![]() Vinny's NUTShell: United We Strike http://www.unitedwestrike.com Today we celebrate the launch of The US Independent http://www.theusindependent.com In a time of media maelstroms where you simply don't know who to trust, we are now setting the new standard in news journalism. UWS roundtable Discussing Fukushima and dealing with the reality of it without losing hope. Featuring: Am Rosen, Karen Tostado, Susanne Posel, Matt Navarro, & Gary Hendershot aka the Smart Scarecrow At the end I give special mention to my broadcast with Thunder and Brad Mullner, if you'd like to hear it click here ![]()
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Thunder & Brad Mullner http://www.thunderandlightteam.com http://www.modernhealthcoach.com https://www.facebook.com/thunder.lightteam http://www.epicenergynow.com http://www.holidiumlabs.org Here's a mind twister for you, what does a hologram sound like? An advanced quantum mechanics physicist named "Thunder" discovered you can make it sound like anything you want. Including a subtle frequency that can literally change organic and non-organic material within its radius, even via text message! What's the sound of your car not producing pollution? A cell phone and smart meter not giving off EMF? What is the sound of a healthy body free of disease? What would you offer the man who invented this technology? Mitsubishi Japan, offered 80 million and got turned down. Why cancel the pollution of only 10% of the worlds cars when you can do all of them? There is no patent, it has not been weaponized and now that the people are in need, the planet is ready. The long held belief that somehow a genius dude would miraculously just pop up and have the skills to solve the worst crises man has ever faced, turned out to be spot on. This may just be the best broadcast in Vinny Eastwood Show history, maybe the most important broadcast in the history of talk radio itself, according to one listener. A special Vinny Eastwood Show offer: You too can access this technology and help your life and the world a better place, receive a free anti-chemtrail text when you email your cell phone number to [email protected] and remember to mention "I love Vinny Eastwood" in the subject line. ![]()
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: https://www.facebook.com/AustralianGeoengineeringProtest An ordinary man with his eyes on the sky and his hands on a megaphone. Being a geoengineering activist is a tough gig, you get ridiculed and sabotaged, ignored and discouraged, but what else is new when telling a truth backed up by facts and evidence? The truth of the matter is that environmentalism has been hijacked by the establishment to advance carbon taxes and further restrictions on peoples freedoms. The brave souls that do this important work do so because the extermination of mankind is at hand, no exaggeration. Other links to check out https://www.facebook.com/AustraliansAgainstChemtrails https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org https://www.globalskywatch.com/ https://www.whatintheworldaretheyspraying.info/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/melbournechemtrails/ ![]()
7 January 2014, Waking Up To A World Of Fraud Is Traumatic, But Get Over It! MICHAEL O'BERNICIA9/1/2014 ![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Michael O'Bernicia http://self-realisation.com/ When you refuse to pay taxes, refuse to register your child and give the state the vital capitulation it needs to continue enslaving and oppressing, life can get interesting. The laws of the land are unjust, the judges corrupt, the police are thugs and the elite commit horrible crimes without any hint of punishment, this realization has broad implications to which a broad resistance is mustered. Pioneering a free life in our slave society is to be commended, the fact that Michael teaches others and shares his experiences, even more so. ![]()
6 January 2014, How To Prepare Your Mind & Community For The Collapse, Dr Carolyn Baker PhD7/1/2014 ![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Carolyn Baker http://www.carolynbaker.net Author of "Collapsing Consciously: Transformative Truths For Turbulent Times" Many fear a coming collapse and none doubt that it will happen, so what tools do you need to survive it? Strangely it's not necessarily bunkers, food, guns and water, it is a strong community that cares for and looks out for one another. Community itself has been destroyed in western culture as people retreat indoors and out to the suburbs, much like a deficiency in vitamin c causes scurvy, a deficiency in community causes fear, depression, hopelessness and anger, people turn to drugs not as a right of passage but as a means to escape reality. In order to reverse this much has to be done, laughs must be had, love must be encouraged, activism supported and a recognition of what real good and evil truly is. ![]()
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Dr Rima Laibow http://www.drrimatruthreports.com A special report on the GMO legal fight in Chile and the incredibly horrific revelations regarding vaccines and autism, why vaccinating your child and or yourself is either child abuse or complete insanity. So what is good and evil? Good is about exercising restraint, evil is about having none. Full Youtube version here: http://youtu.be/z4oQU6i26lo Also in 5 parts 1 http://youtu.be/hvlX7Q_rWFg 2 http://youtu.be/466vRkLWE4E 3 http://youtu.be/2DqNWdCqzfQ 4 http://youtu.be/SsNKZaxnxbE 5 http://youtu.be/kO3BBoChMRQ ![]()
![]() Vinny's Nutshell: Christopher Everard www.enigmatv.com Did you know the Maori battalion were the most feared by the NAZIs? Did you know that the three top politicians in New Zealand are freemasons? Do you know what your rights are when filming a policeman – this 2 hour show discusses a wide range of subjects including the New Zealand film industry and employment rights – not to be missed! ![]()
Vinny Eastwood
Activist, Talk Show Host and Film Maker, ArchivesCategories |