Kia Ora!
Welcome to the show archives of The Vinny Eastwood Show with Will! Broadcasting "The Lighter Side Of Genocide" 5 days a week, 2 hours a day Live from the Future! For a complete list of all our shows in low quality on American Freedom Radio click HERE |
December 10 with Ricky Ray & Mary Byrne
Hour 1
Ricky Ray the music industry insider blows the lid on the Occult and MK ultra involvement in Hollywood. Hour 2 Mary Byrne from the Fluoride Action Network NZ
December 9 with Gordon Duff & John Galt
Hour one with Gordon Duff we break down the fake assange controlled wikileaks and how intelligence agencies run the world.
Hour 2 with John Galt we break down the financial crisis and define what the heck is quantitative easing?
December 8 with Andrew Bridgman & Steve Hart
FCC moves to regulate news as it turns out H1N1 vaccine responsible for 700% increase in miscarriages. Geo-engineering fighter Andrew Bridgman comes on to chat about geo-engineering contrails. Hour 2 Steve Hart formerly with the BBC now a 9/11 truther in New Zealand.
December 7 with Meriel Watts
Will is back from court having had more time wasted and a slave Policeman he secretly recorded happy to be part of the fake system.
Meriel Watts a scientist from the pesticide action network joins us to talk about the ridiculous amounts of pesticides and poisons in our food and environment. Second hour we discuss Wiki Leaks and the raw milk sellers getting raided by the feds guns drawn!
December 6 with Loren Lockman
The NZ Govt is secretly passing legislation to take our rights away from us and all under the umbrella of the Rugby World cup.
Our special Guest Loren Lockman chats with us about health and the amazing benefits of fasting and what it's like being a truther in the health field knowing the dangers of mainstream medicine.
November 19 with Michael Shaw
The UN Agenda 21 program is a plan for total taxation & total enslavement. The popular belief of the UN is they are a benevolent organisation when that couldn't be further from the truth.
November 18
Will & Mitch take the helm while Vinny is off after the loss of his father.
Ever tried to forget about tyranny for a moment and try enjoy yourself? Invariably something always comes up, it's like you can't stop it!
November 17 with Gordon DuffWill Ryan hosts the show today as Vinny had a family emergency and had to leave the air. Will provided his analysis of the day and shared insights within the truth movement.
Hour two was an interview with Gordon Duff. Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensive experience in international banking along with such diverse areas as consulting on counter insurgency, defense technologies or acting as diplomatic officer of UN humanitarian groups. Gordon Duff's articles are published around the world and translated into a number of languages. He is regularly on TV and radio, a popular and sometimes controversial guest. Gordon Broke the story on air of an ICBM being launched out of Los Angeles, California thought to be a wake up call from the Chinese Government.
November 16 with Doc BeanRecent Nuclear war posturing has been happening as articles emerge of mass grave sites, quizzical missile firings off California and the missing nukes in Israels hands being used to blackmail the US?
November 15
Great day of News and discussion Geraldo Rivera may be coming around on the 9/11 issue? Also a special interview with Louise Simpson who recently was attacked by yellow journalist Matt Chisholm from the "Close Up" program broadcast
October 29
The last show in this time slot Vinny reflects on the trials and tribulations of the show so far and how fun it has been.
The new time slot 5-7PM CST Monday-Friday (12-2pm Tue-Sat NZ) will start in a weeks time as we take a brief holiday in the mean time our best shows are cued up for the week between!
October 28
Total denial by most people allows the same stuff to keep going over and over again, the New World Order follows the same game plan all throughout history. Our society & Social life has become a poison meeting place and a lot of people become a recluse.
October 27 with Doc Bean & Tim Selwyn
Socialism and anti-racism is leading to the rise of brown shirt tactics in America meanwhile New Zealands government bends over for Warner Bros. to get the Hobbit made here.
October 26 with Jeff Mitchell
Civil rights being removed from native reservations in a blatant showing of anti-democratic actions. Aircraft carrier movements around the Persian gulf spark speculations of attacks on Iran. Also our special guest Jeff Mitchell the webmaster of New Zealand 9/11 truth.
