that Vaccines are a kind of behavioral modification weapon, being used to create a massive epidemic of Autism, lack of emotional awareness so that people can be used more easily by telecommunications companies as a sort of Delta work force right out of Brave New World!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
21 October 2013, The US Govt Used Us As Slaves During Time Travel Experiments Bernard Mendez, Andrew Basiago,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Andrew Basiago & Bernard Mendez http://www.projectpegasus.net
Chrononauts and teleportation subjects speak out against the government using them as virtual slave labor during risky classified experiments! Also Andy lays out his policies as he runs as an independent for president in the 2016 US Elections, a hands down slam dunk way to remove the intelligentsia from control of the United States.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
18 October, The GE/GMO Agenda, The Constitution and our way of life, John Carapaet, Susanne Posel,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: John Carapaet http://www.gefree.org.nz http://www.gmwatch.org
Genetic modification, pesticides and herbicides have had a profound affect on the planet, and so have the companies that manufacture them. Monsanto and other poison magnates have not only poisoned the land and the people but the political process as well, it must be stopped and can only be stopped by grass roots people like you. Susanne Posel http://www.occupycorporatism.com Was the US constitution written by freemasons? Yes, but it was still a good document, the problem with the USA is not its constitution, it's that the constitution is not followed!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
17 October 2013, CYFS To Be Made Accountable By PANIC? Orderlies Against The New World Order! LEAH TRASS, BEN EMLYN-JONES,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Hour 1 Leah Trass http://www.panic.org.nz
PANIC is a charitable organisation started by Child Youth and Family Services (CYFS) case workers who are fed up with corruption and abuse within the system getting covered up. Tired of seeing the victims denied justice, getting lied to and taken advantage of while at their most vulnerable. This is not to say that ALL CYFS employees are corrupt child abusers & pedophiles, it's just that the small amount there are, don't ever get sent to jail, they merely get relocated to a different CYFS office! Hour 2 Ben Emlyn-Jones http://www.hpanwo.blogspot.co.nz/ A former Hospital Porter (Orderly) against the New World Order who was fired after getting interviewed by the media. Now a talk radio host trying to explain and illuminate the true sources of scumbaggery in the United Kingdom, chief among them right now if government and media propaganda showing some beneficiary freaks that are milking the system, at the same time promoting cutting the benefits of taxpayers.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
16 October 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "GUERILLA RADIO" With AUSTIN THOMAS,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: A number of accounts from many people that have all had bad run ins with an American talk radio star, Pete Santilli.
He fits the classic definition in the opinion of many, to be a social psychopath, behavior so horrific and cold it could not be done by a normal human being, not one who feels any compassion & empathy, shame or remorse. Theft of intellectual property & donations from activists, blatant lies, verbal abuse, bullying, harassment, gang stalking, assault, fraud, defamation, surreptitious recording of calls, fake websites, fake facebook and youtube profiles, career sabotage, physical & death threats, to name but a few! How many people have worked closely with Santilli before that don't currently work with him now? How many of those have a positive story to tell? How many victims has Mr Santilli harmed in this path of destruction all the way to the top? Guests: Susanne Posel http://www.occupycorporatism.com Lisa Brumfiel http://www.freedomizerradio.com
16 October 2013, Distilled Water IS The Fountain Of Youth! Andrew Weber,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Andrew Norton Weber http://www.aquariusthewaterbearer.com
If you drink a gallon of distilled water per day you can reverse the aging process, flush out accumulated toxins from your body and even get your hair color back! The myth that distilled water leads to earlier death is just that, a myth, the truth is that the minerals some scientists allege that get depleted from your body are in fact inorganic minerals that can't be absorbed anyway!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
15 October 2013, I Figured Out That All Statutes Are Fraud! Kate of Gaia,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Kate of Gaia http://www.kateofgaia.wordpress.com
Did you know that you've been living your entire life by committing fraud? Your birth certificate makes a fake corporation in your name and to use it or any other ID to say that it's you, is in fact fraud! We also break down The Wizard of Oz and the very intricate allegory and meaning of this film with regards to people and the fraudulent legal system.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
14 October, Fluoride, Psychopaths and Fukushima, Dr Rima Laibow,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Dr Rima Laibow http://www.drrimatruthreports.com
The world might be a messed up place, Fluoride might be a poison put int he drinking water as part of an agenda to reduce our IQ and general health, the medical industry might have been set up by a medical mafia controlled by the Rockefeller family, Fukushima might kill everything on earth, but hey, at least if you RESIST the fear, apathy and depression won't affect you so badly. Get out there, get active and take responsibility for making a world that you want to see!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
3 October 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "HUM AND KEP KNOWS BEST" With HUM AND KEP,
![]() Vinny's Nutshell: Life can be interesting, even if English isn't your first language, being from New Zealand is a special feeling, a country characterized with natural beauty and a lack of corruption.
The truth about this country is something entirely different, perhaps even the direct opposite to how it is portrayed overseas and even within it's own media. A cancerous lesion of scumbaggery eats at the heart of this country, and its people, very few have been left untouched by the corruption endemic in the system. So it's important to learn some healthy lessons on how to not let the bastards grind you down, because even someone who's awake, can be driven quite mad by the daily frustration of realising the truth and having no one believe you.
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
30 September 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "THE RUNDOWN LIVE" With Mike Paczesky and Kristan Harris,
![]() Vinny's Nutshell: Mike Paczesky and Kristan Harris http://www.therundownlive.com
On this Monday edition of The Rundown Live Kristan and I are joined by Vinny Eastwood, Radio Host, we go over many topics, Fukushima, Vinny’s show, Change & the fed, waking up is the wrong idea, comedy in truth, some wisdom and much more! This one is worth checking out! Make sure you like, recommend and subscribe! - See more at: http://bigpzone.com/2096/rundown-live-111-vinny-eastwood/
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
29 September 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "THE GREAT WESTERN INLAND SEA PODCAST" With John Spalding,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: John Spalding http://www.thegreatwesterninlandsea.bandcamp.com
Getting down with some real hard realities that would ordinarily destroy you, but instead transmuted and used to strengthen you, like trauma & hardship making you a better person for it, and why you should be grateful.
27 September 2013, Motorway To Cut Poor Communities In Half!! Joe Trinder,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Joe Trinder http://www.mana.org.nz
Do you like cutting communities in half? Like traffic congestion? Of course not, no one does, so naturally south Auckland communities will be cut in half with a new motorway that won't ease congestion at all. Is New Zealand truly a corrupt country full of slaves too afraid to stand up? We'll see...
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
26 September 2013, Human Slavery To Money, Energy And Off World Entities, Michael Tellinger,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Michael Tellinger http://www.MichaelTellinger.com
A late night show with the early morning thrown in for good measure, 2 men struggling to stay awake and make conversation about our species enslavement since its inception. Free energy and frequency devices now being used on farm land have been shown to eliminate early cancer growths and even keep the bugs and bacteria away from crops! But it turns out that Monsanto are using their own devices to cancel out the beneficial effects!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
25 September 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "OFF PLANET RADIO" With Randy Maugans & David Whitehead, The Man Talk Project 3!
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Randy Maugans http://www.offplanetradio.com
David Whitehead http://www.theworldwasmeanttobefree.com The third round in an epic series of the Man Talk Project, How aggression, mind control and your slave job have got us all in a trance. We're fighting with each other over sexuality when it is the psychopathic scumbaggery entities in Madison Avenue, Hollywood and the Media that have corrupted our sense of self and produced a psychological condition to split the sexes, split the family unit and dominate society.
