Is NATO Causing Mass Migration? How NZ's Media Got Silenced By John Key, Evelyn Gilbert![]() Evelyn Gilbert (Aotearoa: A Wider Perspective) talks with Vinny today as they look back to the 1960s for an historical perspective on the long-standing pattern of Muslim immigration into Europe - and then forward into a broader understanding of the incredibly complex and "nasty" middle eastern/European / Russian/Ukranian issues today. They explore questions like Why so many refugees NOW? From so many countries? And how much of it is "constructed" by the media and State-funded terrorism via the FBI/CIA and schemes of entrapment. An interesting sidenote developed as well when Gilbert mentioned that many MSM stories are now being written by "writerbots" - computer software applications that generate stories based around keywords. This led to Evelyn being asked to stay for the 2nd hour which then focussed on Cameron Slater and Nicky Hager and the deteriorating world of journalism and mainstream media today. This has led to the emergence of the Alternative media on radio, television, and Internet which includes bloggers who seem to have access to - and share - what's "really" going on. Evelyn Gilbert's blog:
NZ's Flag Deception & Corrupt Media Exposed, Do We Need A Truther Economy?![]() Vinny rants about the New Zealand flag change and how this will have an effect on New Zealand's jurisdiction. Has our flag already been decided upon? Does it even matter that we get to suggest what flag we want considering any public decision is non-binding and the government can just pick whatever flag they want anyway? Is it just a smokescreen to cover up for the TPPA which when passed gives control of New Zealand's legislature to international companies. Kiwi media is mostly compromised by money or politics, as a result, this country has almost no defence against tyranny. Proof Princess Diana Was Murdered, John Morgan, Why Keeping Our NZ Flag Is Important, Ben Vidgen2/9/2015 Proof Princess Diana Was Murdered, John Morgan, Why Keeping Our NZ Flag Is Important, Ben VidgenJohn Morgan From is dying! After completing a number of books on the death of Princess Diana John's body is failing and this might be the last interview with him you'll ever hear! Hour 2: Ben Vidgen The TPPA is designed to make NZ surrender its sovereignty and it is no coincidence that our flag is being changed too! Please make an effort to show the NZ flag when you go to protests and ensure that you do everything within your power to oppose the TPPA! ![]()
Youtube Audio Version (No Ads Or Music) ![]()
Proof That princess Diana Was Murdered, John Morgan NZ should scrap the TPPA and keep our flag! Ben Vidgen
Has World War 3 Been Called Off? Is California Rejecting Freemasonry? Benjamin Fulford, James Wright23/3/2015 Has World War 3 Been Called Off? Is California Rejecting Freemasonry? Benjamin Fulford, James Wright HOUR 1: Benjamin Fulford discusses the growing resistance among some elites to the New World Order and how this is not a cause to sit back and relax for the rest of us, but a crucial time to join the fight and push back as hard as we can while we still can! HOUR 2: James Wright catches up on the hard times when he first broke away from the supreme council and how now after so long he's finally settling in California where the Freemason stalking and threats seem to have come to an end, bringing a whole new era of unimpeded exposure of the corruption affecting some within the secret society. ![]()
Youtube Audio Version (no Ads Or Music) ![]()
WATCH ON YOUTUBE! WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/MRNEWSGUERILLAMEDIA HOUR 1: Benjamin Fulford, Was World War 3 Called Off? HOUR 2: Is California Rejecting Freemasonry? James Wright PLEASE GIFT $5 A MONTH TO HELP VINNY!
The Ubuntu Movement Is Working! Michael Tellinger Hits Back Against Criticism By Alternative Media18/1/2015 The Ubuntu Movement Is Working! Michael Tellinger Hits Back Against Criticism By Alternative Media THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DONATING! WWW.THEVINNYEASTWOODSHOW.COM Michael Tellinger
Imagine a system of voluntarism where everyone can participate in their community for only a few hours a week and enjoy the comforts most people enjoy after working 40 hours in an ordinary job? Is this the future? Can people share and contribute to making a better society in a very real way? Or will such a system get attacked by the very alternative media that purportedly seeks the same end? Tune in to find out why Michael Tellinger's Ubuntu movement is gaining speed and taking heat for it! |
Vinny Eastwood
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