October 25 with Vince Siemer
Hour 1
Carbon Trading has started in Ethiopia, I'm sure that stopping cutting down trees will be good for those poor people and the carbon credits will filter down to those who are worst off eh? Occult symbolism of the South American mining accident, the fenix, the 33 miners and the upside down pentagram shirts the miners wear. America in crisis as Agenda 21 gets put into action as 32 states adopt pseudo cap & trade. Hour 2 Vince Siemer joins us live from New Zealand to give us his insight into the lack of transparency & open corruption in the New Zealand legal system. After being arrested coming off the plane several times from the U.S. he became an activist fighting for the people of New Zealand and his children to maintain a free society.
October 15 with James Burns & Wayne Levick
Hour one
Encounters with a slave vs Encounters with a truther with James Burns of Freedom Files Global warming fraud beast is refusing to die gracefully and Vinny gets all deep and ethereal. How to deal with getting rejected as a truther by slaves and other assorted scum. Hour 2 Vinny interviews Wayne Levick about Australia & the rest of the Crown colonies aren't legally allowed to be represented at the UN & how their constitutions cannot enforce basic human rights. The international community is now informed about this and are refusing to release it to the public, Wayne Levick gives us his expert research and legal prowess to sum up the fraud of how we are truly governed.
October 14 with Russell Chittenden
Today's show we discuss Barack H O'Barry and his lazy insanity and ESPN addiction according to a whitehouse insider.
The USA has lost its AAA credit rating and in the second hour we have Russel Chittenden from Ozone solutions in New Zealand about the suppression of alternative health practitioners and the institutional problems with mainstream medicine.
October 13 with Tim Selwyn
We're chatting about the new (oc)cult film "The Last Airbender" which I saw yesterday and Will breaks down some of the symbolism and beliefs behind them. Also today great news that Jonathan Irish has had his daughter taken back by the local sheriff from CPS custody after finding the 3 day old had abrasions and blood around her vaginal area, Jonathan overheard one of the CPS workers say "we're screwed".
Also Tim Selwyn joins us in hour 2 as we speak about child trafficking globally and the new Super City Mayor elect. Plus as predicted there are now calls to amalgamate the south island regions of New Zealand by several high profile southern mayors, ah the tyranny...
October 12 with Doc Bean & Jonathan Irish
CPS (Charming Paedophile Soldiers) are a bunch of eugenicist Luciferian slime bags.
Today a very special show with 2 men who know first hand the tactics they use against truth movement activists by taking their kids in an effort to intimidate and discourage them. We explore the emotional trauma felt by parents, the corruption and lack of transparency in the unconstitutional family court system, the eugenics agenda and even the huge fees paid by child traffickers to purchase children from the courts. This is the most serious show we've ever done, it's the lighter side of genocide, with Will!
The Vinny Eastwood Show October 11
A brief summary of the super city mayoral race outcome reveals that the top 3 spenders got the top 3 voting spots. Surprised anyone?
The Vinny Eastwood Show podcast was so outrageous that we had to censor it ourselves! It will return at a later stage. Debt slave prisons opening up in the US for people unable to pay their legal bills in 13 states. Big Pharma has been ghost writing their studies to recommend deadly and dangerous drugs for hormone therapy treatment. Also the Sun possibly has less effect on the heating of the surface of the earth according to a new study.
The Vinny Eastwood Show October 1
Guess what? Osama is back!
A new video has surfaced with Bin Laden now calling for muslims to support the climate change agenda. Well thank Allah for that! lol Also suspicion, hate and irrational paranoia in the truth movement driving people insane through social withdrawal.
The Vinny Eastwood Show September 30
The freemasons are everywhere! There are hundreds of secret groups and offshoots to freemasonry to recruit the best and the brightest of society, and they wind up in high level government positions. The 6 million strong occult club known as freemasonry is so pervasive in our society that people don't see just how prevalent they are.
The Vinny Eastwood Show September 29
Christchurch Quake, the aftermath of dodgey local council deals with unstable housing has this done unfixable damage to the regional economy?
Will the insurance companies ever pay out to these poor people? What's John Key going to do with his new dictatorial powers that can't be challenged in any court of law?