25 September 2013, I Withdrew $15 Million, Got Kidnapped, Beaten By Cops! Kiri Campbell,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Kiri Campbell https://www.facebook.com/matarikiedgecombe
This mother of 8 who figured out that banks create money from your signature out of thin air, so decided to go about exposing the system for what it is, by using legal documents to make a 15 million dollar withdrawal! What if one day you were told that everything you were told about the legal system was a total lie? That it's not about justice, it's about money, banking, debt slavery, intimidation, violence, deception, legalese word magic & various other forms of scumbaggery. She was kidnapped by police, the station was shut down not letting anyone in or out, assaulted in the cells, 3 cops tried to dislocate her shoulder, break her wrist & fingers, they were not successful. Now with $1.3million owed to her through the violation of contract, things will get pretty interesting! Guess where she learned of this information that set her off on a journey to expose the truth? The Vinny Eastwood Show!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
24 September, Abortion Murders & Fukushima Apocalypse? Vinny Eastwood,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: 2 massive shockers in the news from a University campus having a petition to allow murder of children that have already been born with responses like "cool" to The Fukushima nuclear power plant clean up which if not done correctly (and Japan cannot do this themselves) could literally make mankind EXTINCT!
Also a number of other Issues Like John Key getting away with illegally spying on NZers, Paula Bennett cutting the benefits of people who have warrants for their arrest, and Marijuana, if you still think it should be illegal, you're an a**hole.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
23 September 2013, Fluoride Insanity And Heroin Smuggling! Vinny Eastwood,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Fluoridation promoters are a hypocritical and typically insane bunch without the ability to think except if it's coming up with another lie.
Not entirely disimilar to the Us Governments "war on drugs" while at the same time using their conflict in Afghanistan and a $37 million dollar air base being used for opium smuggling!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
20 September 2013, New Agers Can Bring Back The Dark Age Too, Cameron Day,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Cameron Day http://www.ascensionhelp.com
Did you ever wonder how strange it is that one element of humanity, the darkness is opposed by people calling themselves light workers? Who claim that lying down and taking it, believing there is no good or bad is the way to resist evil? The fact of the matter is this kind of mentality is part of a dualistic lie, designed to trap people in a false light/dark paradigm, the spiritual equivalent of the false left/right political paradigm. We're born with innate abilities, situations, we each have the power to change the world and it is in the best interest of those people/entities that desire power and control over you to ensure that humanity never learns this important and simple truth.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
19 September 2013, NZ Is Run By A Gang Of Financial Criminals, Paul Carruthers,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Paul Carruthers https://www.facebook.com/pacarruthers
When it comes to corruption, one can look at many examples in New Zealand, chief among them is the way the Alan Hubbard finance company debacle was handled. The new Labour leader David Cunliffe knows about the scumbaggery surrounding this case and has done nothing about it, people look to him as the possible answer to John Key when he works for the same banksters and was finance spokesman at the same time that 19 finance companies collapsed in New Zealand, draining the life savings of many mum and dad investors. No one is going to solve the nations problems for you, if you want to see who caused the problems, you only need look into a mirror to see the culprit, if you want to see the one who will change that reality and set the nation back on track, don't take your eyes off that mirror, you are both the problem and the solution to all your nations woes. "Courage is only something you can realize you had, after you did the thing you were afraid of. Most people wait for the courage to come, in the belief that you can summon up the courage in advance somehow. You can't. You can only realise how much courage it took after you did it." - Paul Carruthers
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
18 September, Living Off Grid And The Suns Influence On Consciousness, Alex Ansary,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Alex Ansary http://www.alexansary.tv
Living off the grid, not supporting the system, freeing yourself and living on the synchronistic luck of the universe is a reality that many don't want to experience and most never do. It works like this, when you lose faith in your leaders, faith in your religion, there is only one thing that remains, faith in yourself. Once the realization hits you the world changes in front of your eyes, the things you want, never turn up, but the things you need, always do, in the exact moment you need them and in the exact amount you require, this is the way you are reminded that you're doing what you're supposed to.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
17 September 2013, The Wizards Of Oz Revealed! Stew Webb, Preston James Phd,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Stew Webb http://www.stewwebb.com
Preston James Phd http://www.vateranstoday.com/author/jim The Illuminati Wizard of Oz Revealed! The men behind the curtain that are never fully exposed. This involves The Bush Family, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, 13 men in total comprise the top of the pyramid, they've already amassed multi-trillion dollar fortunes from stealing off and scamming humanity yet they still want more! This insanity is because they're infected by a demonic/alien parasite that controls them, an entity that so despises the human race that it would rather see all of us and the planet die than share.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
16 September 2013, World News, False Flags, Climate Change, Vinny Eastwood,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Extraordinary news, with the Naval base shooting, Obama backing off Syria, New Dangerous bio-weapon vaccines being released in the US and a new Labour Leadership here at home, this is an action packed show to be sure!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
15 September 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "ALCHEMICAL CONNECTIONS" With Chrissy Mcmahon and Carolyn Goyda,
![]() Vinny's Nutshell: Chrissy McMahon and Carolyn Goyda http://www.awakeradio.co.uk
Dropping in just to check a few details turned into a 90 minute appearance, in the middle of the night, after a long show, things started to get a little giggly as the topic of vibrators came up! (so to speak)
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
12 September 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "ALCHEMICAL CONNECTIONS" With Chrissy McMahon, Freedom, Do We Know What It Is Any More?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Chrissy McMahon http://www.awakeradio.co.uk
A great interview with amazing insight on social situations and how we as conspiracy minded awake people are the ones who possess the knowledge and can dominate most situations we find ourselves in yet we often lose our cool and sometimes let our own fears get the better of us.
12 September 2013, How Do We Turn The Agenda Around? Stephen Roberts, Todd Foster,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Stephen Roberts & Todd Foster http://www.cancelthecabal.com
The alternative media is now THE media and the mainstream has not much more room to move before they tip over the edge. Speaking with other radio hosts and activists can serve an extraordinary purpose, simply to care about one another and to support he struggle plays a vital role in our continued survival. Many feel alone and this is not the case, maybe it never has been.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
11 September, Syria Is About Natural Gas! People Fight For Their Own Enslavement, Dean Clifford, Susanne Posel,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Dean Clifford http://www.deanclifford.info
Susanne Posel http://www.occupycorporatism.com & http://www.realguerillamedia.com Did you know about the huge reserves of Natural gas being found in Israel? What about the pipeline Syria was going to build with Iran and Iraq to supply Europe with oil and natural gas? Thought not! The Agenda becomes much clearer as it gets more complicated. Why is it that people seek to blame others for the world's problems? There is only 1 person to blame, yourself, we still drink coffee, eat fast food and pay taxes to the system that enslaves us, we don't really have freedom when you really think about it and that is YOUR fault at the end of the day.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
10 September 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "CANCEL THE CABAL" With Stephen Roberts & Todd Foster,
![]() Vinny's Nutshell: Stephen Roberts & Todd Foster http://www.cancelthecabal.com
An interesting conversation about the 2nd ammendment and the lesson of history, what happens to populations the government disarms? 2 things, enslavement and extermination, nothing else. Revolutions are fought mostly by a very small minority of people in general and that is all that has been required historically to win, we can beat the powers that be with only a handful of dedicated souls, we're that powerful! Also in the second hour Vince From M.S.I www.tnsradio.ning.com comes on to tell of some breaking news in Ireland where an activist has been unlawfully detained.
