Globalists Collapsing Society To Bring In Martial Law Written Paul Joseph Watson U.S. troops now being trained to boss communities and run local governments are being readied to oversee a post-collapse America in which riots and civil unrest similar to that now exploding in Europe over austerity measures and pension cuts ravage the United States and are met with the iron fist of a militarized police state. Reaction to our earlier story about the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division being prepared for a situation where “in essence they will become the local government” by working with local officials has been strong, with some refusing to believe that the program is geared towards anything other than operations overseas. However, as we outlined in our article, similar deployments by Northcom are admittedly focused around “homeland patrols” and training troops to deal with “civil unrest” and “crowd control”. We have documented numerous incidents over the past several years where active duty troops or national guard have been used in domestic law enforcement operations. The military are now being called upon to undertake roles normally designated to police as Americans are incrementally acclimated to accept the presence of troops on the streets as an everyday occurrence, in preparation for them to be used should the United States enter a post-collapse period of turmoil and unrest. We covered a case in Kingman Arizona last September, where National Guardsmen were filmed “providing security” and directing traffic. Another example occurred in Newport Kentucky, when military checkpoints suddenly appeared downtown on September 6 last year. Military Police from the U.S. Army National as well as Marines were purportedly conducting “traffic control” because the city was strapped for funds and did not have enough police to do the job. The excuse that troops are stepping in to help because there is a lack of police doesn’t wash. Crime is down over the last 20 years, there are around three times more police and the state is not calling out the National Guard, they are being put on the streets as a result of the harmonization of police and military, a process that has been ongoing for decades, long before the economic recession hit. Troops also have guns and their primary function is to search people and vehicles, not direct traffic. Members of the WeAreChange Ohio group interviewed some of the troops, who when asked if they would be prepared to “confiscate guns, shoot resisters in the back of the head, or throw people into ovens to incinerate bodies,” refused to categorically deny that they would follow such orders. However, this was by no means the first time that troops have been used to fulfill roles normally ascribed to police in Kentucky. During the Kentucky Derby on May 2 last year, Military Police were on patrol to deal with crowd control. An Associated Press photograph shows armed MP’s detaining a man who ran onto the track following the 135th Kentucky Derby horse race at Churchill Downs. “The military has NO BUSINESS policing the citizens except during extraordinarily exceptional times of national emergency by an executive order. This is very disturbing and completely un-American. Maybe even more disturbing is that no one seems to care how quietly and easily we have accepted the burgeoning police state,” one respondent to the photo stated. As we reported in 2008, U.S. troops returning from Iraq are now occupying America, running checkpoints and training to deal with “civil unrest and crowd control” under the auspices of a Northcom program that by 2011 will have no less than 20,000 active duty troops deployed inside America to “help” state and local officials during times of emergency. Over the course of the last few of years, we have reported on numerous instances of military involvement with local law enforcement in violation of Posse Comitatus.
In January 2009, soldiers from the Virginia National Guard. Soldiers from the Lynchburg-based 1st Battalion, 116th Brigade Combat Team, were used to conduct personal searches at checkpoints in Washington DC for the inauguration of Barack Obama. In February, no less than 2,200 U.S. Marines were also involved in urban operations training in Richmond, VIrginia, throughout January, drills that involved landing troops in populated areas, allowing military pilots to “familiarize themselves with the area.” In March of that year, we reported on U.S. Army troops dispatched to patrol the streets of Samson, Alabama, after a murder spree. On April 6, we reported on a DHS, federal, state, Air Force, and local law enforcement checkpoint in Tennessee. On April 3, Infowars was instrumental in the cancellation of a seatbelt checkpoint that was to be conducted in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security and the 251st Military Police in Bolivar, Tennessee. In December 2008, we reported on the Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center dispatching troops to work with police on checkpoints in in San Bernardino County, California. On April 22, we reported the deployment of 400 National Guard Combat Support Battalion troops to “maintain public order” at the Boston Marathon. Source here:
John Buchanan from 4/22/2005 speaking event. -- This excerpt deals with the death threat against Senator Mark Dayton (D) Minn - when he aggressively challenged the Pentagon and FAA lies to Congress. -- Buchanan also details the 9/11 Truth movement's lost opportunity with Elliot Spitzer. (This is was sent to me by Kathy in California).
The Transportation Security Administration has issued new guidelines blocking employees from accessing certain Web sites. CBS News reports that the list includes sites that feature any of the following: "chat/messaging, controversial opinion, criminal activity, extreme violence (including cartoon violence) and gruesome content, gaming."
That bit about "controversial opinion" is generating a backlash. In fact, TSA officials felt compelled to issue a response to CBS News, saying, "TSA does not block access to critical commentary about the organization and in fact expressly created the TSA IdeaFactory and the TSA Blog to promote diverse opinions." That's a good point, actually. TSA is pretty far out ahead of the federal pack in terms of allowing criticism of the agency on its own sites. But what about other sites that are "controversial"? That's a very broad category. Luckily, none of the opinions expressed at Fedblog are "controversial," right? Our view: This is another nail in the coffin of free speech in America. |