Vinny Eastwood Show September 28
Media Censorship & you. The false energy crisis pinned on artificial scarcity, gas prices rise when it is for all intents and purposes Do we have the humanity to be able to remain stable in the face of dumb down media censorship? How to not get paranoid and get in fights with your family and friends, get them to listen to the vinny eastwood show lol!
Vinny Eastwood Show September 27
Today we discuss the UN and Barack O'Barry pushing new carbon taxes on the world and the dangers of voting when you don't know your history.
Case in point, climate cultists.
Doc Bean was our very special Guest
He is a major researcher of truth.
December 30 with Queen Elizabeth & Helen Clark
The New Years Eve Special
It's been a long and very awesome year to say the least, we chronicle and take stock on the fun we've been having on the show and the significant events of the year from the oilcano to the Pakistan floods. A big round of applause and thanks to the crew at The Vinny Eastwood Show and may 2011 be a happy new year indeed!
December 29 with Dr. Tim Ball
Qualified & prestigious Climatologist Tim Ball breaks down the slight cooling trend since 98 and how much climate data is manipulated.
December 28 Vinny's Birthday Special
Music in the truth movement is important to help us get more people involved So we play a song or two made by Vinny And another by Rapper Genocide.
December 27
Wikileaks strikes again as Helen Clark is stressing that New Zealands so-called independent diplomacy is now threatened.
Oil companies now more interested in New Zealand due to its "agreeable" government.
December 17 with Leuren Moret
Hour 1 Radiation expert Leuren Moret breaks down the dangerous levels of terahertz radiation from airport scanners, who manufactures them and the agenda to cull the well traveled middle class.
Hour 2 Leuren explains the occult practices of the royals and we give thanks to everyone who helps the show along.
December 16 with Bob Nichols & Sue Bradford
Hour 1 Veterans are getting contaminated by Uranium weapons used in Iraq and the Government won't admit it.
Hour 2 New Zealand is getting into a difficult fight concerning benefits and having much of the blame of economic hardship being placed on beneficiaries.
December 15 with Rev. Ted Pike & Leuren Moret
Hour 1 Today it's all about Zionists and the chokehold they have on US foreign policy.
Hour 2 We have a radiation expert to break down the radioactivity in US and New Zealands water supply!
December 14 with Kerry Cassidy & Dilip Rupa
Hour 1 Kerry Cassidy breaks down the new anti-whistle blower legislation passed by the senate
Hour 2 Dilip Rupa knocks the teeth out of our new supreme court and the false jurisdiction represented by our nations flag.
December 13 with Debbie Morgan
Hour 1 Vinny and Will break down the news in Cancun as the other side of the climate argument is snubbed by media and a 12 year old is arrested for commenting on facebook and put on the terror watch list for wanting to protest his community centre getting shut down.
Hour 2 we interview Debbie Morgan of Camp FEMA, an independent analyser and researcher who consulted on the Police state episode of Jesse Venturas Conspiracy Theory. A hilarious light hearted interview!
December 3 with Bill Turner
What is the legal system really all about? Why don't lawyers have a clue? What is a birth certificate? What is the uncensored history of New Zealand? Bill Tuner lays out his years of research for us on the show!
December 2 with Benjamin Easton
Today Youtube gives 24 hours guarantee on copyright material, the fed was revealed to have given 9 trillion to other banks.
Hour 2 Benjamin Easton gives us his take on the many bus related accidents in Wellington Recently and the corruption responsible for it at executive levels of local government.
December 1 with Penny Bright
The IMF (US) to bail out the EU now?
We also Play a clip from Jim Corr encouraging Irish people to take to the streets. Hour 2 Penny Bright Breaks down her 19 rules of a transparent government & what free trade agreement means for New Zealand in the trans-pacific partnership agreement.
November 30 with Alison White
As people in Wellington get knocked down by buses and draconian food legislation is passed in the senate despite massive protest, we're having a few laughs. 2nd Hour We interview Alison White from the Safe Food Campaign about poisons in New Zealands food supply and how these are concealed from the general public.
November 29 with Joe Carolan
Vinny Is back after a week off saying good bye to his dad for the last time.
Only to find the TSA getting up our skirts and helping to spread disease through touch. Afghanistan throws out a quarter of its votes as fraud. Second hour we have Joe Carolan from Socialist Aotearoa informs us about the deepening crisis in Ireland.