10 September 2013, Comedy Can Save Your Sanity. John Lebang,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: John Lebang http://www.jlebang.com
Talk radio host with a touch of humor having an in depth conversation about how society is structured to see the sane people as crazy and the total psychos as respectable when they are anything but!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
9 September 2013, Syria & World War 3? The Build Up, Vinny Eastwood,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: The Syrian crisis has got many peoples ears perked up, it's inescapable, the parallels between this potential invasion and the build up to the attack on Iraq cannot be underestimated.
John Key, The Prime Minister of New Zealand has expressed moral support for the invasion, which causes me to question, how can you lend moral support if you don't actually have any morals Mr Key?
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
6 September 2013, Jesus Never Existed, Rome Invented Him, Joe Atwill, Ryan Gilmore,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Joe Atwill & Ryan Gilmore http://www.caesarsmessiah.com
Research is emerging that suggests not only that Jesus did not exist as told in the bible, but that the entire work was intended for use as a tool of enslavement Rome could use to control the diverse peoples in the empire. It turns out they were not the only empire to realize the potential for control the Bible and its stories held, indeed we are still slaves today under its power.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
5 September, A Maori Womans Perspective On Activism & Community, Marama Davidson
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Marama Davidson https://www.facebook.com/marama.davidson
http://thedailyblog.co.nz/category/bloggers/marama-davidson/ Often times when resisting tyrannical regimes and criminal banksters people forget that it is the simplest organisation of people such as families that are the most important unit to understand and support. The breakdown of the family unit goes hand in hand with the breakdown of society and the building of a new world order upon our ashes. Resistance is victory, knowledge is power, blood is thicker than water.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
4 September 2013, Experts Can Save The World. Alan Bainbridge, Joni Bridge,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Alan Bainbridge http://www.positivemoney.org.nz
Joni Bridge http://www.kiwisconnect.org.nz To come to any kind of solutions we have to understand the problems we face as a species. Some of the world's most brilliant minds probably can come to grips with our problems regarding peace, technology and freedom, but to bring them all together and get going in making the world a better place is the next challenge!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
3 September 2013, The Syria Situation Is So Assad, Jaquelyne Taylor,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Jaquelyn "Jax" Taylor http://www.facebook.com/jaquelyne.taylor
After a whole morning on the Vinny Eastwood show addressing the same issues and coming to the same conclusions .. You hear on THIS https://www.facebook.com/RadioLIVENZ?rf=109554645729950 John Tamihere and Willie Jackson starting to PUBLICLY and VOCALLY CHALLENGE and QUESTION the Dullskuggery, Skullduggery, Bugscammery and Scumbaggery of those SKEWING the narratives on why there is a need to ATTACK and INTERVENE in SYRIA. And the very dodgy justifications being repeated over and over again! RESULT.. Key and Mc Cully .. Dont you DARE? More concerning for me? Keep an eye on Phil Goff in the Labour opposition too.. http://news.msn.co.nz/nationalnews/8717454/goff-calls-for-briefing-on-syria How can he even consider morally supporting any interference led by the US and covertly supported by Israel and others who have funded and back what is happening there? Phil Twyford Jacinda Ardern I suggest you show him these QUICK smart please. http://www.haaretz.com/news/features/cia-s-favorite-saudi-prince-is-laying-the-groundwork-for-a-post-assad-syria-1.453434 GuerillaMedia MrNews add hon.. it gets worse.. http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/357587 More ground work http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2013/09/saudi-arabia-pushes-us-toward-military-strike-in-syria.html http://intellihub.com/2013/05/07/israel-grants-oil-rights-in-syria-to-murdoch-and-rothschild/ ANATHEMA..
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
30 August 2013, Cannabinoids, The Building Blocks Of Life And The Mind. Dr Bob Melamede,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Dr Bob Melamede http://www.cannabisscience.com
Did you know that the human body is built out of cannabinoids? Endocannabinoids that is, the cannabinoid from within. They regulate the structure of everything within the human body including the mind, particularly open mindedness. Some people are cannabinoid deficient which makes them less likely to adapt and change with the times, so naturally they tend to spend the majority of their time avoiding challenging situations and changing the world for the better, this makes them ideal politicians. The world is split between these cannabinoid deficient BLPS (Backward Looking People) and FLPS (forward looking people) which one are you?
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
29 August 2013, I Once Traveled Using A South American Stargate, Jerry and Kathy Wills,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Jerry and Kathy Wills http://www.xpeditions.tv & http://www.jerrywills.com
Jerry & Kathy Wills are adventurers who seek out ancient places with a mysterious past. They document their travels throughout South America, and put their videos up on their website for others to enjoy. They have a lot of fun traveling & enjoying their life as they search for answers in strange and remote locations. So if they’re not at home in the US, you can be pretty sure they’ll be somewhere VERY off the beaten track, like deep in the Amazon or at some remote mountain top in the Andes! Jerry has also been a co-host of The Kevin Smith Show, but sadly Kevin passed on unexpectedly earlier this month, leaving Jerry & Kathy grieving his loss, along with many ‘loyal’ Kevin Smith fans who are still mourning his untimely death. Jerry Wills is a gifted medical intuitive and “Hands on Healer” who at a young age discovered a talent for touching animals and people, “seeing” inside them, and healing their injuries or dis-ease. Kathy knows a bit about coca leaves and why you should chew them in South America. What is the difference between coca and cocaine?
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
28 August 2013, Demonstration To Show The Real Issues Are All Connected! Lisa Er, Penny Bright,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell:
Lisa Er http://www.kiwisconnect.org.nz http://www.theawarenessparty.com Penny Bright http://www.waterpressure.wordpress.com http://www.pennybright4mayor.com Auckland and New Zealand itself are suffering at the hands of a corrupt corporate system, we're bathing in poisons, lied to constantly, manipulated by biased media, taxed by force, voices ignored and robbed to benefit a very small minority. All these issues are connected, documented and ripe to be exposed, so now it's time to come out of the woodwork and unite for a common cause, of freedom, of integrity, of prudent stewardship and honest governance. Kiwis Connect Action Page with details of demonstrations http://kiwisconnect.org.nz/action/
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
27 August 2013, How Surveillance Plus Convenient Distractions Equal Success For Globalists, Vinny Eastwood,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Today taking time to read out a few mainstream media articles about how horrible things are in New Zealand, the infighting among parliamentarians in Labour, John Key being a shining example of scumbaggery as always.
The economic BS that is played on us at the stock market (which is mostly made up) as a result of the Syrian situation. Are we headed for world war 3 already?
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
26 August 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "TRUTH WARRIOR" With David Whitehead, Randy Maugan, The Man Talk Project Part 2
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: David Whitehead http://www.theworldwasmeanttobefree.com
Randy Maugans http://www.offplanetradio.com Talking about men, guy stuff, feminism and socialism, how one agenda has been slowly but surely taking the man out of men, how this has been accomplished through brainwashing and propaganda to destroy the divine masculine and leave us dependent.
26 August 2013, Leadership And Socialism In Parliament Explained! Vinny Eastwood,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Vinny reads out and breaks down a number of articles relating to the new Labour Party Leadership, the trans pacific partnership agreement and how this all has the same MO as overseas debacles that have usually wound up enslaving nations throughout history, albeit in a loving socialist way of course.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
22 August 2013, The GCSB Bill, The Corrupt Media Doing John Key's Bidding! Vinny Eastwood,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: The GCSB bill is now passed through the house and now despite John Key's denial, all Kiwis are now fair game for government surveillance.
