![]() Lance White http://www.afiresidechat.com Grand ideas for the future are all too often dashed in the face of adversity. Conveniently it's through frustration with the media and maybe even a fear of getting exterminated that got The Vinny Eastwood Show started. When you grow in experience from protesting and interviewing people on many different topics, it becomes incumbent on you to expose scumbaggery, just a little bit of it each day. The systemic corruption we face has a unique answer. In such a way, it's almost like: every man for himself But instead of it being about yourself, personally & getting caught up in an ego trip, It's more akin to: every man must do the most good for others, whilst not neglecting oneself of course. Activists and journalists in the new media are to be treated with an err of courtesy, in respect for their many years of service doing good for others. It is for this reason that The Vinny Eastwood Show exists, So many peoples of varying disciplines, the widest variety of important thinkers of our time, share their views and we can listen to them. The hope is that people will see how effective it is at bringing people together, We must find those points on which we can agree, The points that we disagree upon can be left for another time, Preferably a time when we're not about to get exterminated or enslaved by a bunch of ruthless criminal sociopathic scumbaggery. ![]()
8 February 2014, Vinny Eastwood and Susanne Posel Discuss Journalism, Reporting On UNITED WE STRIKE!10/2/2014 ![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Susanne Posel http://www.occupycorporatism.com Discussing the subject of journalism from a serious perspective, can a return to classy and professional journalism with a conscience that keeps checks ont he powerful? We close off on the roundtable asking what is truth and why it's necessary to take a leadership role sometimes to keep people together and stifle infighting. Join us the second saturday of each month on UNITED WE STRIKE! www.unitedwestrike.com ![]()
Vinny Eastwood
Activist, Talk Show Host and Film Maker, Giving a platform to the important voices and ideas of our time, because when the mainstream media won't do their job, don't fight them, just replace them. Archives
November 2014