Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
21 December 2012, New Agers Better Start Changing Their Tune, Karen Tostado Bob Tuskin and Vinny Eastwood on KAREN'S CORNER, Rense Radio.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Karen Tostado www.unitedwestrike.com
Bob Tuskin www.bobtuskin.com A great discussion about the year that was and how we should now hold all the new agers to account for believing in this end of the world nonsense! ![]()
21 December 2012, Doomsday? Not Really! It Was A Psy-Op From The Beginning.
![]() Vinny Eastwood
Vinny's NUTShell: Our last show for the year, a very merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
My New years resolution last year was "2012, Time To Stop Fu**en around" Since making that resolution The Vinny Eastwood Show has grown immensely with fabulous guests and nearly 1000 hours of listening & viewing content produced this year across the radio show and youtube channel! So much time wasted by people all over the world revolving around December 21st 2012, now it has happened with no real consequence to speak of, Imagine what we could have achieved if we weren't just waiting around for something? Maybe it was a deliberate ploy to distract people while all the scum continue roam free. ![]()
20 December 2012, Zen Gardner.
![]() Zen Gardner
Vinny's NUTShell: Zen Gardner www.zengardner.com
Laughs, analysis and philosophy. This is how we get through life. ![]()
20 December 2012, James Wright and Jan Irvin on The Dark Occulted Mysticism Show
19 December 2012, Andrew Basiago, Bernard Mendez, Chrononauts, Dinosaurs, Time Travel and Barack Obama.
![]() Andrew Basiago (Top) Bernard Mendez (Bottom)
Vinny's NUTShell: Andrew Basiago www.projectpegasus.com
The secret program operated by DARPA and the CIA known as project Pegasus, involved time travel and teleportation experiments with children and adults. Andrew delivers an eye witness account of an experience where they became trapped in a causal loop on Mars during an exploration expedition, accompanied by Barack Obama where an unidentified boy was bitten by a dinosaur! This account has been corroborated by a number of others who have come forth since Andrew Basiago blew the whistle. Bernard Mendez www.ufoqanda.com www.bernardmendez.com Calling in to back up Andrews story with additional testimony and corroboration of the facts in the jump room program. ![]()
18 December 2012, Jeff Ordonez, Kevin Annett, Prophecy: One Third Of People WILL Die Soon, Global Church Genocide Exposed.
![]() Kevin Annett (Top left) Vinny Eastwood (Bottom Left) Jeff Ordonez (right)
Due To Technical Difficulties We Present A SPECIAL COMMERCIAL FREE SHOW Vinny's NUTShell: Kevin Annett www.kevinannett.com www.hiddennolonger.com www.ITCCS.org A Former protestant Minister that discovered a conspiracy within the church to commit genocide upon native Canadians, trafficking children, pedophilia, satanism, sabotage, cover ups, all the elements of a great thriller, and it's all true! Jeff Ordonez www.7predicteddisasters.com Out of nearly 2500 predictions in the bible, roughly 2000 of them have come true, there are 7 big disasters that are prophesied and the result will be a one third population reduction. How to prepare, how to survive and why it's important to have faith. ![]()
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
17 December 2012, Quitting Your Slave Job And Taking Action, Lorien Fenton and Vinny Eastwood on THE FENTON PERSPECTIVE.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Lorien Fenton www.freedomslips.com
A great and fun show all about how much of a drag it can be to work in a slave job and not receive the recognition you deserve. The importance of not just refusing to participate in scumbaggery, but to actively oppose it! ![]()
17 December 2012, Meria Heller, Scott Keisler, Years of Alternative Radio, Journalism In Crisis.
![]() Meria Heller (left) Vinny Eastwood (Center) Scott Keisler (right)
Vinny's NUTShell: Meria Heller www.meria.net
What it's been like to record Podcasts for over a decade and be right in the middle of a terrible system while curing it's many ailments with good information. Meria is an author and a Reiki practitioner, with many massive guests on her daily podcast from Dr Andrew Wakefield who exposed the Vaccine link to Autism to David Icke, arguably the worlds most well known Conspiracy researcher. Scott Keisler www.scottkeisler.com A man who wears a number of different hats as a journalist, researcher and theologian, his role as an author has produced a "Remedy" for the Luciferian New World Order called The Omega Manifesto. Journalism in its pure form has sadly been destroyed by many factors and it is up to the new media to rebuild it from the grassroots up. ![]()
14 December 2012, Ron Aigner, The Truth About The Columbine Shooting and Cover Up.
![]() Vinny Eastwood (left) Ron Aigner (right)
Vinny's NUTShell: Ron Aigner http://columbinefamilyrequest.org/
An advocate for Mark Taylor, victim and whistle blower who should be freed immediately! www.facebook.com/ReleaseMarkTaylor The truth about Columbine is the 2 shooters were sexually abused by the very Sheriff who wound up in charge of the investigation, it all ties into an underground satanic cult run by billionaires. ![]()
13 December 2012, Pastor Steven Anderson, After The Tribulation, The Bible, 2012 & The New World Order.
![]() Vinny Eastwood (left) Pastor Steven Anderson (right)
Vinny's NUTShell: Pastor Steven Anderson www.afterthetribulation.com www.faithfulwordbaptist.org
Most Christians believe in the rapture, they believe that before the world enters tribulation that they will simply disappear and be saved, "The Bible says so!" But it doesn't say that at all! It states that the antichrist will be given power to control the world by 10 kings and Christians will be persecuted and killed if they do not worship the antichrist before Christ arrives to rapture those that remain. Most Christians haven't even read the bible and are led by misinformed preachers instead. The Documentary, "After The Tribulation" is for Christians to wake up to the truth about the New World Order and become truthers, also to wake up Truthers to the bible and get them to convert to Christianity, a very insightful interview! ![]()
12 December 2012, John Perkins, Kendall Carver, The Economic Hit Man and International Cruise Ship Victims.
![]() John Perkins (left) Kendall Carver (right)
Vinny's NUTShell: John Perkins www.johnperkins.org
Worked in the 70's for major US corporations getting leaders of countries to sell off their state assets and adopt World Bank policies that ultimately enslaved the populations with debt. He believes that we are now living in the first global corporate empire, encouraging people of all nations to rise up and reject the takeover. Kendall Carver www.internationalcruisevictims.org His daughter went fishing on a cruise ship a few years ago, since then it has become apparent that these floating cities don't even have protocol for investigating crimes. They cover up disappearances, dispose of footage, lie to the house of congress, literally tonnes of drugs have been found on board some ships, many are registered in Liberia and Panama, where seaworthiness and tax regulations are more relaxed. People must learn about the many victims and regulate the industry with methods that will reduce risk, ensure transparency and hopefully put an end to this unlimited alcoholic gambling fiesta with peoples lives. ![]()
Full show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us7agU8VNXs
11 December 2012, Martin Doutre, Ancient Civilisations in New Zealand, History Suppressed.
![]() Martin Doutre
Vinny's NUTShell: Martin Doutre www.celticnz.co.nz www.treatyofwaitangi.net.nz
The amazing archaeological evidence, oral traditions and censored history that proves New Zealand was populated long before Maori arrived. People have been dumbed down, misinformed and propagandized to see any of the information Martin has discovered as "white supremecist" or "anti-semetic" when he's simply bringing back a history that was deliberately removed and reinvented. This kind of Historical distortion has been used by Marxists regimes for a long time to socially engineer society, divide and conquer the masses and prop up tyrannical regimes. ![]()
Martin Doutre, Ancient New Zealand Civilisations!
10 December 2012, Douglas Dietrich, Department Of Defense Librarian Discovers The Secrets Behind US Wars
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Douglas Dietrich www.douglasdietrich.com
The real story behind Pearl Harbour, how it interconnects with modern false flag attacks and conflicts the US is waging around the world currently. Secrets revealed on the United States relationship with Adolph Hitler, Times Man Of The Year! Twice! ![]()
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
8 December 2012, The TPPA Protest and Police Violence? Banking and Usury Defined by Mike Rivero, Charlie Mcgrath & Vinny Eastwood, United We Strike.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: The United We Strike Radio Marathon brought to Us by Karen Quinn-Tostado and Detlev from www.wakenews.net through www.UnitedWeStrike.com
The TPPA protest yesterday brought out a lot of violence from New Zealand Police as they rushed to protect the Trans-Pacific-Partnership-Agreement which for all intents and purposes is a document designed to set up corporate governance of the Asia-pacific region including the United States. Mike Rivero www.WhatReallyHappened.com & Charlie McGrath www.WideAwakeNews.com We attempt to explain the history of banking and gold trading within a framework of how usury truly affects everyone automatically and cannot be escaped, only from this understanding can we dismantle our own oppression from the financial powers. ![]()
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
6 December 2012, What To Say To Person Who Calls You A Conspiracy Theorist?
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6 December 2012, Max Igan, The Reality Of Gaza Apartheid, We Are All Palestinian
![]() Max Igan
Vinny's NUTShell: Max Igan www.thecrowhouse.com
A long trip to south America, through Gaza and on to the UK has left Max with fond and important memories of the people in Palestine most of all. The legalized genocide and 2nd class citizenship of the mostly women and children there is truly horrific considering they're such warm and friendly people. ![]()
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
6 December 2012, Walking The Tightrope Of Sanity, Alan Abbadessa Green and Vinny Eastwood on ALWAYS RECORD.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Alan Abbadessa Green www.thesyncbook.com David and Alan sail some stormy seas . . . "You and I, all of us hurtling through space on this big blue rock, are fast approaching a major turning point. Some see it as the gateway to an age of enlightenment, others as an apocalyptic end-point for mankind and his planet. Yet, unlike Frost’s two divergent roads, our timeline is more a ray of light striking a prism. Our possible paths are varied and numerous. As we sail the foggy sea headed for the future, we must be equally careful neither to miss unseen islands of treasure nor to strike unseen dangers lurking just below the surface." . . . Vinny Eastwood (www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com) joins us in the second hour.
5 December 2012, Christina Tobin, Josh Tolley, Totally Free And Equal Elections & Entrepreneurship For America And World!
![]() Christina Tobin (left) Josh Tolley (right)
Vinny's NUTShell: Christina Tobin www.freeandequal.org
The woman who organized the very first third party debate in American history! A living legend on a mission to bring free and equal elections for America in order to break the hold of the Federal Reserve and major corporate contributors. Josh Tolley www.joshtolleyshow.com A prominent talk radio host that is the lead in show for Alex Jones on GCN www.gcnlive.com A business entrepreneur with a great understanding of being self employed in the 21st century, like most people were in the 19th century. A very deep discussion about the patriot movement and how everyone has to try and be civil with one another in order to bring about a better world of entrepreneurship and freedom. ![]()
4 December 2012, Christopher Greene, James Wright, Charlie McGrath, The New Media Talk Radio Hosts & Freemasonry Holds Trial Of Whistle Blower James Wright.
