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What is StemEnhanceTM?
StemEnhance consists of a patented natural 5:1 concentrate of an edible aquatic botanical known as Aphanizomenon Flos-aquae (AFA) that contains two proprietary components, Migratose™ and Mobilin™.
AFA grows in a unique, pristine environment in the Northwestern United States and it has been safely consumed for over 3 decades.
Adult Stem Cells... Your Key to Optimal Health!
There are two basic types of stem cells, and it’s important to understand the difference:
Embryonic Stem Cells
These are extracted from 8-10 day old embryos – that’s why there’s controversy surrounding their research and use.
Adult Stem Cells
These are present in your body from the day you are born and are naturally produced in your bone marrow. Recent research has found that they are at the core of your body’s natural renewal system.
Who Should Take StemEnhance?
Anyone wanting to enjoy optimal health... Anyone wanting optimal fitness and performance... In fact, everyone! But there’s only one way to understand the true benefits of this amazing product...
Adult Stem Cells... Your Natural Renewal System
Once you understand how your natural renewal system works, it will become obvious to you why increasing the number of circulating adult stem cells is probably the single most important thing you can do to maintain optimal health.
This exciting information was discovered so recently that most people—even many doctors—don’t know about it yet!
In essence, here’s what happens when a need develops in your body …
The tissue or organ in need sends chemical messengers into the blood stream.
These chemical messengers prompt the release of stem cells from the bone marrow.
A second set of chemical messengers sent by the tissue in need prompts the circulating stem cells to:
Migrate (move) into the tissue;
Proliferate (make more); and
Transform themselves into healthy cells of that tissue!
Stem cells can become virtually any type of cell in your body. Without them, your body’s natural renewal process simply could not take place!
Results of many scientific studies indicate that increasing the number of circulating adult stem cells is probably the single most important thing you can do to maintain optimal health.*
Why Support Natural Stem Cell nutrition?
Your adult stem cells are your body’s
“master” cells
– they have the ability to become virtually any type of cell in the body. Recent studies* have found that stem cells can become heart cells, liver cells, pancreatic cells, muscle cells, brain cells … even cells in the eyes, the joints and more!
For a number of reasons—such as
growing older
(beyond your mid-20’s),
(physical, emotional, environmental) and
poor diet
— may take it’s toll on your body, causing a
in your body’s ability to renew itself.
Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine” ref: Jensen et al., Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine July/September Vol 8 2007
2010 Stemtech Australia. All Rights Reserved.
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