November 22
Isn't it great that you can bust your hump working all day and then come home to flop down in front of the couch and get propagandised as the reward?
November 12
Discussing Freemasons and truthers you randomly meet whilst out partying! Great realaxing Friday show and we're joined briefly by our somewhat fabulous producer to chat about the satan worshipping turncoats in the truth movement.
November 11 with George & Jim
The "Porno Scanners" are a dangerous prospect, not just the radiation bath you take every time you board a plane but also your naked image available for TSA employees on insecure systems just waiting for pedophiles to strike. If you think these scanners will end in airports think again!
November 10 with Chris Van Ryn & Tim Selwyn
Today we interview the returning Chris Van Ryn who was part of a 150 vehicle convoy that breached the blockade of Gaza. Also Tim Selwyn gives his take on recent Draconian Laws that will destroy Journalism in New Zealand & the possible appointment of Helen Clark as Secretary General of the UN.
November 9 with Pam Killeen
Discussing new big Pharma plans to drug peoples pets and the dangers of leaving your health up to doctors & why society can be made better with a little bit of personal responsibility.
November 8 with Leuren Moret
Live with radiation specialist and researcher Leuren Moret from the Depleted Uranium use in the gulf war leading to huge increases in Conjoined twins & illnesses in the middle east, to the HAARP weather & tectonic weapons systems.
October 22 with Pam Killeen
The Pentagon invites 9/11 mastermind for lunch after the attacks and other breaking news!
Our special guest for the full 2 hours is Pam Killeen who co-authored with Dr. Mercola the New York Times bestselling book, The Great Bird Flu Hoax. Her new book is: ADDICTION, the hidden epidemic and we discuss the food supply, misconceptions about fatty foods and vegan diets, the medical establishment being one of the leading causes of death. There are many reasons to watch your diet and exercise routines closely, but even more reasons to be very aware of even minor drugs like Caffeine have on the body.
October 21 with James Burns
Randomness is the spice of life! In dedication to the full moon and the madness that ensues we've decided to do a crazy show.
Monarch Butterflies have been found to treat their young for disease by using beneficial plants. Wolves attack a Russian traffic cop, 2 legged pig learns to walk. The Sarkozy Villainy in France as pension reform pushes the country into chaos. Vaccine Manufacturers have been exposed for not even acknowledging their own warning labels. Thyroid cancer patients get dosed with radioactive iodine at such high levels that when they walk around they set off radiation alarms like they're walking dirty bombs. PLus animal rights campaigners, nice people or psychos?
October 20 with Tim Selwyn
Hour one
The major U.S. Banks are implicated in huge scamming of home owners and fraudulent foreclosures are now a feature of business practice for all the top banks. Aspartame and its carcinogenic history and old Donald Rumsfeld as CEO of Sara Lee getting it pushed through FDA approval. Hour 2 Tim Selwyn from Tumeke joins us for a hearty discussion on the Labour Party Leader Phil Goffs shady right-leaning past as he is now being elevated to Obama status following his latest speech.
October 19 with No CCTV UK
Bankers are forging documents to steal peoples homes and for 2 hours we get to talk CCTV and surveillance. Military Drones now being used for surveillance in the UK for big events and new studies that conclusively prove that CCTV doesn't work to prevent crime.
Who wants all this surveillance? The people don't, but big government god wannabes are certainly keen to track and trace us all through their all seeing eyes.
October 18 with Fred Stewart
Police now targeting people based on race in the UK & cyber warfare now being hyped up in the media while Wikileaks prepares to release 400,000 documents pertaining to US involvement in Iraq.
The Israeli Commando convicted of theft from the flotilla & calls for arrests for large financial institutions committing fraud to repossess peoples homes. Our special Guest Hour 2 is Fred Stewart a business leader in New Zealand very critical of the banking system and big Pharma and the way they run their scams and write the textbooks that govern business in New Zealand and around the world.
The Vinny Eastwood Show October 8
The Super City Elections are over, Aucklanders have been duped unsurprisingly again by the false left/right competition dictated by the media. We all get categorized and today Will & Vinny Categorize the voters of the new mayor Len Brown, who say "I don't know any of his policies, but I'll explain why I voted for him. Also Private prisons in the U.S. now to be used as a source of cheap labor.