![]() Charlie McGrath (left) Christopher Greene (center) James Wright (right)
Vinny's NUTShell: Christopher Greene www.greenewave.com
Sitting down has bad health effects, there needs to be balance, especially around the Christmas season as it becomes much harder considering the amount of scary things we know that might increase our blood pressure. James Wright www.facebook.com/occupyfreemasonry Moved back to Texas and even got a wonderful partner, then one day waking up to not recognizing the person next to him, Freemasons putting him on Trial, messing with his family, Vinny lends a sympathetic ear and helps James through this difficult time. Charlie McGrath www.wideawakenews.com A short appearance to talk about Buy Emergency Foods and its relation to the holidays. He's hunkering down this Christmas convinced that something big is going to happen, December 21st this year is a Friday, the last day of bank trading for the year, the following Monday on Christmas Eve is the day the American Government decides if it wishes to renew the charter of the Federal Reserve. ![]()
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
4 December 2012, How Many Different 2012 Prophesies And Predictions Are There?
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Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
3 December 2012, NZ Is An NWO Testing Ground, Vinny Eastwood on End The Lie Radio
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Madison Ruppert www.endthelie.com
It's the most fun show Madison has ever had, more laughs than any other episode by far and ending on a high note rather than a depressing one. You can either spend your time attempting to wake up people who won't wake up, or trying to entertain and keep sane those who are already awake and out of bed. ![]()
3 December 2012, Will Berlinghof, Daniel Holdings, 21st Century Shaman, 2012 Prophesy In Fiction.
![]() Will Belinghof (left) Vinny Eastwood (center) Daniel Holdings (right)
Vinny's NUTShell: Will Berlinghof www.rainbow-phoenix.com
In a way he's a practicing 21st century Shaman helping people through his channeling ability and other techniques. 2012 is not the end, just the end of the world as we currently know it. Daniel Holdings www.danielholdings.com Author of 2 books, fictional thrillers centering around the end of the world, the hadron collider, dark entities, solar events, Volcanoes and 2012 prophesy. We'll still be here on December 22nd, fiction makes more sense than truth. ![]()
21 November 2012, Frater X, The Thanksgiving Smallpox Blankets
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Frater X
www.middlechamberfx.wordpress.com What is there to be thankful for when the pilgrims annihilated the native Americans? Well... The Sync book 2 is coming out soon at least! How messed up is New Zealand really? With stage shows over the opposition leadership at the same time as they call for incredibly insane draconian policy, is there a choice at all? ![]()
20 November 2012, Christopher Greene and Chris Duane, The Truther Guidebook & Raising Truther Kids
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Christopher Greene www.greenewave.com
How did Christopher and many others get into the position of media activism? The challenges with family, friends, time management and technology. Chris Duane www.youtube.com/truthnevertold How raising children right produces more wealth than ignoring them most of the time so parents working to buy them trinkets. ![]()
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
19 November 2012, My Journey To The New Media , Vinny Eastwood on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Joe & Doug Hagmann www.homelandsecurityus.com
Telling the back story of how I went from being a drug dealer to top salesman, then on to becoming the "New Media" of New Zealand. An incredibly insightful show with articulate eloquence, expanding on how these experiences mirror many others. How the truth movement really needs to collaborate but also work independently of one another, to ensure a major offensive against the UN Agenda for world government does not have a head that can be cut off. This is not about protecting or advancing oneself for ones own agenda, it's about protecting the person next to you and having someone else watch your back so you don't get stabbed in it. We stand together or hang separate. ![]()
19 November 2012, Scott Bartle, The Australian Government Is Really A Corporation, What The FUQ? (Frequently Unanswered Questions)
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Scott Bartle www.truth-now.net
Having been a Captain of large yachts working for billionaire clientele, a high level of performance and attention to detail was a major part of his job. When he tried to import a custom built car, he was surprised to find that customs was not an agency of the Australian Government of and by the people but in fact by a corporation registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington DC. He released a documentary exposing this major wholesale fraud that is being perpetrated on the Australian public at large by offshore criminal elements that masquerade as the Government. ![]()
16 November 2012, Bernard Mendez, Working For Nixon And Rumsfeld In Classified UFO Research
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Bernard Mendez www.UFOQandA.com
Trained observer, Physicist, Geologist and UFO researcher worked for the US government under Nixon and Donald Rumsfeld, investigating UFO incidents and secret government programs like project Pegasus involving time travel and teleportation which later led to his collaboration with Andrew Basiago who participated in these programs as a boy. Also an interesting look into the Dulce Mesa wars involving a conflict between humans and the aliens living deep within the earth. ![]()
15 November 2012, Andrew Basiago, Eye Witness Account Of Teleportation And Time Travel During Project Pegasus
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Andrew basiago www.projectpegasus.net
Eye witness testimony from the secret DARPA program known as Project Pegasus, experimenting with Time Travel, Teleportation and Chronovisors that produce a holographic reality through which the chrononauts can view other times and places. An in depth interview revealing the unbelievable of a childhood spent in a program conducting research and developing technology that should be declassified and developed in the public. Imagine no more need for planes and cars? Imagine a world where we can instantly go anywhere we want? What kind of challenges, economically and socially would this pose? ![]()
14 November 2012, Hagmann & Hagmann, The Harsh Realities Of Intelligence
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Joe Hagmann and Doug Hagmann www.homelandsecurityus.com
Intelligence community specialist Doug Hagmann reveals that knowing about the true plan for America makes for a hopeless situation. A staunch Christian duo doing a 3 hour show daily has an enormous listenership, not because the show is extremely professional, but because the information is extraordinarily detailed. ![]()
13 November 2012, All Is Fair In Gun Confiscation And Drug Wars
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Since Colorado and Washington have legalized Marijuana New Zealand is getting in on the action calling for a tourist hot spot to attract people to Northland.
Gun confiscation and why it invariably gets you exterminated. Genetically modified feed for New Zealand cows? Shoot I hope not! ![]()
12 November 2012, Douglas Dietrich, Charlie McGrath, Veterans Day Realities, USA Treats Its Veterans Like Trash
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Douglas Dietrich www.douglasdietrich.com
Secret biological warfare during WW2 by the Japanese, the history of war is often written by the victors and unknown by their followers. Soldiers are sent overseas, are made ill by the weaponry like depleted uranium then come home to be given dangerous drugs by the medical industrial complex. Charlie McGrath www.wideawakenews.com Coming on with Douglas to talk about the lives of veterans after their military service, is there regret? Also Texas may now secede from the union after receiving 25,000 signatures for the petition http://blog.chron.com/txpotomac/2012/11/the-petition-to-let-texas-secede-from-the-u-s-to-be-reviewed-by-the-white-house/ The votes of the military were not counted on time and if they were Romney would have won! http://www.duffelblog.com/2012/11/military-absentee-ballots-delivered-one-day-late-would-have-swung-election-for-romney/ ![]()
10 November 2012, The Small Minority Of Truthers Are Powerful, Vinny Eastwood on United We Strike![]() Vinny's NUTShell: www.unitedwestrike.com
Alan and Steve from www.oymireland.com provide a place to speak for 30 minutes talking about the elections, and how incredibly painful they are to bare, this pain stems from peoples incorrect belief that you need the masses to be behind you before you can achieve anything. History tells the opposite story, the sheep follow whatever shepherd is put in front of them and it is merely the small determined minority of good shepherds among us that will change things. ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
9 November 2012, Vinny Eastwood, The Election Has Me Burnt Out
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: There's something taxing about the US elections, both literally and figuratively.
To hear so many lies and be immersed in the total distraction of irrelevant arguments and debates is so painful it borderlines on trauma. WHO CARES? It's not like voting for one of the 2 main candidates would really make a difference, even voting for a 3rd party would make sense if they EVER got any mainstream media attention. Thank god this election season is over, I don't think I could have handled another day of this frustration and anguish of knowing the truth and seeing it subverted and twisted in every way conceivable by the media and politicians. ![]()
9 November 2012, Open Round Table With David and Pamela Tartar On FreedomSlips.com
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: David and Pamela Tartar
www.FreedomSlips.com Explaining why not voting solves nothing, neither does waiting in line 4 hours to vote. Why don't we spend that time ringing up talk radio or waving an END THE FED sign? ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
Latest "Vinny On Other Shows"
Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
8 November 2012, Silver Lining Beyond The Clouds SLBTC, Encouraging Words For Budding Truthers
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: SLBTC Silver Lining Behind The Clouds www.ustream.tv/channel/slbtc
A young truther trying to make ends meet has a great time with Vinny talking about life and how much it radically changes when exposed to the truth. ![]()
8 November 2012, James Wright, Mind Control And Conspiracy Inside Freemasonry, Your Town And Your TV?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: James Wright www.facebook.com/occupyfreemasonry
Telling the story of Freemasonry, rituals, influence, corruption, scandal, magic, evil and conspiracy. True of a small faction that is taking control of the secret society and its networks worldwide, engaged in a desperate race to put a one world government in place with the dark occulted rituals of Freemasonic lore as its new central church. ![]()
8 November 2012, The Dark Occulted Mysticism Show, Guest James Wright On TheVinnyEastwoodShow.com
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: James Wright
www.facebook.com/occupyfreemasonry Frater X www.themiddlechamberfx.wordpress.com A conversation with 2 occult experts on why people would want to join the Illuminati and the allure of power and magic that has corrupted the core of Freemasonry as a whole. Also how symbolism in the entertainment industry, obelisks and much more prominent "in your face" every day objects are placed specifically to channel dark energy! ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
7 November 2012, Silver Bullet, The NWO From The European Perspective
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Silver Bullet www.facebook.com/SilverBulletPosse
A European crusader against the New World Order focused on solutions. We talk about the general frustration of the US elections at how freaking irrelevant they are to people who are keen to solve problems rather than create them. ![]()
7 November 2012, Election Aftermath, Why Are People So Willing To Support Evil?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Is anyone else so sick of the elections already and the complete lies, disinformation, corruption, biased media and other associated scumbaggery?
Is it more terrifying that scumbags are in control or that the people are so easy to manipulating candidates and polices that are against their interests? The election is over, only one guy won, the whole world loses no matter who that 1 guy happened to be. let's move on. ![]()
7 November 2012, The Short End Of The Stick With Mike Harris on Rense Radio
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Mike Harris www.renseradio.com
The patriot movement and indeed truth in and of itself has been struck a blow (as always) by the recent election, god we're sick of talking about it, makes you so angry, not just at the scumbags and their eclectic scumbaggery, but also by the naive masses who repeatedly swallow the rhetoric and argue with anyone who questions the legitimacy of the election at all. When will this all be over? The answer is NOT FRACKING SOON ENOUGH! ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
6 November 2012, Christopher Greene, More Election Coverage, Are We To Be Enraged? Depressed Or Apathetic?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Christopher Greene www.greenewave.com
The United States is allegedly picking a new ruler, again. What is going to change? The direction the nation is traveling in will not change, the poverty, loss of sovereignty and scumbaggery will not change. It's fracking depressing, hopeless, miserable, it's the lighter side of genocide? Not today. ![]()
6 November 2012, Greenewave Radio Show on American Freedom Radio
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Christopher Greene www.greenewave.com
We must stand up and aggressively do the right thing even in the face of such a corrupt, morally bereft, lying, criminal electoral system. ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
5 November 2012, Vinny Eastwood on Strange Universe Radio with Sean David Morton
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Sean David Morton www.strangeuniverseradio.com
A quick rap about how remarkably screwed up the US electoral process is and why everyone should either be depressed, angry or apathetic about it! To feel any other emotion regarding this farcical process is proof of being delusional. www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com ![]()
5 November 2012, The Pete Santilli Show on Republic Broadcast Network
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Pete Santilli www.thepetesantillishow.com
Famed American alternative media personality Pete Santilli gives a tremendous Break down of the US elections in the first few segments with Guests. Then turns it over to Vinny Eastwood www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com for the rest of the show comparing and contrasting the US situation with the NZ predicament, are our countries really that different? We all live in the New World Order now, no nation is exempt. ALSO: The Backstory on Vinny's Activism and where the alternative media is going, and how it has already left mainstream media in the dust. 1st archive is a clip of the show only including Vinny's appearance
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5 November 2012, Mike Harris, US Elections, Who The Heck Cares? Nothing Changes.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: When you look at the US Elections, the few choices that are given, the huge gap between real debate and the utter bolshevik that comes forth from the mouths of these parasitical puppets, honestly, I think we're all over it.