The media are totally complicit, never calling out the lies as they see them and merely behaving like a nationalized propaganda service at the behest of a scumbaggery regime that threatens to destroy everything ordinary kiwis have ever stood for. This is a serious threat to activism and even freedom itself, as New Zealand's onyl full time radio and youtube commentator it is too much to handle alone and I was nearly brought to tears as I see my countrymen stand by and spit on their ancestors memory by stopping at only words when tyranny comes knocking. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11112152
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia |
21 August 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "THE JEFF DAUGHERTY SHOW" With Jeff Daugherty,
![]() Vinny's Nutshell: Jeff Daugherty http://www.iamnck.com
Vinny's back story from being a believer in the system, to a criminal, to a university student, to an employee, to being free. And advice to others who are making excuses about their kids, homes and car repayments as a reason to keep being a slave while the system gets even worse around you.
21 August 2013, The Methods Of Mind Control We Suffer Exposed! Neil Sanders,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Neil Sanders http://www.neilsandersmindcontrol.com
It probably doesn't come as a surprise to know that mind control comes at us in many forms. What is mind control exactly? Is it the Manchurian candidate kinda thing? Propaganda? A truth or amnesia serum? America's got talent? Well yes, all of thee above, but one of the strongest forms of mind control is that which you perpetrate upon yourself in an effort to fit in, ask yourself, what's more important, being accepted? Or being exceptional?
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
20 August 2013, Dark Secrets, American Scandal and Assassinations! Ed Opperman,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Ed Opperman http://www.emailrevealer.com
"My experience is in online infidelity investigations. I invented a method to trace a persons email back to online dating sites and personal ads. I can discuss the Anthony Weiner Story from the perspective of a private investigator that investigates Internet Infidelity and a DFI that recovers deleted data from cell phones and computer hard drives. I can discus my work in digital forensics in high profile stories like Tiger Woods, Charlie Sheen Ashton Kutcher, Howard Stern, Sarah Palin / Todd Palin prostitution scandal and the media coverup, and the Secret Service Scandal in Colombia. I'm a frequent guest on Freedomslips.com, with Douglas Dietrich ad I've been on with Stew Webb. I can discuss my involvement in negotiating a settlement in the Art Bell feud and lawsuit. I recent presented at the super soldier summit regarding my how I met Mark David Chapman and my theory on the Lennon murder."
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
19 August 2013, Wonders of Stem Cell Nutrition, The March For Freedom, Graham Kelly, Mark Howitt,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Graham Kelly http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/stem-cell-nutrition.html
1. Why I closed GoldNow ecurrency exchange 2. The wonders of stem cell nutrition! Mark Howitt http://www.worldpublicunion.org Joining Vinny on the show today is documentary film maker, musician, activist and founder of the World Public Union, Mark Howitt. Mark is currently walking/traveling across Eastern Canada doing a reality show called the "March of Freedom", where he has been discussing global issues with people in the communities he has visited and documenting the experience to show others what people really think about the current state of the world, and not just the mainstream perspective which is filtered often leaving out the most important fundamental issues that we face in the world today. Many topics were discussed including the March of Freedom, the New World Order agenda, Secret Societies, and the tactics and methods used by the globalists to control the earth's population. http://www.facebook.com/marchoffreedom http://www.youtube.com/user/LordDefiler
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
16 August 2013, Alien Planet Builders, The Human Dual Consciousness Debate, James Horak, Crystal Clark,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: James Horak http://emvsinfo.blogspot.com
When you read his entire bio from his website, you realise James Horak has an unusual background; in fact you could say he’s had an unusual life! But in recent years James has become known for his revealing the true nature of the strange objects that people have been seeing in many NASA/ESA/SOHO images of the corona of the Sun. He calls these objects EMVs, which stands for Electro-Magnetic-Vehicles. James also talks about Sun Control, The Solar Anvil and Humanities Call, and today we’re going to find out from him exactly what he means by all these things. Crystal Clark http://drowninginabsurdity.wordpress.com & http://thesolsociety.com An author who is passionate about Sacred Science. We’ll ask Crystal to explain exactly WHAT Sacred Science is shortly. But her personal goal is to help humanity realize its full potential in meaningful ways that not only expand awareness of the other choices that genuinely uphold, regenerate, and recreate life (of which there are many), but also to rebuild the bridge between the mind and the heart; the mystical and material, so that the peaceful and abundant paradise we all long for can finally manifest here, in, around, and through, us.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
15 August 2013, The Smart Dust That Can Turn Everyone Into A Robot! Alfred Webre, Melanie Vritschan,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Melanie Vritschan of www.EUCACH.ORG & Alfred Lambremont Webre from www.exopolitics.com
The Transhumanist Agenda & What We Can Do To Transform It EU Panel: Human robotization, Nano implant technologies, Mind control slavery, Neurological weapons torture, Gang stalking – The "Transhumanist Agenda" http://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2013/05/eu-experts-mind-control-slavery-nano-implant-technologies-human-robotization-neurological-weapons-torture-gang-stalking-t.html
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
14 August 2013, UFO's, Are We Entering The Age Of Disclosure? Richard Dolan,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Richard Dolan http://www.richarddolanpress.com
One of the most well-known names in modern ufology, being perhaps the world’s leading researcher and historian of the UFO subject. He is the author of two information-packed volumes of UFO history - UFOs and the National Security State (volumes one and two), as well as an analysis of the future in a book called A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact. He is a regular guest on Coast-to-Coast AM radio, and he’s appeared on many television specials for The History Channel, SyFy, BBC, and elsewhere. Since 2012, Richard has hosted his own internet radio show “The Richard Dolan Show,” which airs on KGRA Radio Saturday evenings, from 8-11 pm EST.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
13 August 2013, Listeners To This Show Are The Best Kind Of People! Vinny Eastwood,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: You know that you live in a society of slaves when even though you go out and serve activists to get their message out on youtube, they still don't support your efforts and think you're just a conspiracy theorist that makes them look bad.
It's about time people stop pussy-footing around the issues, stop trying to be politically correct and start screaming the truth out at the top of their lungs, stop hacking off limbs and leaves of the tyranny tree that drops poisoned fruit and start cutting it out by the fracking roots! Can activists PLEASE start talking about the New World Order already? Who cares if people call you crazy? They already think that anyway! What have you got to lose? Credibility? You think that by not telling the truth you somehow gain credibility? Get off your asses and quit being spineless word mincing cowards, stand up for the truth and do it now, otherwise your ability to speak in the future will be eradicated by the New World Order anyway and you will have wished you spoke up while you had the chance. Be brave not afraid, be honest not diplomatic, be of sound mind not blind.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
12 August 2013, Djinn, The Mysterious Ancient Shapeshifters, Rosemary Guiley,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Rosemary Ellen Guiley www.djinnuniverse.com & www.visionaryliving.com
The author of a number of books including - The Djinn Connection, The Vengeful Djinn, The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits, The Encyclopedia of Angels. In fact, Rosemary is one of the leading experts on the paranormal with more than 50 books published on a wide range of paranormal, spiritual, and mystical topics, including nine single-volume encyclopedias. Rosemary has worked full-time in the paranormal since 1983, and her present work focuses on inter-dimensional entity contact experiences of all kinds, including investigating claims of dimensional “portals,” and geographic locations of intense paranormal activity. She has done ground-breaking research on Shadow People and the Djinn.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
9 August 2013, We All Need Paper To Fight The NWO! Mr Peak Crackers,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Peak Crackers http://www.youtube.com/mrpeakcrackers
Mr Peak Crackers has become a prolific youtuber/social commentator, who sees the darker side of the archontic agenda and speaks up about it on his videos. Using his own unique style of presenting the info, he exposes all facets of the control system, including the PTB’s “agenda 21” being orchestrated behind the scenes by the illuminati elite and their rich and powerful minion stooges – all of whom want to see the rest of us out of smaller towns and rural communities & herded sheep-like into large metropolitan centers, crammed into ‘micro living’ – i.e. boxed living spaces you can barely swing a cat in, where we can all be tightly controlled by their system.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia Full Show on Youtube: Arrested For Running A Successful Cannabis Business! 25July2013 Short Clip on Youtube: I Was Busted For Paying Tax On My Cannabis! 25July2013 |
8 August 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "Birth Of A New Earth" With Jeanice Barcelow, Facing The Satanic Agenda Head On!