October 7 with Penny Bright
Even though the election is rigged and even though we're being ripped off, we can still start a citizens rates revolt to force the repeal of dictatorial legislation like the Auckland Super City which is an Agenda 21 test case.
Penny Bright is an expert in the corruption that goes on in Auckland and she joins us for a full 2 hours. Being a self funded non-corporate stooge she has graciously taken out time from her mayoral campaign to share her knowledge with us here at The Vinny Eastwood Show with Will!
October 6 with Jonathan Elinoff & Tim Selwyn
Interview with Core Of Corruption filmmaker & author of 33 conspiracies that turned out to be true that has 2 million plus reads! 9/11 who did it is still a question although we know roughly how and why the false flag was conducted, we still don't know who. With most of history written by the victors and most of our information approved by the censors can we understand the world at all?
The Vinny Eastwood Show October 5 with Arthur Christian
The system itself is a vast construct of confusion, but now when we walk the talk it becomes clear that whatever goes on, we make something good in our community. No more empty words and fictions it's time for an exodus from the system that misinforms and enslaves us all. Our history has been forgotten and our perceptions are betrayed by slick deception.
October 4 with Rosalind Peterson
Monsanto is taking control of the food supply, small farmers being harrassed by the food mega giant.
People in the gulf of mexico can't say anything about BP after they payed them to keep their mouths shut. Lots of illness is breaking out around the gulf and they are grossly under-reported The Navy will be testing weapons in the gulf now and in 5 years plan to kill 11.7 million marine mammals.
Vinny Eastwood Show September 24
Discussing Lady Gaga's crazy fans and sick demonic performances undermining parents and society's children.
Vaccine bio weaponry being pushed on people lots this flu season!
September 23 with Sheppard Ambelas
Intel Hub Host Shep joins us in hour number 2 to talk about how he woke up and started the civilian intelligence agency The Intel Hub
September 22 With Matthew Stein
Matthew Stein is the author of "When technology fails" about how to survive the coming crisis, the show quickly turned into a hearty debate about global warming, terrorism and various other New World Order programs.
September 21 With Doc Bean
We're talking with Doc Bean about truther infighting, the occult, the gulf oilcano doomsday scenario and exposing the ancient history behind socialism.
September 20 With Daniel New
The UN is taking control of US armed forces, Daniel New is the father of Michael New who refused
September 16 Show with Nicola Grace From Health Freedom New Zealand
Recently High dose Vitamin C treatments are coming to the forefront of the health debate in New Zealand with recent 60 minutes coverage of the issue and the mainstream medical establishment closing ranks to kill the story and incidentally their patients!
Vinny Eastwood Show September 15We discuss the occult, schooling and The UN takeover of the world. Keeping the appreciation for life and what not.
September 14 Show
We're discussing Zeitgeist and throwing in a whole bunch of news to wash it down, are we getting frustrated in the truth movement?
Is humour just a coping mechanism or is it more?
September 11 Show Including Lisa Er from the Awareness Party
As we prepare to go out protesting on September 11 we remember those who are no longer with us. May they rest in peace and may their murderers be brought to justice.
Grace Haden Private Investigator 10/9/2010
Spent 15 years In NZ police was a prosecuting sergeant worked on the front line and in criminal investigations Branch.
Have been a Private investigator for the past 7 years Specialise in verification anti-fraud anti corruption resources and education "I am different to Other PIs because I don’t rely on my police back ground just my own skills and embrace technology" Latest issue is Steven Willce lack of verification, why it happened and why it will happen again – misconception about vetting services. We probably have more people running round with false credentials than we realise because no one checks. Pre-employment screens are done overseas as routine in NZ they are generally not considered.
Vinny Takes On A Huge Day Of News 9/9/2010
Incredible information today ranging from floating nuclear reactors to Tony Blairs disgusting new book Journey. All the worst news about the global pedophile comings and goings and such with a smile!
Christchuch NZ Earthquake Special
The Largest Earthquake in recent NZ history has struck the largest southern city Christchurch and we have an exclusive Eye Witness report from Mayoral Candidate Blair Anderson. Guerilla Media Article here
Stan Deyo Ex-Military & Suppressed technology Researcher From