Mike Harris www.veteranstoday.com/author/harris Reporting from the border as a former republican and manufacturing wizard, seeing the jobs leave the US under any presidency, it holds out little hope for the 2 main candidates. With only 4% of the US population actually making campaign contributions, it is obvious we should not lose hope. ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
3 November 2012, Vinny Eastwood Guest host of Siobhan Ciresi on Freedomslips.com
![]() Vinny's Nutshell: The world is a crazy place, there is no denying.
Why are Alternative media hosts so broke? Cos they don't TRY to make money. Which is incidentally the reason why many simply stop broadcasting and fade into the background, if you don't ask you will not receive. Why do alternative media hosts not combine forces and work together? because they hate each other, behind the scenes is not all campfires and koombaya. ![]()
2 November 2012, Peter Santilli, A Former Marine And The Horrifying Truth About Alex Jones?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Pete Santilli www.thepetesantillishow.com
A former Marine before becoming a former businessman who successfully sued Coca-Cola in a class action Law suit. Pete Santilli has a passion for the truth and exposing scumbaggery that is simply extra ordinary. His "I'll tell you the truth whether you like it or not" connotes a kind of bravery that is sadly lacking in many sectors of society, even the so called "Truth movement" itself. Pete goes into detail about Alex Jones, how he was his inspiration (and Vinny's) for getting into radio in the first place, and how many details began to surface that made Pete extremely suspicious of the InfoWars platform and Alex Jones as a whole. A truly gut wrenching, heart breaking interview to listen to. ![]()
1 November 2012, Billy McKee and Casper Leitch, Taking Time 4 Hemp With An Ankle Bracelet On.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Billy McKee
www.greencross.org.nz Casper Leitch www.time4hemp.com Cannabis prohibition is only one issue, but one that has a tremendous flow on effect to the economy, the health sector, law enforcement & thus the community at large. We speak openly and honestly about the reality around Cannabis, and how its legal status is what causes harm, not the plant itself. Ask yourself, do you know anyone that's ever used cannabis? Then ask, Do you want to see any of them go to jail? It's time to change the law. ![]()
31 October 2012, Truther Infighting and Irrelevant Elections, We Should Be More Caring and Open.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: A bit of a rant on truther infighting and how so many of us have egos and rudeness that undermines the ideals we should be striving for together.
Let's come together on the points we agree and leave the rest for another time, preferably a time when we're not facing subsequent extermination at the hands of the military industrial complex. Also how fracking irrelevant are the US elections? You got 2 candidates who support the New World Order agenda, none of the third parties get a chance on the podium, and none of the problems of THE PEOPLE ever seem to get solved. With the World Series of Baseball, the NBA starting up, Hurricane Sandy, Halloween, Daylight Savings and The election all falling within the same time frame. ![]()
30 October 2012, Clare Kuehn, Was Paul McCartney Killed and His Shoes Filled?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Clare Kuehn
Hurricane Sandy has decimated and inundated the east coast of the united states and meanwhile we're on here discussing a range of topics from JFK Zapruder Film fakery, to 9/11 Vancouver Hearings, to Entertainment Industry Conspiracies and Hurricane Sandy, with a special segment on PID, or Was Paul McCartney replaced in 1966 ... something that happened back in the day that is so strange and disturbing that most people instantly switch off without looking at any of the very compelling evidence. Physical and photographic evidence, the disinformation and the real information! ![]()
29 October 2012, Richard Alan Miller, SEAL Super Soldiers, Fukushima And The End Of Japan?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Richard Alan Miller www.richardalanmiller.com
Coming from a Physics background then went into the realm of consciousness. After being out of the military and research community for 35 years as a "dirt farmer" when he met Dr. Nick Begich he came back to tell what he knew about SEAL team 1, Consciousness, space travel, Fukushima, Food and farming, why we must become "food preppers" and be schooled in urban survival. ![]()
26 October 2012, Douglas Dietrich, Homeless Veterans, Did The US Lose WW2 Due To Fear Of Japanese Bio Warfare?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Douglas Dietrich www.douglasdietrich.com
A Former marine and DOD librarian, revealing a scam by the US military to put black marks on combat veterans to ensure they couldn't get jobs and would have to go back into military service to train other soldiers that had no combat experience. Also the true story behind the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear explosions and how they were in fact a monumental failure for the United States, did Japan have extremely advanced bio weapons that forced the US into a peace deal. ![]()
25 October 2012, Police Commit Crimes And Tell The Public To "Trust Us"
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Breaking down how the police truly operate, as a criminal gang with a monopoly of force, deployed by a tyrannical system to enforce fraud and revenue generation upon us, the people, the slaves.
The Drug War as it is used upon children to make them despondent and rebel against society to turn them into the next generation of criminalized youth, "the revenue generation" Finally a new study has emerged debunking the long held myth that Women's negative moods are caused by PMS, but rather by their social status, health, relationship status and emotional well being to begin with. ![]()
24 October 2012, Kent Bain, Kris Millegan, Authors of The Most Dangerous Book In The World 9/11 As Mass Ritual.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Kent Bain www.themostdangerousbookintheworld.com
Kris Millegan www.trineday.com The most dangerous thoughts, the strangest occult knowledge, the real meanings of 9/11 Was it a mass trauma ritual in the practice of black magic? Secret societies and symbols, dates and times, places and names, a trail is left behind that Kent and Kris have uncovered, it was inevitable that someone would write THE book about 9/11 and it's occult meanings. If we do not understand, if we do not see, we will not be able to prevent another 9/11 (times 1000!) ![]()
23 October 2012, Christopher Greene, David Sloma, Alternative Media Power, Is It Dangerous? 2012 Predictions, Anything To It?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Christopher Greene www.GreenewaveRadio.com
Are we corruptible as Alternative Media? How old and dead is the mainstream media? Will we at some point be the driving force behind global communication and what challenges does that produce? Hour 2 David Sloma www.davidsloma.com An Author, Film maker and truth seeker, talking about what is really important in life, avoiding being depressed by getting good things done! ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
23 October 2012, Christopher Greene, Greenewave Radio on American Freedom Radio
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Christopher Greene www.greenewave.com
Do truther journalists need to clean up their act, dress nice and use manipulation techniques to expand the audience? If so how far should we tread down such a slippery slope? The mainstream media is a dying creature because of its top down hierarchy, people are far more capable of starting their own news organisations than they are getting a job at a credible news outlet. ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
22 October 2012, Charlie McGrath, Wide Awake News on Rense Radio Network?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Charlie McGrath www.wideawakenews.com
A dynamic Duo, young, vibrant, dedicated, Vinny and Charlie take the news and rip it up. ![]()
22 October 2012, Charlie McGrath, Do The Elections Even Matter Any More?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Charlie McGrath www.wideawakenews.com
Covering todays news, the election and why we should probably be boycotting the whole rat race to the finish anyway. ![]()
19 October 2012, Alfred Labremont Webre, Judge at 9/11 tribunal, The Truth, Time Travel Revealed.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Alfred Labremont Webre www.exopolitics.com
After being a Judge on the 9/11 Tribunal, Alfred was attacked for bringing into the debate testimony from Andrew Basiago regarding foreknowledge by Donald Rumsfeld of the 9/11 attacks during time travel experiments in the early 70's. In the second hour Alfred divulges information based on his role as a futurist about 2012, and the parts played out through predictions, prophesy, Psychics, time travel, planet x, aliens and personal responsibility. ![]()
18 October 2012, Foster Gamble, The Thrive Movement Is Growing Globally Through Free Energy And Free Association.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Foster Gamble www.thrivemovement.com
Not an interview, but a conversation between Vinny and Foster, exploring the areas we feel are most important for people to understand. Love and Fear, Libertarian and authoritarian, collaboration and competition, Creativity and Destruction, Coincidence and Synchronicity, Laughter and Depression. This show will show you a much deeper understanding not only of the Thrive Movement but of the kind of guys Foster and Vinny Really are! ![]()
17 October 2012, Nancy du Tertre, Romney vs Obama debate break down and Skeptical Psychic On The Nature of Intuition.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Hour 1 Vinny Breaks down the Presidential debate between Romney and Obama and how it relates more closely to tight lipped mafia secrecy than a genuine political debate.
Nancy du Tertre www.theskepticalpsychic.com Are we all potentially Psychic? What is the science behind intuition and how it is possible for anyone to train and develop their abilities. ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
17 October 2012, The Short End Of The Stick With Mike Harris on Republic Broadcasting
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Mike Harris
www.republicbroadcasting.org/m_harris.html www.veteranstoday.com/author/harris/ Vinny and Mike compare notes for 2 hours on the differences and similarities between the United States of America and New Zealand. How our economies are destroyed, our free elections corrupted, our water food and air getting poisoned, our freedom and independence of all forms are not only reaching extinction, but might also be reaching a critical mass tipping point that will overwhelm and dismantle the globalists plan for world domination. ![]()
16 October 2012, Miss Tila Tequila, Scary Things Behind The Scenes Of The Entertainment Industry.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Miss Tila Tequila www.misstilaomg.com
Coming from Singapore to the United States Tila was discovered by a Playboy scout & quickly shot to notoriety and became the most popular myspace personality of all time! Fame, fashion, modelling, television, music and many other areas of the entertainment industry. She has amassed a huge following of her own accord and when she began to speak publicly about the Conspiracies the problems began. Almost run over, threatened, hacked, banned from facebook, websites being taken down, phone ringing off the hook with abuse, gang stalking, trolls, phones tapped, the whole 9 yards! Incidentally, this is THE most technically plagued show we've ever had in more than 2 years of broadcasting, weird or what? ![]()
15 October 2012, Alan Abbadessa-Green, Science Behind Meaningful Coincidence & Synchronicity.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Alan Abbadessa-Green www.TheSyncBook.com
www.allthehappycreatures.com The world is both physical and metaphysical, not one or the other, you can either move a chair in 2 seconds or study to be a telekinetic monk for 60 years and then move the chair. We must take some responsibility and be aware that meaningful coincidences in life are extremely important to how we interact with other people and the world itself. A revealing and insightful interview on the nature of psychedelics and intellectual evolution. ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
13 October 2012, United We Win Minithon with Alan and Steve OYM Ireland
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Alan and Steve www.oymirland.com A quick rap about Hone Harawira and the removal of state houses in Glen Innes revealing the methodology that is used to fulfill Agenda 21.