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Jeanice Barcelo http://www.birthofanewearth.com
8 August 2013, Aliens, Demons, Psychopaths And Reptilians, All The Same? James Bartley,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: James Bartley http://www.theuniversalseduction.com
James Bartley is an alien abductee who has been exposed to high levels of spiritual warfare but nevertheless retains a positive upbeat outlook on life. He is an Independent Historian specializing in military history with an emphasis on Intelligence, Counter-intelligence, and Special Operations. James has studied the development of the Intelligence and Security apparatus which was spawned by the Second World War and the intelligence community’s subservience to corporate and financial interest. James has hosted his own radio-internet show in the 1990s known as “The Bureau of Alien-Human Affairs - Directorate V Reptilian Section”. He was a co-host on a number of other internet radio shows and has interviewed many guests about the UFO/Abduction/Alien bases topics. James has lectured in a number of places including Memphis Tennesee, the state of Mississippi, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, San Diego California, at the “UFO Friendship Campouts” near Area 51, Las Vegas Nevada, Roswell New Mexico just to name a few. James has also co-facilitated alien abduction and MILAB (military abductions) support groups in San Diego California and in the high desert of Southern California. James lived in notorious UFO Hotspots in Northern and Southern California and the “Tri-States” region where California, Arizona and Nevada meet. James is a co-author along with many other noted researchers in a series of books called “The Universal Seduction.”
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
7 August 2013, Why All Taxes, Tickets & Most Laws Are A Fraud! Marc Stevens,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Marc Stevens http://www.marcstevens.net
The law is an ass and will likely bite a big chunk out of yours till you get wise to the fact that all taxes, most laws and fines are a complete fraud perpetrated on people by the system. Enforced by thugs in uniform at the barrel of a gun, taxation is talked up as being a great social contract when in fact it is a fraud and even if you were to pay up, the money just disappears into the pockets of ruthless criminal elements that seek to remove more rights from people. Fighting back is no easy task, but many people across America are now showing up the IRS, DMV and a number of other government departments for the lying thieves they truly are. Hour 2: Trying to take callers can be difficult when the majority of listeners tune in to archives, PLEASE let people know about The Vinny Eastwood Show and get them to listen live 5 days a week at http://www.americanfreedomradio.com
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
6 August 2013, The Man Talk Project. David Whitehead, Randy Maugens,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: David Whitehead http://www.theworldwasmeantobefree.com Randy Maugens http://www.offplanetradio.com
Many people might not be aware of it, but feminism was financed by the Rockefellers, not to help women, but to get them into the workforce, reduce everyone's wages, destroy the family unit and also have 2 incomes per household to tax! We explore what it is to be decent men in an indecent time, how the generations are different especially because the vast majority of the audience to Vinny's youtube videos are between 35 and 65, while less than 1% are under 25! Is the younger generation in trouble? With the family unit nearing extinction and the separation of the youth from their elders has one of the fundamental powerhouses of humanity dying? The wisdom and experience of age combined with the energy and creativity of youth can do remarkable things when working together, maybe that's an "oniontended" (unintended with many layers) side effect that benefits the New World Order.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
5 August 2013, The Annunaki, David Icke & Making Money While Telling The Truth? Scotty Roberts,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Scotty Roberts http://www.interpidmag.com
Both Scotty and Vinny are extremely exhausted and barely awake but for the massive quantity of coffee being ingested during the broadcast. This makes for an interesting show where fun and stories of their own lives fill out some interesting chapters, including how Scotty got started in his esoteric/alien studies after being part of the church in a seminary for a while. How Vinny had a massive turn in his life and perception of the world after being arrested the first time where the pain and trauma was so intense as to meditate for the first time in police cell to make himself a stone and feel nothing. Scotty elaborates on the story of Moses and the very strange anomalies that many biblical scholars refuse to accept about the red sea crossing, and whether or not Moses actually saw a burning bush. David Icke also became a topic of discussion regarding the reptilian conspiracy, does he truly believe what he says? Is he doing it for the money? Or is he correct? After all, germs were theorized long before the technology existed to prove their existence.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
2 August 2013, Are We All Potential Targets Of DNA Specific Bio-Weapons? Janet Phelan,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Janey Phelan http://www.janetphelan.com
Investigative reporter specialist in legal corruption and bio-weapons, this is a rather scary broadcast because it details just how much of a threat is posed to humanity right now, by DNA specific bio-weapons and our governments unwillingness to follow their own rules regarding their use or development! Also a side note about Police, Gangs and Judges and what they have in common, principally, they frequently use deception, have no respect for the rule of law and in the case of gangs and police, are prone to using unprovoked violence.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
1 August 2013, NZ Parliamentary Services Corrupt? Penny Bright, William Donatello, Child Birth, Cancer & Cannabis
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Penny Bright http://www.waterpressure.wordpress.com
Turns out that a parliamentary services chief has just fallen on his own sword and resigned after playing part in high level scumbaggery, yet other high level servants still remain and refuse to budge! William Donatello (pseudonym) We spend so much money around the world on chemotherapy, a treatment that since 1997 has been confirmed to be 97% effective at killing people who have cancer. Can we stop this madness? Why can't the Rick Simpson cannabis oil be made available to cancer patients? Exploring the trauma of birth in modern life, how infants can go into sensory overload under fluorescent lights and even worse imagine your journey into the world being welcomed by having your genitalia severed in the case of circumcision?
