When you let your fear control you, those you fear become your masters. A man who fights his oppressor is no victim, The one who discourages him from doing so is
I guess I'm the same as the regular media is, I'm an ignorant douchebag, the difference being, I let others who aren't as ignorant as me speak and be heard rather than arguing with them. Ignorance Of Scumbaggery Is No Excuse You're Either A Conspiracy Theorist Or A Coincidence Theorist A conspiracy theorist believes that powerful people who havea lot of influence actually use their power to grow or maintain their influence. A coincidence theorist believes everything happens by sheer coincidence, no such thing as deception, no such thing as collusion or secrecy. Which of the two sounds more insane? Every generation has a chance of falling on hard times, the key is not to blame the generations that had it easy before you, but to make things right for those that are yet to come. Vinny Eastwood MR NEWS 26May2013
I believe I will not be totally free (from the various eclectic forms of choice restriction we suffer) until we're all free. The reason for my activism is not to free myself, nor my country, it's simply the right thing to do, I may never see a free world in my lifetime, but I am driven to do what's right regardless of my level of success. Demonize me, imprison me, poison me, kill me, it matters not, my rage and sense of injustice has now been enflamed and cannot be put out in this life or the next. BRING IT ON
I get these emails from people who tell me that protesting against the system will accomplish nothing. I'll tell you what, I'll keep working every day to expose scumbaggery and save humanity while you continue to sit around doing nothing, let's see who accomplishes something first!
I long to return to a time where the phones were dumb and the people were smart.
The medical industry treats us as though we're Oysters, the Vaccine is a grain of sand that they inject and our body later turns it into a pearl that they can harvest and make a hell of a lot of money.
Good nutrition is better than a physician who thinks they're good.
I'm concerned about how many of us put people up on a pedestal, the thing about pedestals is you can often see those people falling from such a great height, and the people who put them up there are they ones that get crushed when they land on them.
Truthers don't watch the news, they analyze enemy communiques.
Democracy has a bed time, but tyranny never sleeps.
The world is a complicated place, once people think they've figured out 90 degrees they assume the entire 360 degrees are the same as the 90 they've figured out, but the remainder is very different indeed and they don't have the full picture at all.
We should come together on the points we agree, on the points we disagree we can leave that for another time, other wise we'll never accomplish anything together.
Life is like the titanic enjoy what you can right now, but don't go overboard.
An American asked me how expensive farm land was in New Zealand. Let me put it like this, the only ones who can afford it are massive Chinese conglomerates and James Cameron
You have nothing to fear from people who know nothing
The camera is mightier than the pen
I'm busy as a conspiracy theorist
If you don't love what you do, you wind up hating yourself.
If you become too full of yourself, you get too far ahead of yourself
I assume everything I know is wrong and merely wait for the evidence that confirms it
My 3 favorite words are "I Don't Know". My 3 least favorite words are "I Don't Care"
Conspiracy theorist= someone who believes that powerful people with a lot of influence use their power to gain more influence. Coincidence theorist= someone who believes everything happens by pure coincidence and there's no such thing as a conspiracy. Which one sounds more insane?
Terrorism Definition TerrorISM is a system of govt, much like communISM and capitalISM, ISM ISM everywhere but no one stops to think. Terrorism uses fear tactics to get the public frightened into doing the will of the govt, sound familiar? New Zealand is A Fonterrorestate!
All we can do in this life is learn what we can, and in time, teach others to do the same.
I don't read books, I interview the authors. I don't research I interview the researchers.
Tobacco and Alcohol kill thousands of people every year, marijuana hasn't killed 1 in 10,000 years.
I'm 6'4 and too big to fail, where's my bailout?
I like being my own boss, primarily because it means I don't have to associate with people who abuse me if I don't want to. Lots of conspiracy theorists are damaged goods and lash out for no good reason at me when I'm trying to help them. If you want to get some justice, aim your abuse at the appropriate people.
I don't want to sound arrogant, but I will anyway. If you don't know about the New World Order, you don't know politics, any vote you make will only serve to further enslave yo ass ;)
September 11 2011 Ah 9/11, 10 years of propaganda, 10 years of murder, 10 years of war, 10 years of ignoring the first responders, 10 years of ridiculing conspiracy theorists. A decade of deceit, a decade of denial, a decade of desecration. I will always remember the truth, but how many decades will it take for others if they lived through this one and refused to see it?
September 6 2011 Thanks to the New Zealand media for covering the election issues with such scrutiny, I now know the direction Happy Feet the penguin is going, but not the country.
September 4 2011 If you didn't get to the meeting, it's a wasted opportunity. If you filmed it, and didn't upload it, you just wasted everyone's opportunity! (I'm an opportunist, can't you tell?)
September 3 2011 Some people don't want to enter the fray in the Conspiracy realm until they've perfected what they're doing. As a result, they never enter the fray, now IS and always has been the perfect time to get involved. But many instead keep listening to the wire for more information, instead of listening to their own heart that screams "Get off your ass!"
September 2 2011 If I don't save the world who will?
September 1 2011 Everyone's alone in this fight and unless you can keep your own boat afloat don't ask others to join your flotilla
Afraid of using Fascbook or skype for fear of NWO surveillance? Let them watch! Each moment they do our propaganda slowly turns them against their masters. The more subversive speech we have the more they freak out that they're being exposed. In their arrogance they gave us the tools to destroy them and it's folly to not exploit that.
If people can be brainwashed into believing a lie, then why can't we brainwash them into KNOWING the truth?
August 31 2011 Why is it I'm always the last one to leave an argument? Am I that offensive? Really?
A lot of my fellow Conspiracy Theorists choose to shy away from debates with abusive or uninformed people, for fear it is a waste of their time. Every bit of abuse you get, every misconception they spew, the more they expose themselves. IF you interact, with the facts on your side, and don't give up, you will be victorious, you just have to get in the fight to win.
What do you have to fear from people that are wrong when you're right?
I'm a pot stirrer apparently, does it smell like nice cuisine though? Mmmm Terrorism lol
I got the potential to be the king of ad hominem attacks, but I'm instead the crown prince of mad hominem facts!