12 October 2012, Eric Dubay, The Atlantean Conspiracy Synchronicity and Quitting Your Slave Job.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Eric Dubay www.atlanteanconspiracy.com
A Vegetarian, Martial Artist, Spiritual teacher with a very popular website, he's just started to experience what it's like to start earning enough to live on without submitting to employment at a slave job. An unconventional interview with Vinny and Eric simply trading stories and having a conversation about what happens when you let go from the system, synchronicity ensues and provides you invariably with everything you need. ![]()
11 October 2012, Andrew Basiago & Bernard Mendez, Time Travelers With Chrono Visors, Clearing the Air About 911.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Andrew Basiago www.projectpegasus.net
Bernard Mendez www.UFOQandA.com 2 men involved in secret time travel projects, with a host of stories on the strange, weird, wonderful and terrifying world of teleportation and mind control. Revealing the reality of what happens when you tell the truth, unbelievable as it might sound, chips fall where they may. The goal is to get these technologies made public for the betterment of mankind. Men with clean records and credible insights that corroborate many other stories, Andrew also takes special mention to his persecution by members in the 911 truth movement over Alfred Webre, and his comments at a recent 911 conference related to Andrew, his testimony pertained to prior knowledge of the event by non other than Donald Rumsfeld. ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
11 October 2012, The Unsolicited Opinion with Maggie Roddin on Orion Talk Radio Network
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Maggie Roddin www.oriontalkradio.com
An hour with a few laughs about strange numbers with occult meanings and how Vinny is trying to help people escape the horrific reality of the New World Order with comedy. ![]()
10 October 2012, Tom Fyler, Financial Insider Exposes Derivatives Fraud and The Agenda to Destabilize America and The Middle East.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Tom Fyler http://www.valuesinvest.com/
A wall street insider with a conscience and morality. A long history of investment advisory in natural resources on the global market. His in depth experience allows him to shed light on a number of issues, the situation in the middle east with invasion and economic imperialism, Derivatives, The New World Order, How to survive and wisely invest during the financial crisis ahead. ![]()
9 October 2012, Greek Financial Crisis and New Zealand Bene Bashing.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Today the news as always is bad.
When a free Greek cannot protest against the EU and Angela Merkel without fear of arrest. When Christchurch residents get charged $250 extra per week for a dilapidated bungalow. When an old former pipeline worker with one leg can't get food from the Work and Income office for 2 weeks because they are forcing him to undergo a budgeting service regularly. Something is definitely VERY wrong. ![]()
8 October 2012, Lada Duncheva, The Lost Occult And Esoteric Tools And Teachings Of Astrology.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Lada Duncheva www.astrolada.com
Coming from Bulgaria, a country with a strong spiritual side gives a unique perspective of the world, including her father being involved in politics after the fall of communism, experiencing threats and conspiracy first hand. Having had teachings in astrology from experienced masters on methods that are 1000's of years old, she's become a holistic, esoteric, astrologer familiar with the occult. ![]()
5 October 2012, John A Rush, Christian Mushrooms References, Spiritual Tattoos, Obama Must Be Tripping.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: John A Rush http://www.clinicalanthropology.com
Was Jesus really a mushroom? Are the laws forbidding hallucinogens designed for control and not safety? Obama will destroy America through socialism, healthcare and insane economic policy. Also how tattoos reflect your spirituality and personality. ![]()
4 October 2012, Mike Harris, Rebuilding America, End The Fed and Bring Manufacturing Back home.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Mike Harris http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/harris/ A 30 year top level manufacturing executive, ran for Governor of Arizona.
Mike has a keen eye on banking, the economy, drug trafficking, free trade and restoring America, not to her former glory, but a whole new era of prosperity. Listen to his radio show 5 days a week on RBN http://www.republicbroadcasting.org/index.php?cmd=B.hosts.gethost&HostID=86&backURL=index.php?cmd=B.programs ![]()
3 October 2012, Jan Irvin, A Methodology For Telling Fact From Fiction, The Trivium.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Jan Irvin www.GnosticMedia.com This show makes me feel stupid and enlightened at the same time.
Jan Irvin is an author and critical thinker to rival any other, his discovery and dispensing of the Trivium. It's meant to give people the power to figure out what is true from what is fiction in any situation by asking the simple questions like: Who, What, Where, When, Why and saving How, for last. ![]()
2 October 2012, Mitch Santell, Producer Of The Vinny Eastwood Show Is Now A New Zealand Illegal Immigrant!
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Mitch Santell www.afteramerica.wordpress.com
Producing Vinny Eastwood for nearly 3 years and pushing hard for the truth movement in America from here in New Zealand. Now due to a technicality, after paying $7000 to immigration, they are telling him to leave before he is arrested and deported! ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
1 October 2012, Help the world by yourself if necessary, Vinny Eastwood with Alex Hunter and Werner on These Changing Timez Radio
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Alex Hunter www.youtube.com/captainchemtrail and Co-Host Werner have a great show!
Chatting about the issues that really matter, how chemically toxic our environment has become and how important it is to cope with the situation through humour. ![]()
1 October 2012, Suzanne Borho and Charlie McGrath, Cancer Cures, Youngevity Products, Tasty Emergency foods.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Suzanne Borho http://www.youngevityonline.com/way2health
Tells of some cancer cures, her own struggles with her health and Youngevity products that not only improved her standard of living but energy to live life to the fullest. Charlie McGrath http://www.buyemergencyfoods.com/best-value-freeze-dried-food.aspx comes on briefly in the final segment to bring some attention to the global food shortage and hyper inflation that is coming and urges people to get some emergency food supplies, to secure a clean and long lasting stash to freeze food costs now. ![]()
28 September 2012, Neil Slade, Tickle Your Amygdala.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Neil Slade www.neilslade.com
The brain is complicated and often misunderstood as a result, what powers can we unleash by simply understanding the true unfathomable potential of our minds? ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
28 September 2012, How To Beat The NWO At Their Own Conspiracy,
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See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
27 September 2012, The Kim Dotcom Saga Reveals Our Governments Are The Terrorists. Vinny Eastwood on Wide Awake News with Charlie McGrath.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Charlie McGrath www.wideawakenews.com We discuss how hard it is to live life as the huge quantity of draconian laws and actions pour upon every nation.
Discussing the Kim Dotcom case in New Zealand where an entrepreneur is terrorized by New Zealand police at the behest of the FBI, indeed this radi has been found to be illegal and the Prime Sinister John Key knew about it, and has issued a public apology. ![]()
27 September 2012, George Kavassilas, Our Universal Journey.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: George Kavassilas www.ouruniversaljourney.com.au There are many dimensions, many species, many forms of life.
Are we entirely sure anything we know is true? From a certain pint of view and personally being contacted by other entities and species George explains some methods of life born of a rich history and guidance. ![]()
26 September 2012, Alex Hunter, Captain Chem Trail And The Amazing Technotronic Control Grid.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Alex Hunter www.youtube.com/captainchemtrail talking about a huge chem trail attack that happened yesterday in Canada where I giant cloud of black chaff like "the nothing" from The Never Ending Story, literally chased him and little school girls down the street making them run for cover with pigtails and little lunch boxes flying in the breeze and all!
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
The Dark Occulted Mysticism Show with Vinny Eastwood and Frater X
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Vinny and Frater get very real, very deep and very funny in this one hour mash up of comedy, conspiracy, symbolism, secret knowledge, mystic philosophy, movies and scumbaggery.
1st episode in a weekly show available here on The Vinny Eastwood Show Archives. ![]()
25 September 2012, Arnaud Wylie, Remedy For Judicial Fraud.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Arnaud Wylie from www.actsinjunction.info talking about systems being put in place whereby the innocent go free and the guilty get punished is simpler than one would think.
Yet it is so convoluted, so wrapped in symbols and mysticism, how do we know where to begin? Remedy for Judicial Fraud. ![]()
24 September 2012, Katherine Buckalew and Rand Porter, Truth Connections and Empathy Towards Others.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Katherine Buckalew and Rand Porter www.blogtalkradio.com/truthconnections co-hosts of the Truth Connections radio show. Telling the story of their lives and how they woke up to the fact that the world is not as it seems, Katherine worked on wall street, Rand used to live in a haunted house! It just goes to show that we all come to the truth in our own way.
Join their facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/209978512422233/ ![]()
21 September 2012, Penny Bright, New Zealand Socialist Movements Infiltrated?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Vinny explains the agenda behind Guerilla Media and The Vinny Eastwood Show, it's about giving the activists the coverage they deserve, it's about getting people to make their own independent media.
Also the "Truther Business Network" idea to get truthers who own businesses to have a kind of Yellow Pages providing all sorts of different services to support small business and force out the NWO cartels! Hour 2: Penny Bright www.waterpressure.wordpress.com Exposing Linda, a possible infiltrator involved with Occupy Auckland and New Zealand is not for sale, her company CONSENSUS LTD claims to "minimize risk to business", is this true? Linda will not answer. ![]()
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20 September 2012, Pastor Lindsey Williams, The Fed Now Owns Your Homes, Collapse Will Start Soon.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Pastor Lindsey Williams www.LindseyWilliams.net Reveals some very startling information on the Federal Reserve's moves to devalue the US dollar, foreclose on all remaining US mortgages and rent all homes back to their owners.
They will make up $40 billion dollars a month to buy mortgages, then use fractional reserve lending and the derivatives market to destroy the currency so they can bring in their New World Order and the one world currency. Today's short clip is an intensively edited version of the whole show with only the good info left in, about 25 minutes total, please spread this around and warn people! This must be stopped, by any means necessary. ![]()
19 September 2012, Art Olivier, Operation Terror, The Movie About The Terrorists In Government Planning 9/11
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Art Olivier www.OperationTerror.com A former city council official who has been shot at and had a rental property burned down by his political enemies. Even sabotaged by the Arnold Schwarzenegger campaign team when running for governor of California!
he has now made a fictional film that is based on the real evidence of 9/11 and how the government intelligence agencies planned and executed it and what they really hoped to gain. ![]()
See more! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-on-other-shows.html |
18 September 2012 James Corbett on Republic Broadcasting Network
![]() Corbett's NUTShell: They don't call it a New WORLD Order for nothing. Tonight on the program we travel around the globe to New Zealand to talk with local alternative media personality Vinny Eastwood of www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com about activism, humor and defeating the NWO.
www.CorbettReport.com www.RepublicBroadcasting.org ![]()
18 September 2012, Dr. Janet Hull, Aspartame, The Sweet Deception Conspiracy.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Dr. Janet Hull www.JanetHull.com An environmental researcher who uses documents to prove her claims, not opinion. Aspartame is an incredibly dangerous substance that breaks down in the liver like alcohol and causes headaches, cancer and many other terrible health complications which the drug companies are only too happy to profit off as they treat the symptoms without letting you know that you're poisoning yourself! ![]()
17 September 2012, Frater X, Plus Vinny's Socialism Rant & Why No One Can be Entirely Trusted To Do Good, Even Me!
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Frater X www.TheMiddleChamber.com Comes on in the final few segments to chat about a lil' dark occulted mysticism, his new shows and collaborations coming up with both James Wright and Vinny!
Also Vinny gets a bit high and mighty then does a bit of commie bashing and begs people not to trust me implicitly but be suspicious and aware, otherwise we might all become the monsters we fight against. ![]()
14 September 2012, Angela Forman, The Gourmet Soap Kitchen & Schools Genocide Against Kids.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Angela Forman www.GourmetSoapKitchen.com It's amazing how much damage soap products can do you you and conversely how much real naturally made soaps can make a difference to your health!
September 13 2012, Vinny Eastwood with Patrick Lynch, The Free Truth Show, Chem Trails 9/11 and Freemasons in control of NZ
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Patrick Lynch www.thesechangingtimezradio.ning.com Brings on Vinny for an hour to talk about Chem Trails, also we touch on 9/11 how the 3 theories of controlled demolition, Nuclear devices and Directed energy weapons may have been used in concert to confuse, to divide and to ultimately conquer the truth movement.
Later in the broadcast Vinny points out some of the masonic and occult symbolism on New Zealand money and how the 3 most powerful jobs in New Zealand- -The Prime Minister, John Key, -His coalition partner John Banks, -Super Mayor of Auckland Len Brown are ALL high ranking Freemasons! ![]()
13 September 2012, Jonathan Eisen, Katherine Smith, Protest against Vitamin C Suppression, UNCENSORED Magazine and The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Jonathan Eisen www.uncensored.co.nz There is a censorship and suppression syndrome that dominates major institutions, particularly media. Jonathan Eisen created UNCENSORED magazine that covers the news that the media will not.