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! |
31 July 2013, What Do Spongebob, Bradley Manning And Marijuana Have In Common? Susanne Posel,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Susanne Posel http://www.occupycorporatism.com & http://www.realguerillamedia.com
A good mix up of topics today, did you know terrorism is a system of government? Look it up in the dictionary! So of course when we bomb Afghanistan all the families of the victims take up arms and we say "See! See! Terrorists!" - "yeah, the ones YOU created!" This is what it means for Bradley Manning leaking the classified information, with army chiefs coming out saying it's a soldiers job to follow orders (obviously never heard the word Nuremburg) instead of "Only Lawful Orders". Did you know experiments have now proved successful that you can implant false memories into the minds of rats? I wonder what's the next step in mind control, to physically extract and replace your memories? Cannabis Legalization advocates in the USA are now PREVENTING further efforts to Legalize as information comes out about complete big pharma dominance over the dispensary system in many states. Pacemakers can now be accessed remotely and deliver you a life giving shock or be used to kill you, the inventor of these new pacemakers incidentally died in suspicious circumstances. Vinny needs about 500 people to donate $5 a month so he can deliver quality news and information and even travel around New Zealand to cover important events and stories that neither the alternative media or mainstream media are able to cover. SUBSCRIBE NOW at www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube: What Spongebob, Bradley Manning and Marijuana Have In Common 31J |
30 July 2013, How And When Freemasonry Got Corrupted James Wright,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: James Wright http://www.facebook.com/occupyfreemasonry
After putting out the message that he is going to stay with his cousin, the person staying in the room he was in last time he was there, was woken up at 3am by a red laser pointer right over his heart that pierced through the drapes! This prompted a panicked call and woke James up "having you come here is like inviting Edward Snowden over!" and so now where will he go? There is not a place on earth the Freemasonic order cannot find him, he's already wearing a bullet proof vest while out in public, jumping into cars and speeding away at the first sign of trouble, exiting buildings through the rear and being stalked everywhere he goes! How did Freemasonry become like this? Through the period of 1820-1880 the noble brotherhood was taken over by corruption and has never been the same, we reveal how this happened, who was involved and why you cannot deny that at the very top echelons of Freemasonry today (which likely doesn't include ANY low level masons) there is nothing but scumbaggery and a desire to control planet earth. This painful truth must be exposed and the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree must be abolished before humanity is trapped forever within its snare.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube: How and Why Freemasonry Got Corrupted, James Wright 30July201 Part 1/6 When Did Freemasonry Get Corrupted? James Wright 30July2013 1of6 Part 2/6 When Did Freemasonry Get Corrupted? James Wright 30July2013 2of6 Part 3/6 When Did Freemasonry Get Corrupted? James Wright 30July2013 3of6 Part 4/6 When Did Freemasonry Get Corrupted? James Wright 30July2013 4of6 Part 5/6 When Did Freemasonry Get Corrupted? James Wright 30July2013 5of6 Part 6/6 When Did Freemasonry Get Corrupted? James Wright 30July2013 6of6 |
29 July 2013, The Agenda To Abolish Privacy Worldwide! Dr Katherine Albrecht,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Dr Katherine Albrecht www.kmashow.com
Interesting synchronisity, the weekend after massive protests around New Zealand about the GCSB (the NSA of NZ in Fact the NSA has an office in their building!) bill, which essentially takes away all privacy and opens up the country to a surveillance state, we have one of the worlds foremost authorities on privacy! This show exposes the agenda of a total surveillance apparatus the New World Order wishes to impose in order to identify potential troublemakers, and neutralize them. The targets are not people breaking the law, but rather activists, journalists and whistle blowers who expose the fact that it is THE GOVERNMENT that are the criminals! Katherine's other sites: www.startpage.com www.antichips.com www.chipmenot.com www.startmail.com
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube: GCSB and The NWO, Dr Katherine Albrecht with Vinny Eastwood 29J Just Katherine Albrechts Appearance The End Of Privacy IS THE END OF FREEDOM, Dr Katherine Albrecht Part 1/6 GCSB and The NSA, Dr Katherine Albrecht with Vinny Eastwood 29July Part 2/6 GCSB and The NSA, Dr Katherine Albrecht with Vinny Eastwood 29July2013 Part 3/6 GCSB and The NSA, Dr Katherine Albrecht with Vinny Eastwood 29July2 Part 4/6 GCSB and The NSA, Dr Katherine Albrecht with Vinny Eastwood 29July2 Part 5/6 GCSB and The NSA, Dr Katherine Albrecht with Vinny Eastwood 29July Part 6/6 GCSB and The NSA, Dr Katherine Albrecht with Vinny Eastwood 29Jul |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia Full Show on Youtube: Real Media Reports What They Don't Want You To! Vinny Eastwood 28July2013 Short Clip on Youtube: How I Got Into This Mess, VInny Eastwood and Ben Vidgen 28July2013 |
28 July 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "THE POSTMAN SHOW" With Ben Vidgen,
![]() Vinny's Nutshell: Ben Vidgen www.postmanproductions.org
Reflections on the GCSB protest around the country, the biased and downright deceitful media coverage and what it means to be a media man telling the truth in an industry based on lies.
26 July 2013, The Virus That Can Turn You Psychopathic! Paul Levy,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Paul Levy http://www.awakeninthedream.com
The topic of Psychopaths has been on the show a lot recently! Yet another perspective, this time from shaman and ancient wisdom, apparently the psychopathic entity has existed almost as long as man has. We learn some valuable lessons about how they operate and what you can do to avoid them.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube: Is Psychopathy A Virus? The Watiko!, Paul Levy 26July2013 Part 1/6 Watiko, The Ancient Psychopath Virus, Paul Levy 26July2013 1of6 Part 2/6 Watiko, The Ancient Psychopath Virus, Paul Levy 26July2013 2of6 Part 3/6 Watiko, The Ancient Psychopath Virus, Paul Levy 26July2013 3of6 Part 4/6 Watiko, The Ancient Psychopath Virus, Paul Levy 26July2013 4of6 Part 5/6 Watiko, The Ancient Psychopath Virus, Paul Levy 26July2013 5of6 Part 6/6 Watiko, The Ancient Psychopath Virus, Paul Levy 26July2013 6of6 |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia Full Show on Youtube: Arrested For Running A Successful Cannabis Business! 25July2013 Short Clip on Youtube: I Was Busted For Paying Tax On My Cannabis! 25July2013 |
26 July 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "Time 4 Hemp" With CASPER LEITCH, You Can't Even Pay Tax ON Weed Without Getting Raided!
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Casper Leitch www.time4hemp.com
Speaking to Todd who recently had his Cannabis research laboratory shut down even though he was paying tax to the government! http://www.tokeofthetown.com/2013/07/north_carolina_man_says_his_marijuana_research_was_legal_cops_say_otherwise.php#more ![]()
25 July 2013, My Daughter Kidnapped By The State! Pip Cunningham,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Pip Cunningham https://www.facebook.com/kiwi.pip
New Zealand and the world are afflicted by a horrific system of scumbaggery that kidnaps kids from their parents and hides behind the power of the law which they don't even follow! CYFS (child you and family services NZ) are one such organization part of a global child kidnapping/pedophile ring, today we hear from a mother who struggled with this corrupt institution and in trying to get her child back, discovered the terrible truth. A truly heartbreaking and emotional show!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube: Children Can Be Taken Even on False Allegations! Pip Cunningham 25July2013 Part 1/6 Social Services Stole My Child! Pip Cunningham 25July2013 1of6 Part 2/6 Social Services Stole My Child! Pip Cunningham 25July2013 2of6 Part 3/6 Social Services Stole My Child! Pip Cunningham 25July2013 3of6 Part 4/6 Social Services Stole My Child! Pip Cunningham 25July2013 4of6 Part 5/6 Social Services Stole My Child! Pip Cunningham 25July2013 5of6 Part 6/6 Social Services Stole My Child! Pip Cunningham 25July2013 6of6 |
24 July 2013, Alien Abductions, Why Are They Taking People? Mike Clelland,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Mike Clelland www.hiddenexperience.blogspot.com
Decades after experiencing his own UFO abduction in the 70's as a boy and not realizing it, the topic became more well known and as reports came out surrounding the anomalous experience of "losing time" that 2 hour gap that meant he missed his favorite TV show suddenly meant something! The UFO community are often a very serious bunch, sometimes paranoid, now with the advent of the internet the amount of first hand information available to researchers has allowed for a growth in the body of knowledge humanity now has about aliens, implants, abductions and US Government knowledge about it that is often covered up, or the subject of masterful disinformation campaigns. How many UFO sightings are actually classified military aircraft? Is the Alien agenda entirely a physical one? Or is there an element of spirituality? Different dimensions? Angels and Demons? And what's with so many of the abductees claiming they saw a 4 foot owl before getting taken?
