19 August 2013, Wonders of Stem Cell Nutrition, The March For Freedom, Graham Kelly, Mark Howitt,
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Graham Kelly http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/stem-cell-nutrition.html
1. Why I closed GoldNow ecurrency exchange 2. The wonders of stem cell nutrition! Mark Howitt http://www.worldpublicunion.org Joining Vinny on the show today is documentary film maker, musician, activist and founder of the World Public Union, Mark Howitt. Mark is currently walking/traveling across Eastern Canada doing a reality show called the "March of Freedom", where he has been discussing global issues with people in the communities he has visited and documenting the experience to show others what people really think about the current state of the world, and not just the mainstream perspective which is filtered often leaving out the most important fundamental issues that we face in the world today. Many topics were discussed including the March of Freedom, the New World Order agenda, Secret Societies, and the tactics and methods used by the globalists to control the earth's population. http://www.facebook.com/marchoffreedom http://www.youtube.com/user/LordDefiler
Youtube Versions with webcams of Vinny & The Guests Here: www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
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