This weekend Jon has organised a protest outside Auckland Hospital to bring attention to the suppression of Intravenous Vitamin C that saved the life of Alan Smith and is now being denied to other patients who are literally dying because the hospital refuses to use the treatment that would save their lives. Facebook event for protest: https://www.facebook.com/events/328427427253078/ Hour 2: Katherine Smith www.NaturalMedicine.net.nz Editor of The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine, a trained herbalist and author, Katherine tells us of Black Salve and the removal of tumors, How Bras are connected to breast cancer and why simpy getting health information out can save peoples lives. ![]()
12 September 2012, James Robert Wright, Secrets of the Scottish Rite Sentinel Program And World Domination Plot Revealed
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: James Robert Wright www.facebook.com/OccupyFreemasonry
This former (payed!) Scottish Rite Supreme Council insider turned whistle blower is on a mission to expose the worlds largest secret society, its beliefs, its secretive techniques and the god of their beliefs are. You can purchase his book here: http://newfalconbooks.net/oscom/product_info.php?cPath=27&products_id=155&osCsid=8f11c272ad94fb3163bc197fccf607e1 ![]()
September 11 2012, Charlie McGrath, Vinny Eastwood, Eric Lovely, Susan Lindauer
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Charlie McGrath www.wideawakenews.com
Eric Lovely http://sovereign-citizen-blog.blogspot.co.nz/2011/07/reclaim-your-sovereignty-eric-lovely.html Susan Lindauer www.extremeprejudiceusa.wordpress.com 9/11 11 years on, some reflections and testimony from the wonderful Susan Lindauer a CIA asset whistle blower on how much foreknowledge the CIA had about the event and how the Bush Crime Family along with Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney orchestrated the event as a cover and deception plan. ![]()
11 September 2012, Charlie McGrath, Has anyone been punished for 9/11 yet? What has the Truth Movement Achieved?
![]() Charlie McGrath www.wideawakenews.com
It's been 11 years, what have we accomplished? Well let's quantify that, how many of the 9/11 criminals are in jail or executed? NONE, Khalid Sheik Mohammad doesn't count, I'd admit to anything if I had electrodes on my testicles! There are many conspiracies to uncover, 9/11 is just one of them, a crucial piece of the puzzle, but not enough for the whole picture by a long shot. Now I know what it's like to be a JFK researcher, having a public event so obvious and odious that as the years go by exposing it loses relevance and it fades into effective obscurity amongst public awareness. ![]()
10 September 2012, Jack Allis, Stop waiting for 2012, Find Out Who You Are NOW.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Jack Allis www.JackAllis.com
Author of PROPHESY, CHALLENGE & BLESSING Visions of 2012 & the Shift Explores the world with different eyes, as a former psychotherapist Jack has a way of speaking that calms and soothes as it enlightens. ![]()
7 September 2012, Albert Burgess, Arrest England's Politicians and Hang Them From The Neck Till Dead.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Albert Burgess www.acasefortreason.org.uk A veteran English constable, now a french polisher and author of "The Laymans Guide To The English Constitution" Albert is now gaining traction among police stations in the UK in an effort to arrest parliamentarians that have been charged with treason.
The evidence has been presented, the conclusion is clear, why has the war criminal Tony Blair not been arrested? Because there is not enough pressure on England to kick the notorious English fighting spirit in to action. ![]()
6 September 2012, Mitch Santell Producer of The Vinny Eastwood Show on Wide Awake News with Charlie McGrath
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Mitch Santell www.afteramerica.wordpress.com The somewhat fabulous producer left America years ago because he saw what was coming down.
His blog "After America" which he writes articles for regularly is an attempt to not only keep Americans informed, but an attempt to save America. Now living in New Zealand, Mitch does what he can to help Vinny Eastwood by cheerleading and producing. ![]()
6 September 2012, Rosa Koire, Agenda 21, The Global Control Network Cannot Be Escaped, But It Can Be Beaten Locally.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Rosa Koire www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com This is real, it is not a conspiracy theory it is a conspiracy fact, Agenda 21 is here, if you've not seen it, you don't know what to look for. Ever seen a city council meeting that just gives money away to private contractors with no checks and balances while the members of the public get ignored? AGENDA 21
Ever seen an education system that dumbs down the population? AGENDA 21 Ever heard of public private partnerships? AGENDA 21 Ever heard of Sustainable planning? AGENDA 21 It is the UN's Agenda for the 21st century to control all resources, all life, all freedom, forever, so get busy resisting at the local level, because there is no Switzerland. ![]()
5 September 2012, Keith Hunter, Mysteries Of Ancient Knowledge
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Keith Hunter www.Ancient-World-Mysteries.com Was there an ancient civilisation that had advanced knowledge of the heavens and a global network of Pyramids supplying its electricity?
There are many technologies that the ancients used that are far in advance of what we use today, with more knowledge of celestial events and even how to predict earthquakes years in advance. ![]()
4 September 2012, Neil Henderson, Climate Realists, Penny Bright, Asset Sales
![]() Neil Henderson (left) Penny Bright (right)
Vinny's NUTShell:
Neil Henderson www.climaterealists.org.nz Detailing the impact of climate legislation on farming viability and also bringing Lord Christopher Monckton to New Zealand! Penny Bright www.waterpressure.wordpress.com Exposing the economic insanity and wholesale corruption regarding New Zealands "Partial Privatisation" and how we can fight back by switching off from the power companies as customers! ![]()
31 August 2012, Roxy Lopez, The Truth Gets Denied, We Just Need To Realize The Lies
![]() Roxy Lopez www.TheTruthDenied.com
Vinny's NUTShell: Roxy Lopez www.TheTruthDenied.com When you've been researching UFO's for 35 years you get used to the reactions you get from people in denial.
It's time we stopped living in denial of our own human potential, we are capable of more than we think and we have nothing to lose that "THEY" aren't planning to take from us anyway! ![]()
30 August 2012, Kevin Barrett, Time To Save America,
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29 August 2012, James Corbett, Japanese Society A Blueprint For The West? J Solli, MC Against The NWO
![]() Vinny Eastwood (left), James Corbett (center), J Solli (right)
Vinny's NUTShell: James Corbett www.CorbettReport.com From Canada to Japan, waking up to conspiracy and using the media of today to that woke him up to help others wake up too!
Hour 2: J Solli www.JSolli.com A hip Hop artist with a deep connection to his craft and whatever it is that gives an artist their inspiration. ![]()
28 August 2012, Walter Willis, I Saw Aliens As A Child, Now I Worry About The Future.
![]() Vinny Eastwood
Vinny's NUTShell: Walter Willis as a little boy saw a couple of Aliens, having been a Police officer and being confirmed as totally sane, he wrote 4 pages detailing his experiences so he can leave it for the next generation.
27 August 2012, Dr. Antonella Carpenter, I'm Different From A Normal Dr Because I kill Tumors, Not My Patients.
![]() Dr. Antonella Carpenter www.medicalconspiracy.com
Vinny's NUTShell: Dr. Antonella Carpenter www.medicalconspiracy.com Is a qualified Physicist who turned whistle blower while working for the military.
Since then she's been trying (successfully mind you!) to cure cancerous tumors by heating them up gently with a low energy laser, similar to how you would die of heat stroke without getting burnt. For doing this she's been hounded by the medical establishment and a dedicated clique of gang stalkers everywhere she goes. ![]()
24 August 2012, Tony, The FDA & AMA Will Get you KIA.
![]() Tony http://augmentinforce.50webs.com/
Vinny's NUTShell: Tony http://augmentinforce.50webs.com/ Having been researching natural health therapies for a number of Years Tony has a wealth of knowledge to share about keeping disease at bay.
He has even discovered a revolutionary method of deactivating polymer that is found in Morgellons disease and effectively curing it! ![]()
23 August 2012, Anthony Peake, The Science Behind Life After Death & Deja Vu.
![]() Craig Isherwood www.cecaust.com
Vinny's NutsHELL: Anthony Peake www.AnthonyPeake.com When it comes to life after death, Karma and spirituality, there is a wall of both hysteria and ignorance that shields most people from acknowledging the possibility that the mystical and so called "miracles" are in fact easily explained with logic and modern scientific studies.
Be that as it may, science is a religion too and the people you'd expect to know better are in fact the ones holding back the next generation of research and deeper understanding of the human condition, both while living and dead. ![]()
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20 August 2012, John Walls & Terry Kealey, UFO Abductee Says There Is A War Going On Over Earth, Fought By Aliens And Macroorganisms.
![]() John Walls (Left) https://www.facebook.com/john.walls.9277 Terry Kealy (right)
Vinny's NutsHELL: John Walls https://www.facebook.com/john.walls.9277 & Terry Kealey have been friends for nearly 20 years and written a book based on John's experiences as a UFO abductee that were revealed under hypnosis.
There is a war going on in the Universe, Earth will soon go through great changes and we have help from many friendly races that live among the stars as humans go through a great vibrational transition. A startling and intellectually deep conversation. ![]()
17 August 2012, Making Jokes To Survive The Trauma, Frater X, Huge Freemason revelations coming up! America Has a Literacy Problem.
![]() Frater X www.middlechamberfx.wordpress.com
Vinny's NutsHELL: Frater X www.middlechamberfx.wordpress.com Coming up tomorrow a very special appearance from a high level Freemason insider on Fraters show tomorrow 8pm Central Standard Time!
Is anyone else sick of duality? The practice that we always have to be in opposition to something else in order to define ourselves? It is so hard to be free and productive, maintain a cool head and enjoy life when to define a good life one must experience a terrible one. Just a thought, maybe we could educate a generation that is capable of maintaining a society that values the individual and the pursuit of happiness, striking down ruthless criminal sociopathic scumbaggery in perpetuity. ![]()
16 August 2012, Clif High, The Truth about the Earth, the universe, the future and god, The Web Bot Project.
![]() Clif High www.HalfPastHuman.com
Vinny's NutsHELL: Clif High www.halfpasthuman.com Certainly one of the best interviews in the history of the show, and maybe the universe!
Helical model of solar system - 2 minutes in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJlFSaRvtx8 Bhat's view of earth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcIQiyvRH_k Expanding earth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kL7qDeI05U Are we in for massive earth changes? Societal upheaval? An internet blackout? Clif fills us in! ![]()
16 August 2012, Vinny with Christopher Greene on Greenewave Radio
![]() Christopher Greene www.greenewave.com
Vinny's NUTShell: Christopher Greene www.greenewave.com Is hard hitting and in your face as we discuss financial scumbaggery with a special mention of John Corzine and John Key the Prime Sinister of New Zealand and his wall street past.
15 August 2012, Lindsey Williams, Other radio show hosts don't allow me to speak about The Energy Non-Crisis.
![]() Lindsey Williams www.ProphecyClub.com
Vinny's NutsHELL: Pastor Lindsey Williams www.prophecyclub.com In the end, everything comes back to the beginning. The Energy Non-Crisis exposed the realities about oil and how abundant it truly is, how the energy cartels use artificial scarcity to conceal this from the public and jack up prices at the pump.
By all rights we could have America energy independent on Natural gas right now, but instead of harnessing this natural bi-product of oil exploration, (that is clean burning) it is pumped back into the ground in huge quantities! ![]()
14 August 2012, Chrissy McMahon, Expanding your mind for love,
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13 August 2012, Dr. John Beaulieu, Healing the body with tuning forks.