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube: Why Are Aliens Abducting Humans? Mike Clelland 24July2013 Part 1/6 Alien Abduction Explained, Why and How It Happens, Mike Clelland 24July2013 1of6 Part 2/6 Alien Abduction Explained, Why and How It Happens, Mike Clelland 24July2013 2of6 Part 3/6 Alien Abduction Explained, Why and How It Happens, Mike Clelland 24July2013 3of6 Part 4/6 Alien Abduction Explained, Why and How It Happens, Mike Clelland 24July2013 4of6 Part 5/6 Alien Abduction Explained, Why and How It Happens, Mike Clelland 24July2013 5of6 Part 6/6 Alien Abduction Explained, Why and How It Happens, Mike Clelland 24July2013 6of6 |
23 July 2013, You Gotta Laugh At Evil, JoyCamp, Benny Wills and Kevin Kostelnik,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Benny Wills and Kevin Kostelnik www.youtube.com/thejoycamp
Learning that everything you once believed is a lie and everything you'd been working toward your whole life doesn't exist can be really depressing and make you rather angry. Turning to comedy is a great outlet for this angst and the guys at Joy Camp have made a wonderful impact on the world stage with their unique brand of truther humor. We explore why people try to label everything in an effort to be comfortable and as an excuse to not look deeper into things, why this is landing many kids on medication & how even one person making content can literally change the world and how we perceive it.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube: You Gotta Laugh At The Evil, Joycamp with Vinny Eastwood 23July2013 Part 1/6: Comedy, A Cure For Depression & Rage, Joycamp 23July2013 1of6 Part 2/6: Comedy, A Cure For Depression & Rage, Joycamp 23July2013 2of6 Part 3/6: Comedy, A Cure For Depression & Rage, Joycamp 23July2013 3of6 Part 4/6: Comedy, A Cure For Depression & Rage, Joycamp 23July2013 4of6 Part 5/6: Comedy, A Cure For Depression & Rage, Joycamp 23July2013 5of6 Part 6/6: Comedy, A Cure For Depression & Rage, Joycamp 23July2013 6of6 |
22 July 2013, Awakening The Inner Mystic, William Klaus, How To Practice Alchemy And Tap Into Synchronicity
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: William Klaus www.iahuasca.blogspot.com
William Klaus is the creator of The Kubrick Transformer, co-host of Always Record w/Alan Green & David Plate, author in Sync Book 2. A Student of James Joyce and Marshall McLuhan. We have an interesting conversation about how meaningful coincidence and synchromysticism crept into both of our lives. Other influences are: Lorenzo Hagerty From The Psychedelic Salon www.lorenzohagerty.com Christopher Knowles From The Secret Sun www.secretsun.blogspot.com Mark Leclair The Wrong Way Wizard www.wrongwaywizard.blogspot.com
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube: How To Practice Alchemy And Tap Into Synchronicity, William Klaus 22July2013 Part 1/6: Awakening The Inner Mystic, William Klaus 22 July 2013 1of6 Part 2/6: Awakening The Inner Mystic, William Klaus 22 July 2013 2of6 Part 3/6: Awakening The Inner Mystic, William Klaus 22 July 2013 3of6 Part 4/6: Awakening The Inner Mystic, William Klaus 22 July 2013 4of6 Part 5/6: Awakening The Inner Mystic, William Klaus 22 July 2013 5of6 Part 6/6: Awakening The Inner Mystic, William Klaus 22 July 2013 6of6 |
19 July 2013, The Archon Round Table Discussion, Eve Lorgen, Cameron Day, Robert Stanley, How To Protect Yourself From & Fight Archons
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Eve Lorgen www.evelorgen.com
Robert Stanley www.unicusmagazine.com Cameron Day www.ascensionhelp.com Following on from Wednesday's discussion about psychopaths, this round table takes it a bit further and looks at the Archon question, the non-human entities that literally feed off fear and literally embody evil. It appears as though they are indeed an organism like an amoeba that is capable of infecting its host and controlling them like a puppet, projecting an aura around themselves that entrances some and repels others. They have been with humanity since recorded history began and appear to still be in control, they are holding all the keys to all the doors of power, which means eventually, someone is going to have to fight them. We give you good tips about how to identify Archons in your midst, how to shield yourself from their power and how to take the fight to them by making fun of them and with love, forgive them.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube: Archon Round Table, Robert Stanley, Eve Lorgen, Cameron Day 19July2013 Short Clip on Youtube: Defensive and Offensive Tactics Against Archons, 19July2013 |
18 July 2013, Cannabis & Cancer, Dr Mark Sircus OMD, How To Heal Sexual Trauma
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Dr Mark Sircus OMD www.drsircus.com
We know that the Rick Simpson cannabis oil cures cancer, in fact we can't think of any medical condition that Cannabis doesn't help or even cure! Sexual trauma is a tough subject, particularly for men to cover, the problem is that men are often the sexual abusers, and as good decent males it makes us so angry that it's hard to not violate FCC regulations while speaking of it on radio. None the less, we bravely explore exactly what sexual trauma does to people, on a very deep level it's like bashing your soul with a baseball bat. The damage you suffer is bad enough, what's worse is few are comfortable enough to talk about it or do the intense empathic listening and sharing that is required in order to heal those deep scars. We discuss what is required of you if you want to help someone who has suffered this, and also the horrific things that psychiatrists do, like dangerous drugs that make the person feel depressed and even go on murderous rampages!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show On Youtube: Cannabis, Cancer & Healing Sex Trauma, Dr Mark Sircus 18July2013 Short Clip on Youtube: Understanding What It Feels Like To Be Raped, Vinny Eastwood 18July2013 |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia Full Show on Youtube: Racism As Social Engineering, Psychopath Mentality Explained, Susanne Posel Short Clip Scary David Rockefeller Impression, Vinny Eastwood 18July2013 |
18 July 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "THE REGION 10 REPORT" With SUSANNE POSEL & BEN SWANN, No Escaping Psychopaths Or Racism
![]() Vinny's Nutshell: Susanne Posel www.occupycorporatism.com
Ben Swann www.benswann.com Great discussion about the racism distraction and how it relates to an attempt by the elite to engineer a perfect society where if anyone says anything against the status quo they will be ostracized and demonized. 2nd hour Vinny and Susanne review the topic of Psychopaths/Archons, explaining their mentality and the terrifying reality that they can infect peoples minds and replicate themselves!