![]() Dr. John Beaulieu www.biosonics.com
Vinny's NutsHELL: Dr. John Beaulieu www.bisonics.com Has a unique perspective on health, after his experience in Bellevue Hospital working for sociopaths and getting shafted like a gold mine, he became an independent combined practitioner with a focus on healing the body through sound.
10 August 2012, Alison McDermott, The unbelievable Fire Burn Doctor can heal severe burn victims remotely!
![]() Alison MCDermott www.fireburndoctor.com
Vinny's NutsHELL: Alison McDermott www.fireburndoctor.org You know remote viewing? Welcome to remote healing!
If you call (Outside US 001)818-332-6445 when you or someone else has received any kind of burn, from a fingertip to your entire body it will start to heal and pain will subside in minutes while you're on the way to the emergency room. You may not believe it but it works, please take the number down and put it on your fridge or cell phone, the service is free. ![]()
9 August 2012, Robert Menard & Peter Valentine, World Freeman Society Needs Your Help!
![]() Robert Menard (Left) & Peter Ross Valentine (Right) www.worldfreemansociety.org
Vinny's NutsHELL: Robert Menard and Peter Ross Valentine www.worldfreemansociety.org are charging forth and giving people the tools to free themselves from the global tyranny system. Rob is in need of help to repair his computer for $400 if anyone can help and also $100,000 to help fund a fund a credible campaign to free the world!
8 August 2012, Vinny with Charlie Mcgrath Olympic False Flags and The Global Awakening
![]() VInny's NUTShell: Charlie McGrath www.wideawakenews.com With so much attention being payed on the Olympics and the possibility of some kind of false flag attack it becomes apparent that it has become largely difficult to plan or even execute false flag attacks any more because of the diligent work of millions of truth activists around the world, an inspiring show! We don't need them any more!
8 August 2012, Paul Wesley, Prince Truth Chaser, Lone Voice in The Streets of Philadelphia
![]() Paul Wesley, Prince Truth Chaser
Vinny's NutsHELL: Paul Wesley aka prince Truth Chaser www.youtube/Princetruthchaser A great interview with a like minded guy out on the streets making every minute count, we don't look to saviors like the white hat society to save us because it ain't over till the fat lady sings!
7 August 2012, Zan Overall, The Wise old man Taboo Topics and the 9/11 Half Truth Movement.
![]() Zan Overall aka Zan the wise old man www.youtube.com/1WOM
Vinny's NUTShell: Zan Overall aka Zan the wise old man www.youtube.com/1WOM discusses Israeli involvement in 9/11 and asks why 9/11 truth organisations won't talk about it?
They say it's for fear they'll lose their credibility, but if you're not telling the whole truth it seems ones credibility might already be destroyed? ![]()
6 August 2012, Mike Billington We Are On The Verge Of WW3, Chris Maple, The Great Culling Needs Your Help To Finish!
![]() Mike Billington (Left) Chris Maple (right)
Vinny's NutsHELL: Mike Billington www.larouchepac.com Reveals that the world is on the verge of economic, environmental, social collapse and world war 3!
Hour 2: Film maker Chris Maple www.thegreatculling.org About to release the first film in the Trilogy detailing the plan to exterminate mankind through water, food and air. Please donate and help Chris finish his film, they need $6500 to pay for sound! ![]()
3 August 2012, John Potash, The FBI and Their Secret War on Tupac and Black People
![]() John Potash www.fbiwarontupac.com
Vinny's NutsHELL: John Potash www.fbiwarontupac.com Has spent a decade studying and investigating the murder of Tupac Shakur and has unearthed a long history of Co-intel pro being used against leaders in the Black community in order to incite conflict and prolong gang violence.
There are links to The Kennedy assassination, 9/11 and Eugenics. ![]()
2 August 2012, Sherriff Richard Mack, How To Take America Back At The Local Level
![]() Sherriff Richard Mack www.SherriffMack.com
Vinny's NutsHELL: Sherriff Richard Mack www.sherriffmack.com A veteran law enforcer that realised the government and local authorities did not obey the law. Now he travels and speaks across America showing how the monster of federal government authority can be stopped by a few local Sherriffs with the bravery to stand up for the principles of liberty and fairness. www.cspoa.org
The hour is late and it is urgent that people get active right now, Donate to good causes like this NOW because disaster and economic depression is on the cards. If you would Like to Contact Sherriff Mack email him [email protected] ![]()
1 August 2012, AIDS and HIV is a Fraud, Liam Scheff
![]() Liam Scheff www.LiamScheff.com
Vinny's NutsHELL: Liam Scheff www.LiamScheff.com
An amazing speaker and deep researcher into the fields of AIDS, HIV and so much more. There is a lot of science that people take as gospel which is in reality anything but the truth! This is one of the most eye opening shows you will ever hear! Did you know about 70% of people would test positive for HIV? ![]()
31 July 2012, Sands Of Time, Sean David Morton, Predictions of 2012 Explained
![]() Sean David Morton www.SeanDavidMorton.com
Vinny's NutsHELL: Sean David Morton www.SeanDavidMorton.com The man so nice they named him thrice!
With an extremely great sense of humour and a litany of life achievements that would make your eyes bulge Sean really does have the inside story on what is going on in the world and where this planet is heading. A truly fabulous interview. ![]()
30 July 2012, Bras Can Kill, Sydney Ross Singer from Killer Culture Dot Com
![]() Sydney Ross Singer www.KillerCulture.com
Vinny's NutsHELL: Sydney Ross Singer www.KillerCulture.com reveals how dangerous bras really are for breasts, they constrict, overheat and basically make you a sitting duck for breast cancer!
This is a very revealing interview that you should share with the women in your life, we do live in a killer culture, encased and enslaved, but there is a way through if we practice what we preach. ![]()
20 July 2012, Banksters Have No Rules, NZ Corruption with Paul Misiuk
Vinny's NutsHELL: Fears about Banksters are more than warranted, considering the elaborate lengths and long lasting influence they tend to have on politics and the global economy.
New Zealand is ironically considered one of the least corrupt countries in the world and yet has a Judiciary system that is capable of making Paul Misiuk go to court 300 times for the same case! ![]()
19 July 2012, Michael Murphy Chem Trails, Ali Mcdermott Miracle Cures for Burns & Max Igan
![]() Michael Murphy, Ali Mcdermott, Max Igan
Vinny's NutsHELL: Michael Murphy www.whyintheworldaretheyspraying.com is less than a month away from the official release of his new film Why In The World Are They Spraying?
Alison Mcdermott www.fireburndoctor.com has the ability to make any severe burn completely heal in a number of hours using a unique consciousness technology. Max Igan www.thecrowhouse.com about to go walkabout around the world to South America and more! ![]()
18 July 2012, How Money is Used to Enslave Humanity with Unlimited Bribery!
![]() Vinny Eastwood www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com
Vinny's NUTSHELL: Breaking down the scumbaggery of banking cartels is no easy task, but by using simple examples from the real world it is easy to understand how the scumbags whom issue the currency are the ones sucking it all up from our very pockets.
17 July 2012, The Polite Ambush, The Shameless Plug and Vinny Begging For Change
![]() Darren Williams "Darrens Alternative Theory"
Vinny's NUTSHELL: Darren Williams http://www.generaljimmy.com/blog/category/darrens-alternative-theory/ calls in for a few segments to talk about a possible false flag event that may happen at the London 2012 Olympics.
Vinny encourages people to get off their ass and make some of their own media, how perfectionism holds you back from getting anything done. ![]()
16 Jul 2012, Joanne Summerscales Miles Johnson, AMMACH, UFO's and Free Energy
![]() Joanne Summerscales and Miles Johnson www.AMMACH.co.uk
Vinny's NUTSHELL: Joanne Summerscales & Miles Johnson run www.AMMACH.co.uk a 1 on 1 interview program sticking to the cutting edge topics with top ufologists and much more based in the United Kingdom.
29 June 2012, Katherine Albrecht, Spy Chips, the mark of the beast and the end of Privacy and Anonymity as we know it.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Katherine Albrecht www.KatherineAlbrecht.com The Author of Spy Chips and a world renowned campaigner, Katherine brings a degree of brilliance and humility to the most terrifying topics.
Do you use cash? Use it or lose it! Do you use Supermarket discount cards? They're tracking everything you spend! Some of the seemingly harmless conveniences we use are in fact a great threat to our freedoms and privacy. ![]()
28 June 2012, Guido, The Plumber and Gas Fitter Who Became a Smart Meter Blocker!
![]() Guido www.smartmeterblocker.com
Vinny's NUTSHELL: Guido www.smartmeterblocker.com They tell you they are going to install them the day they come round! They know when you're asleep, they know when you're awake, it's as if the smart meter companies have a Santa Clause complex!
Your life is under threat, cancer, depression, pacemaker malfunctions, heart problems headaches and the list goes on! I'm sure it's just a coincidence that they're all supposed to be installed by December 21st 2012 on the same day the pentagon has stated that their global surveillance grid is to go live. ![]()
Vinny on Another Show!
28 June 2012, Vinny Eastwood on Truther Girls with Sonia, NZ Legislative Blitzkrieg
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Sonia www.thetruthergirls.com Invites Vinny on to talk about big pharma dangers, how to cure most diseases with a good huge dose of vitamin C and why legal drugs are far more likely to make you violent than any illegal drug!
The current situation in New Zealand is akin to Blitzkrieg, with huge rafts of legislation, treaties, and sweeping powers within the last month alone has destroyed the nations sovereignty more than the last 100 years COMBINED. ![]()
27 June 2012, Alex Jones and Others Being Sued For Libel by Len Horowitz and Sherri Kane
![]() Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane
Vinny's NUTSHELL: Sherri Kane www.sherrikane.com and Dr. Leonard Horowitz www.drlenhorowitz.com have been under attack from all sides, co-intel pro, family, the truth movement, the government and corporations.
They are making a big play by suing for libel all those who have spread lies and misinformation, this includes Alex Jones, David Icke and True Ott. ![]()
26 June 2012, Paul Vickers, New Radio Host Advice By Vinny Eastwood
![]() Paul Vickers CriticalMassRadio.co.uk
Vinny's NUTSHELL: What is your higher self? Why are the government cleansing the Auckland Suburbs of Glen Innes and what tactics are they using?
Paul Vickers www.criticalmassradio.co.uk is a new radio host from Manchester England and comes on for a few segments to ask Vinny advice about how to improve as a radio host. ![]()
25 June 2012, Matt Presti & Robert Otey, The Science Conspiracy TheSecretOfLight.com
![]() Matt Presti & Robert Otey
Vinny's NUTSHELL: Matt Presti www.mattpresti.com and Robert Otey www.feandft.com with their joint website www.thesecretoflight.com Talking about how the Big Bang Theory was created by the Catholic Church and how the entire scientific community is in fact a religion!
22 June 2012, Ryan Dawson, Keeping A Rys2Sense Of Humour Is Essential!
![]() Ryan Dawson www.rys2sense.com
Vinny's NUTSHELL: Ryan Dawson www.rys2sense.com details his ex-pat lifestyle in Japan and his opinions on "kooks" in the 911 truth movement.
This job of being a truther is still a job, and like any other job you have to take weekends off and holidays every year or else you burn out and are no use to anyone. ![]()
21 June 2012, Ian Jacklin, Champion Kickboxer Found Out How To Kick Cancer's Ass!
![]() Ian Jacklin www.ianjacklin.com
Vinny's NUTSHELL: Ian Jacklin www.ianjacklin.com & www.icurecancer.com a Canadian kickboxing champion who found out that cancer can be cured by a number of different natural methods that the mainstream medical industry are desperate to hide.
In the final segment Rick Simpson www.phoenixtears.ca pops in to talk about one of the most effective cancer cures yet discovered, high potency Hemp Oil! ![]()
20 June 2012, William Ramsey, Aleister Crowley Prophet of evil, 911 and the NWO
![]() William Ramsey
Vinny's NUTSHELL: William Ramsey, The occult and magic, psychopathy and scumbaggery, poppy Bush and Barbara Bush, was Barbara one of Crowleys children?
Numbers and their hidden meanings like 7/7 and 9/11, how can we reconcile the fact that occultists rule the earth, is there anything to their beliefs? ![]()
19 June 2012, Trans-Pacific Partnership and State Asset Sales Explained
![]() Vinny Eastwood www.guerillamedia.co.nz
Vinny's NUTSHELL: The incredible lies and manipulation being dished out to people regarding our economic future has set me on fire for a rage rant like you've never heard before!
The background and the endgame is eclipsed in the media by the scumbaggery so it's up to me to get the truth out. ![]()
18 June 2012, Matthew Marsh The Celestial Serpent, Anti-NWO MC, God And Theosophy
![]() Matthew Marsh www.ballanz.co.nz
Vinny's NUTSHELL: Matthew Marsh http://www.ballanz.co.nz/ we all contribute to the world in our own way.
Love and Happiness, important aspects that are often either undervalued or written off as being "new age", the reality of just how powerful we can be is so often kept from us as we get more angry and aggressive, it becomes the only way to turn our world around. ![]()
15 June 2012, The Greek, A Traveler Visiting Earth Taking Notes
![]() Vinny Eastwood www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
Vinny's NUTSHELL: The Greek is a man with a mission, to earn, apply and distribute real useful knowledge.
Fringe science, ancient history, censored history, enlightenment, mind control, evolution, school, atomic structure, god and spirituality, the topics that allow you to understand the TRUE meaning of life. ![]()
14 June 2012, Things Are Tough All Over, Vinny Eastwood, The Truther Councillor
![]() Vinny Eastwood www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia
Vinny's NUTSHELL: Man it can be tough being a Conspiracy Theorist! When you wake up, you have to start your life experience from scratch, because everything you'd seen and heard up to that point, you now realize is a lie.
There is scumbaggery within the movement, and many do not realize just how traumatic waking up really is, nor how to reconcile or cope with the reality of simply being ourselves in a world so full of madness and chaos. ![]()
13 June 2012, Devvy Kidd, Smart Meter Scumbaggery and the Rand Paul Sell-Out?
![]() Devvy Kidd www.devvy.com
Vinny's NUTSHELL: Devvy Kidd www.devvy.com is mounting a big resistance in Texas against smart meters, why? They deform babies, destroy DNA, give you headaches, ringing in your ears, lower your fertility, increase your risk of cancer, cause insomnia and much more!
NZ Cannabis Activist Dakta Green has been released from jail, Vinny breaks down the insanity of prohibition. How can the truth movement unite? What leadership qualities of people throughout history is required to lead and free "we" the people? ![]()
12 June 2012, Erin Young, Naturopathic Medicine vs Psychopathic Medical Industry
![]() Erin Young www.facebook.com/apothecarenz
Vinny's NUTSHELL: Erin Young www.facebook.com/apothecarenz ([email protected]) Had a rude awakening early in life when a diet rich in poison made her sick and a Naturopath made her well again! This started Erin on her journey of Naturopathy, Herbology and also the very frightening ins and outs of the current medical system with Vaccines, Nutrition, Vitamin C, Cancer Cures and many other topics touched on in this broadcast.
11 June 2012, Ryan Dawson, Multi-Media Activist Arsenal, Information Vs Money
![]() Ryan Dawson www.rys2sense.com
Vinny's NUTSHELL: Ryan Dawson www.rys2sense.com Briefly comes on to tell of his background as a US ex-pat living in Japan, writing books, making films and doing radio, the new weapon to disable the enemy agenda is information across multiple mediums!
Vinny gives a background history on American Freedom Radio and also some simple advice on how to make your own radio show and videos, how much easier it is to learn to do things yourself rather than relying on others that let you down. Power and support comes to those who've proven to others that they can handle the responsibility. ![]()
9 June 2012, Vinny Eastwood United We Win Marathon with Dave Corso on Wolf Spirit Radio
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Advice about how to be an effective truther and media activist, why getting along with your family is simpler than most truthers think! www.wolfspiritradio.com
In the final 20 minutes Max Igan drops in to offer some pearls of wisdom. www.thecrowhouse.com ![]()
9 June 2012, Vinny Eastwood on The Middle Chamber with Frater X on American Freedom Radio
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Waking up is a tough one, but isn't it amazing that despite the huge apparatus in place to prevent our awakening yet we still wake up left right and centre! It is paramount to have a sense of humor about you in this movement! www.middlechamberfx.com
June 8, Prometheus Movie Review, I Nearly Passed Out In My Seat From Sheer Horror
![]() Prometheus www.weylandindustries.com
Vinny's NUTShell: It's many decades since the original "Alien" shocked audiences around the world sending them screaming from theaters and making a whole new nightmarish genre that changed film making as we know it.
This recent installment in the Alien saga was exactly what I wanted and expected from Director Ridley Scott, I wanted to feel that same terror and stomach churning that the audiences in the 70's felt, I got more than I bargained for. An interesting element was at the very end of the credits where a copyright claim was made by Weyland Industries 10.11.12 that all characters patents etc were it's exclusive property, website www.weylandindustries.com ![]()
June 7, Janet Phelan, Barbara Hartwell, NAZI Jew Bashing in The Truth Movement
![]() Janet Phelan www.janetphelan.com
Barbara Hartwell www.barbarahartwellvscia.blogspot.com
Vinny's NUTShell: Janet Phelan www.janetphelan.com and Barbara Hartwell www.barbarahartwellvscia.blogspot.com are great researchers who like to get to the truth of things, and in most cases both sides of any argument are wrong and will combine forces to attack those who are correct.
We explore the ideology of Zionism, what is a Jew? Why are people brainwashed into believing an overarching Jewish conspiracy that every single Torah reading Rabbi is in on? Conspiracy has never been the exclusive domain of Jews nor has insanity been the exclusive domain of Jew haters. It boils down like this, if you think someones race has anything to do with their actions or character then you are practicing NAZI style Eugenics and an unwitting servant of the Globalist Eugenicist mafia that wishes to exterminate 90% of the worlds population, which includes YOU. ![]()
June 6, Mehran Tavakoli, The Keshe Foundation, Why Good Technology is Censored or Stolen
![]() Mehran Tavakoli www.keshefoundation.com
Vinny's NUTShell: Aside from a eugenics policy being touted in New Zealand as the solution to child abuse today's show with Mehran Tavakoli www.keshefoundation.com was one of the most intellectually stimulating and wide ranging scientific discussions we've ever had on the show.
New Technology will be available for you in September that makes all the energy to heat your home, generates water from the air and can make traveling to Washington DC from New Zealand in 12 minutes for virtually no cost! ![]()
June 5, Alfred Webre, The Trial of Bush For War Crimes, A Case For Inter-dimensional Justice
![]() Alfred Webre www.exopolitics.com
Vinny's NUTShell: Alfred Webre www.exopolitics.com has been very busy! As one of the judges on a recent war crimes trial, implicating George W Bush and Tony Blair in War Crimes relating to Afghanistan and Iraq.
But they are just figure heads and justice has to go further than just the criminals we can pin down in the 3D dimension we live in. Also:DOPE Inc. How the CIA and "Poppy Bush" crime syndicate smuggles drugs to finance their illegal operations. Is Prince William the anti-christ? Insight into the workings of the intergalactic government. ![]()
June 4, Rick Staggenborg, Evelyn Gilbert and Meegan Manuka, All Nations Under Bilderberg
![]() From Left to Right. Evelyn Gilbert, Meegan Manuka, Rick Staggenborg
Vinny's NUTShell: Rick Staggenborg www.soldiersforpeaceinternational.org Having been a veteran and a patriot it became apparent that the New World Order and NOT the American People were in control of the US Congress and legislators.
Hour 2: Meegan Manuka and Evelyn Gilbert www.aotearoaawiderperspective.com come on to explain the international ramifications of this years Bilderberg group meeting. ![]()
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May 31, Martin Cohen, A Philosopher & Author Studying the Global Human Condition
![]() Martin Cohen
Vinny's NUTShell: Martin Cohen www.the-philosopher.co.uk/cohen has been an Author for some years and witnessed how reading has fallen by the wayside and books becoming less popular the world over.
Philosophy of how to deal with crisis and why people are still capable of rising up and making a difference the world over. Also Vinny gives a detailed breakdown of New World order recruitment and command structure, how they get new members and keep them silent or unaware. ![]()
May 30, Wendy Adams, A Psychempath opposed to Psychopaths from Lightwaves Radio
![]() Wendy Adams www.lightwavesradio.com
Vinny's NUTShell: Wendy Adams www.lightwavesradio.com How seeing her dead friend in school gave her a rude awakening with a stick wielding nun!
How we all have to work together through hard times to get through and the reality about Ron Paul in the US election is a hot button that has Patriots all over the world on edge. Wendy has even started to help Vinny's Pleas for donations and subscribers, your money will be well spent! Please support Vinny at www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com |
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Vinny on Another Show!
May 25, Dr. Mark Sircus Ac. OMD, We're All Fukushima'd Now, How To Detox and Stay Alive!
![]() Dr. Mark Sircus www.blog.imva.info
Vinny's NUTShell: Dr. Mark Sircus www.blog.imva.info has some interesting perspectives on life, living as an American in Brazil trying to write books and save lives using the natural medicines that are available to all, but known by few.
Fukushima has broadly terrifying implications on human fertility and cancer levels, could this be an extinction level event if another reactor goes? How to protect yourself from radiation with cannabis or magnesium oil www.magnesiumforlife.com Curing thyroid problems with drops of Iodine from Nastent from Australia & Lugol's. Why it's important to not take yourself or life too seriously. |
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May 22, Vinny Eastwood, We've already won, we're just going through the motions.
![]() Vinny Eastwood MR NEWS
Vinny's NUTShell: Vinny dishes out some of the best advice for Truthers and how to survive your wake up without making your family hate you.
How to find some great Truther friends to help get through the madness without feeling so alone. We even got 2 callers from New Zealand and one volunteered to subscribe for $5 a month! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr If they can do it, so can you, if you can't do the work exposing scumbaggery yourself, then support the people who do it on your behalf while you still can. |
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May 15 2012, Vinny Eastwood, 6 foot 4", Kiwi, and too big to fail, urgent donations needed NOW!
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: My Girlfriend has been paying my rent and food for the better part of 4 years and she's tired of working hard 5 days a week only to be broke because of me, so she's told me to either pay my way or be on my way.