17 July 2013, The Psychopath Round Table Discussion, Thomas Sheridan, Jay Weidner, James Corbett, Don't Fight Them, RUN!
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Thomas Sheridan www.thomassheridanarts.com
Jay Weidner www.jayweidner.com & www.sacredmysteries.com James Corbett www.corbettreport.com This is an historic show with 3 legends in the movement known for their hard hitting facts, incredible insight, bravery and good hearts. The topic of Psychopaths might indeed be one of the most important issues for society to grasp, the disease/entity/behavior (whatever it is!) is allegedly present in between 1 & 4% of the population. These creatures tend to cluster in centers of power and control, making their way into business, politics, entertainment, religion & law. In learning this little known fact, a realization dawns, that psychopaths are the rulers of society, the gnostic writings call them "Archons" which means "Rulers" and they have indeed infected humanity since time began. They are characterized by a lack of empathy, creativity and an abundance of deceit, vanity & scumbaggery. They love (and apparently need) to have an entourage of the lowest scum in society (known as proto-psychopaths) that are easily manipulated into doing their bidding. We explore methodologies for identifying psychopaths in your midst and encourage you, even if they're your brother, sister, husband or wife, to run, run as fast as you can and cut of all contact. Part of the reason is that they will give no benefit to your life, the other is that this condition is actually infectious! That's right, in having contact with a psychopath it has the ability to contaminate you and make you become one of them. If you choose to try and expose or fight them, you cannot foresee the lengths they will go to in destroying your life, you can't think like a psychopath, you have something called morals, ethics, which prevent you from doing horrific things, Psychopaths do not. They're toxic, the best you can hope for is to get out of the line of fire.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube Psychopath Roundtable, Thomas Sheridan, James Corbett, Jay Weidner, Vinny E Show Split in 2, Part 1 Psychopaths Explained, Thomas Sheridan, James Corbett, Jay Weidner 17July Show Split in 2, Part 2 Psychopaths Explained, Thomas Sheridan, James Corbett, Jay Weidner 17July20 Short CLip: Psychopath revelations! Thomas Sheridan & Jay Weidner 17July2013 |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia Show on Youtube Part 1 True Motives Of Elite Satanists, Fritz Springmeier 1 of 2 Part 2 True Motives Of Elite Satanists, Fritz Springmeier 2 of 2 Short Clip Most Angry Anti NWO Rant Ever! Vinny Eastwood 17July2013 |
17 July 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "THE INFO TRAP" With BARAN HINES, FRITZ SRINGMEIER, GAEL DE VRIES, True Agenda Of The Elite Revealed
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Fritz Springmeier http://www.pentracks.com
Baran Hines http://www.wtfrly.com Gael De Vries http://www.facebook.com/gael.devries We explore the true agenda of the elite, they view humanity as merely peons to be ruled, the unruly should be killed. The cashless society is not just coming, it's here! The surveillance state, police state and all that we feared would come to pass is not only already here but getting stronger! ![]()
16 July 2013, Why I Had To Leave America, Zen Gardner, Susanne Posel, The Bill To Give All Private Property To Bankers?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Zen Gardner www.zengardner.com
Great philosophy on life and America, well it may have once been a bastion of freedom in the minds of some, but today, that's the only place it exists. The good people of the United States might still be creative entrepreneurs, with kind hearts and decency, but the fact remains that the nation itself is merely a police state with scumbaggery at its core. Many are fleeing the 4th Reich much like rats leaving a sinking ship, so what can we do to prevent its demise and free the people once more from tyranny? Susanne Posel www.occupycorporatism.com & www.realguerillamedia.com The house is now passing a bill that will forgive the bankers for racking up massive debts, the result of which is they will wind up owning all the land and homes in the United States! This is part of Agenda 21, designed as a blueprint to get everyone off the land and force them into mega cities while simultaneously abolishing private property.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube: Racism Is A Distraction From The Truth! Zen Gardner 16July2013 Other Show with Susanne Posel Emergency Broadcast! Banks To Own All US Land! Susanne Posel 16Jul Short Clip Zimmerman Case Designed To Distract, It's Working! Vinny Eastwood |
15 July 2013, Leaders Just Make The Laws Up! Max Igan, The Drive To Serve Humanity & The Planet Starts With Empathy.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Max Igan www.thecrowhouse.com
Our "Leaders" are in breach of trust, this is obvious to anyone who pays attention, the example of Vince Siemer being jailed for reporting judicial Corruption in New Zealand is only 1 of many. Played 2 videos during the broadcast see them here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0iPRSPV4uI & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3FkSM5H-4Y The reasoning behind following new laws is "Obey us cos we made it up and put it down on paper", by the same logic we should obey the dictates of fiction writers (which incidentally most legislators are). Having had harsh upbringings has in fact instilled upon us an inherent empathy for our fellow man and it is this reason that gives us the motivation and energy to do so much work that benefits the human race.
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube: All Laws Are Made Up! Why Do We Obey? Max Igan 15July2013 Part 1of2 My Life Was Hard, That's Why I Care About Others Max Igan 15July2013 Part 2of2 My Life Was Hard, That's Why I Care About Others Max Igan 15July2013 Short Clip Don't Tell Me To Get A Job Slave! Vinny Eastwood and Max Igan 15Jul |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013-vinny-on-other-shows.html For Youtube Versions: http://www.youtube.com/MRNEWSguerillamedia Watch the interview with Vince Seimer here: Vince Seimer Jailed For Reporting A Crime! Protest This Sunday 14th July, 12July2013 |
13 July 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "THE UNITED WE STRIKE MARATHON" With SUSANNE POSEL, NZ Has The World's Most Corrupt Judiciary!
![]() Vinny's Nutshell: Today is an emotional one, my good friend and fellow activist Vince Seimer is the first man in history to be jailed for reporting a crime.
The crime he reported was an unlawful judgement by a corrupt judge named Helen Winkelmann. During the "Terror Raids" in 2008 (which occurred simultaneously with many other so-called terrorism raids around the world), 7 out of the 9 arrest warrants were ruled to be unlawful, then Winkelmann sealed that judgement so the public would not find out, furthermore she ruled that the 9 men arrested in the raids were to not be allowed a trial by jury, a clear violation of their rights under New Zealand law. For reporting these crimes, Vince Seimer has been sent to prison for 6 weeks and today he is handing himself in to the authorities. United We Strike www.unitedwestrike.com Susanne Posel www.occupycorporatism.com Vince Siemer www.kiwisfirst.co.nz
12 July 2013, The Terrifying Truth About EMF/EMR Radiation, Paul Waddell, The Electric Epidemic!
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Paul Waddell www.safespace.net.nz
Electronic devices, we're surrounded by them at all times and the evidence for their saftey is scant to say the least! Being one of only 3 qualified people in New Zealand that tests for EMF and EMR emissions the knowledge of just how dangerous this invisible electric epidemic is will blow your mind, if not your eye sockets, if not your power sockets then certainly this interview will blow your socks off! It explains a number of simultaneous health epidemics, the cancer rate, mental illness, autism, heart disease, allergies and much more! The most disturbing things about electricity pollution? Well not only is it everywhere, but it's invisible and nobody seems to be talking about it let alone connecting the dots. The denial and fraud perpetrated by cell phone companies and electricity providers, coupled with the complicity of the media and governments mean that you MUST share this broadcast around with everyone you know!
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube The Hidden EMF:EMR Electric Epidemic! Paul Waddell 12July2013 Part 1of3 The Video Cellphone and Electric Companies HATE! Paul Waddell 12J Part 2of3 The Video Cellphone and Electric Companies HATE! Paul Waddell 12 Part 3of3 The Video Cellphone and Electric Companies HATE! Paul Waddell 12July |
10 July 2013, Freemasons Tried To Assassinate Me! James Wright, Frater X,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: James Wright www.facebook.com/occupyfreemasonry
Frater X www.fraterx.blogspot.com James Wright recently was shot at on the freeway from a tinted window van bearing freemason decals, a bullet hole in his car and also a massive scorch mark underneath the chassis suggests that they not only fired a weapon but may have also detonated a charge beneath his car or some other form of sabotage device! Why are the Freemasons trying to kill him if they have nothing to hide I wonder?
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
New Zealands most subscribed youtube news channel! Full Show on Youtube: Proof Freemasonry Is Evil! James Wright & Frater X 10July2013 Part 1of3 Freemasons Tried To Assassinate Me! James Wright & Frater X 10July20 Part 2of3 Freemasons Tried To Assassinate Me! James Wright & Frater X 10July2 Part 3of3 Freemasons Tried To Assassinate Me! James Wright & Frater X 10July20 |
9 July 2013, I Cut 3 Documentaries Together In 3 Days, Who Needs Sleep When Whistle Blowers Need Me? DJ Prophet,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: DJ Prophet www.facebook.com/djprophetukusa After watching Zeitgeist DJ Prophet became awakened to the tru controllers of society, today we had a great discussion about many things including why it' |