Because I love her so much I went to get a job to do door knocking for an insulation company yesterday, last night I was on the verge of a panic attack thinking about going back into sales, I left that career path behind for a reason. I don't ever want to go back, only forward, but I simply do not have the resources. I couldn't sleep, so I stayed up till nearly 4am working on an Ian R Crane Video from when he came to New Zealand last year to warn us about the Codex Alimentarius agenda. (Should be finished uploading by tonight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tqOumEU84A) Fortunately with the generosity of the listeners, if I hammer home daily that I need 200 people subscribing to me at $5 per month MINIMUM just to keep the bills paid, eventually I won't have the extra added pressure of unpaid bills, a cranky wife and an empty stomach, then I can get even more work done. In terms of my costs... WEEKLY I need $200 per week in perpetuity, ($150 Rent, $50 food) A $20 per month or more recurring subscription payment really helps. $60 per week in automatic payments MONTHLY $60 per month to pay for unlimited broadband, $50 per month to pay landline fees, $30 per month to pay web hosting charges, ONCE OFF $900 to get a new camera (or the old one fixed) $300 for a mixing board $300 for a new studio mic About $3000 for a new 27 inch iMac Please donate or subscribe at www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com Email Vinny: http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/contact.html ![]()
May 14 2012, Peter Eyre, Banksters try to settle fraud case out of court for $20 Trillion?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: I am in desperate need of my own bail out and I need your help urgently so I don't get kicked out of my home next week! Please donate and subscribe I need 200 people to subscribe at $5 per month ($3.50 USD) to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly, this is not a joke or some ploy I need everyone's help NOW so i can continue doing the show and everything else I'm doing full time. If you can help me please do it now!
Peter Eyre, www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com with news hot off the press that a pair of patriots in the United States have been trying to prosecute the New World Order banksters for massive frauds and allegedly were offered an out of court settlement of $20 Trillion USD! The mind reels! ![]()
May 11 2012, Dr. Ann Blake Tracey, Phd, Deadly Drugs, A Pill To Make Everyone Ill
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Dr. Ann Blake Tracey, Phd, www.drugawareness.org Tells of how huge amounts of strange behavior not witnessed in the first half of the 20th century, road rage, school shootings etc can be linked to anti depressants! The reactions can even make you act out your own nightmares as a woman who loved her children had a waking nightmare and drowned all five of them.
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May 8 2012, Darren Williams, Ron Paul Fever, Convince Me To Vote For Him!
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Darren Williams http://www.generaljimmy.com/blog/darrens-alternative-theory-1st-of-every-month/ From Liverpool England looking at things from a different angle, talking about occult rituals and dance coordinators in major US musicians acts like Rihanna, Jay Z and Lady Gaga.
Followed up by a very sober discussion about Ron Paul, was his great uncle Oswald Pohl? The SS General executed in 1951? ![]()
May 7 2012, Lindsey Williams, Global Currency Is Coming, No One Can Escape The Financial Fallout
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Pastor Lindsey Williams www.prophecyclub.com is about as close as you get to being a real life prophet, not because he communicates with spirits, but because he talks (literally) to members of the Global Elite, who are in their later years of life, and are thinking about what might happen to them in the afterlife. Revealing incredible information that you can take to the bank, it sometimes can take some time to listen to but always worth it. Derivatives are the thing to watch, when they go, the worlds economy goes, and the new global currency will be brought in to replace all the worlds currencies which will all fail simultaneously by the end of 2012.
I theorize they'll deliberately do this on Dec 21st 2012 for maximum affect. ![]()
Vinny on another show!
May 5 2012, Type 1 Radio Lounge, Conspiracy Down Under
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Type 1 Radio http://www.friendshipagenda.com/type_1_radio.html Shares a format not unlike the Vinny Eastwood Show whereby there is no plan, no rules, no taboo topics, unorganized and yet incredibly fun. Some of the best and worst jokes ever made on talk radio must have been said on this show, and of note is the very strange caller talking about the NAZI uniformed pistachio nut tree gunman in 1967. 3 letters came to mind, wtf, and also ffs.
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May 3 2012, Max Igan, New Film Trance-Formation, Santos Bonacci, Recovering from Sabotage
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Max Igan www.thecrowhouse.com and Santos Bonacci www.universaltruthschool.com Max Igans incredible new film Trance-formation is taking off online exposing the trans-humanist agenda and how humans are conditioned from birth to accept New World Order programs.
Santos Bonacci recently had some very savage sabotage to his computer and issues a public apology while exposing the individual responsible! A truly power house show with great insight into the human condition and the condition specifically of truthers and patriots all around the world. ![]()
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Vinny on another show!
May 1 2012, Ninja 1 Radio with Snakeman Jeff, Inaugural Broadcast
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: The First broadcast for Snakeman running his own radio network, more power to him, we should all be making content! www.ninja1radio.com
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Vinny on another show!
April 31 2012, Charlie Lamsons RANT
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: As previously mentioned one of the worst radio shows online, Charlie Lamsons RANT is not for the faint of heart, or the craver of quality for that matter. www.blogtalkradio.com/charleslamson
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April 24 2012. Siobhan of the family Ciresi & Katherine Smith, No Forced Vaccines
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Siobhan of the family Ciresi www.humanitytranscending.com & www.longislandskywatch.com Believes that humanity is shifting and that the legal constraints put upon sovereign beings is a fiction and faced jail for initially questioning the maxims of US law!
Hour 2: Katherine Smith www.naturalmedicine.net.nz & www.noforcedvaccines.org an activist and author gives a brief run down of the dangers of Vaccines, the lies of the Vaccine lobbies and the REAL test conditions that drug companies set up to give skewed results for vaccine reaction. ![]()
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April 18 2012. Cindy Sheehan, Liberals Should Turn on Obama, Blair Anderson Christchurch Gone to The Dogs?
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Cindy Sheehan www.cindysheehanssoapbox.com is due in court tomorrow, not for the first time, and if sent to jail it won't be the first time for that either. President Obama is continuing the same pro war policies as the Bush Regime, Cindy speaks out, she's A fighter, political commentator and a mother trying to get justice for her son, used as a pawn in Iraq to advance the aims of the Military Industrial Complex.
Blair Anderson www.mildgreens.blogspot.com Former Christchurch Mayoral Candidate and Dog expert gives an in depth update on the current state of Christchurch and the endemic corruption that is beginning to embroil the city since the earthquakes as shock doctrine principles are introduced to ensure the city is run from the top down. Finally wrapping up with Cannabis Law Reform, how to stop smoking is as easy as hanging out with a new group of friends that don't smoke! ![]()
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April 16 2012. Debt Free Farming Idea For Crafar Farms, Vinny Eastwood and Liz Lambert
![]() The Crafar Farms are huge, strategic, productive and up for sale to foreign interests. The real facts are not reported in the NZ media, except here!
Liz Lambert is a one woman war machine going up against bankers, lawyers, corporates all while doing a bit of volunteer work helping out the average person. These farms are important to New Zealanders and allowing them to be used by farmers in a debt free way would be beneficial as a model to the entire New Zealand Dairy Community. ![]()
April 14 2012. Vinny Eastwood on United We Win Radio Marathon, Don't In-fight with Truthers! HAARP and more.
![]() A marathon of a show, over 4 hours of talk.
Why it's important to come together on points we agree and save our arguments for another time. HAARP what are its signatures? The Perils of social networks, how people get identified, rounded up and exterminated. The History of the domesticated human, are we really just livestock to the elite? Finding a truther date, are we a lonely movement looking for love? With Vinny Eastwwod www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com Siobhan Ciresi www.humanitytranscending.com Ben Vidgen www.postmanproductions.co.nz Gary Hendershot http://smartscarecrow.blogspot.com and Dave Corso www.wolfspiritradio.com ![]()
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April 9, Vinny Eastwood on OYM Radio Ireland Special Guest Co-Host Dave Corso
![]() Early morning produces a rambled and hilarious hour with great insight into Agenda 21 operations being condoucted in New Zealand and the USA, it's once you realise that even as far away a place as New Zealand has the exact same tyrannical legislations as the UK and USA that you truly recognise that there is nowhere to run from a New World Order
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File Size: | 44363 kb |
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April 4 2012. Bill Wood, The Seal Team 6 Cover Up, How America Created Its Own Enemies
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Bill Wood www.treeoflibertymovement.com Talking about the major stranglehold on the truth about major events and how US Agents are being used to Silence Bill as he continues to put out controversial information form hi unique perspective as a former Navy SEAL.
April 3. Zachary Baker, The Global Government News Network is Growing Exponentially!
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Zachary Baker http://www.ggnonline.com/ A normal person waking up like many others to the truth that mainstream media has simply become irrelevant, and in an effort to replace it with something that is, Zachary created a fabulous website dedicated to getting the truth out and uniting the people!
April 2 2012. Hunger Games Explained & Suzie Occupy Earth, Underhanded Tactics Used Remove the Occupy Protestors
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Suzie Occupy Earth https://www.facebook.com/OccupyAuckla Exposes damning information that reveals high levels of corruption in the Auckland City Council, their corporate control structure being controlled and steered by CEO Doug Mckay to shut down all forms of dissent and allow the city to fall into the hands of private cartels.
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File Size: | 44996 kb |
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Weekend Show!
From Drug Dealer to Radio Broadcaster Vinny Eastwood with Mark Passio on The Oracle Broadcasting Network Mar 25 2012
![]() Vinny is interviewed by Mark Passio, how Vinny woke up and the experiences that lead to quitting work and getting down to business! Why Alex Jones is in many cases a necessary part of peoples wake up and why members of the truth movement should support each other instead of criticizing. www.whatonearthishappening.com
March 23 2012. Henrik Palmgren, Red Ice rocks to the core, New World Order has control of Swedes
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Henrik Palmgren www.redicecreations.com Feels like the world is changing and changing fast, it also appears that the people around us are under the control of a sinister scheme hatched in the very bowels of scumbaggery. But we can all wake up and do what is right, not because we have to, but because we want to.
Special extended Interview!
March 22 2012. Jon Witterick, from debt slavery to freedom, how to get out of debt free.
![]() Vinny's NUTShell: Jon Witterick www.getoutofdebtfree.org Tells of how debt collectors and various wealth harvesting techniques of the financial system can be countered and has even got the letters you will need to send in order to get out of your debts to banks and even government agencies!
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Vinny's NUTShell: Santos Bonacci from www.universaltruthschool.com & Vinny are taking callers discussing the occult and how having knowledge can be a burden that bares very little reward and will indeed make you get ridiculed by those who do not understand you.
Weekend Show!
Radio Free Humanity with Frater X Mar 17 2012
![]() Max Igan, Frater X and Vinny Eastwood focus on the recent increases of draconian legislation regarding censorship across the world.
Hour 2: Brother Zeke Joins the conversation to talk about his bicycle trip across America. http://fraterx.blogspot.com ![]()
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ad_free_9_mar_michael_murphy_why_in_the_world_are_they_spraying_jeanette_hayden_climate_change_vinny_eastwood_show_2012.mp3 | |
File Size: | 44995 kb |
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File Size: | 45000 kb |
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ad_free_5_mar_deek_jackson_fkn_news_craig_power_love_is_deception_vinny_eastwood_show_2012.mp3 | |
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ad_free_1_mar_deborah_dupre_gulf_of_mexico_bp_cover_up_vinny_eastwood_show_2012.mp3 | |
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Vinny's NUTShell: Thomas Sheridan www.thomassheridanarts.com exposing the psychopathic mentality that has infiltrated nearly all of the power centers of our nations. How to recognize it, how to survive it and how to remove the influence of psychopaths from your life.
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ad_free_21_feb_lisa_m_harrison_wild_hunt_vinny_eastwood_show_2012.mp3 | |
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ad_free_20_feb_kent_parker_vic_purkiss_justice_for_robin_bain_vinny_eastwood_show_2012.mp3 | |
File Size: | 45001 kb |
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File Size: | 45061 kb |
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ad_free_16_feb_jack_blood_frater_x_vinny_eastwood_show_2012.mp3 | |
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ad_free_14_feb_cari_lee_ralph_engle_vinny_eastwood_show_2012.mp3 | |
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ad_free_8_feb_jeff_wefferson_origins_of_conspiracy_vinny_eastwood_show_2012.mp3 | |
File Size: | 44989 kb |
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